Into the Woods

able lesson, Jack climbs the beanstalk and becomes rich, the ugly Witch reveals the beautiful woman within.
  During act two, we are shown the aftermath of all these actions: 
Cinderella is not-so-happily married to her womanizing prince, the Baker and his wife have their child but their house is too small and they don't like living next door to a witch, Rapunzel has gone mad, abandoning her prince and their twin babies, and blames her mother (the Witch) for her troubles, Little Red's house is trampled by the wife of the giant Jack killed, sending all of the fairytale village inhabitants "into the woods" to find the answers to their problems.
  These fairytale characters, with their happily-ever-afters, have become subject to real life.  They have problems, just like we do; they have to make their own way, just like we do.  It's a rather safe form of therapy, this amazing
Into the Woods.  If you watch and listen--REALLY watch and listen--you will learn incredibly valuable truths and leave the theater with, perhaps, some tools to use in your own life.
  When we produced
Into the Woods, we saw a variety of responses from our audience which were fascinating.  Some people took it entirely at face value, laughing at the antics of the characters and their befuddled lives.  Others took the whole thing extremely seriously, as if they were the characters themselves, living out the tales as they went along.  Still others thoroughly enjoyed the familiar silliness of act one, then became very uncomfortable with the deep and dark tones of act two.  As we said, fascinating.  If it hasn't been done already, someone should write a book on the psychology of Into the Woods.

Cinderella…Jennifer Cardin     The Baker…Michael Coppola     The Witch…Lise Desjardins
The Baker's Wife…Linda Carter     Jack…Scott Walker     Mysterious Man...David MacGregor
Little Red Ridinghood…Cori McKallagat     Jack's Mom...Debra Marcotte
Rapunzel...Donna Tongue     Cinderella's Prince...Gary Broadbent
Rapunzel's Prince...Donald Tongue     Stepmother...Diane Rush
Granny/Giant...Genni Kurtzman     Narrator...Kevin Murphy
Lucinda...Elizabeth Spead     Florinda...Sarah Kennedy     Steward...Jonathan Schenck
Director...Elaine Gatchell     Musical Director... J. Bruce Gatchell
Accompanist...Adrienne Hounsell

Note:  There are a lot of pictures on these pages.  Please be patient, and enjoy!

"I wish to go to the festival . . ."
Motherless, with a father who is negligent in his absence, and a step-family who abuse and bully her, Cinderella longs for a better, happier life, and feels she may find it within the walls of the Prince's castle.

"Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there lived a beautiful young maiden, a sad young lad, and a baker with his wife. . . ."

"I wish we had a child . . ."
The Baker and his wife long for a child,
but unbeknownst to them, their attempts are thwarted by a witch's curse.

"But, Mother!  Milky White is my best friend in the whole world!"
Jack's frustrated mother tries to convince him that Milky White's useful days are past--without much success.
Jack, who appears to be friendless other than the hapless Milky White, and whose mother is a bit off center, longs for adventure in his lonely life.

"Into the woods to grandmother's house and home before dark!"
Little Red Ridinghood, seemingly without a care in the world, happily skips off to Granny's house to bring her "good food to eat."  She is cautioned by the Baker's wife to take care.

"Greens!  Greens!  Nothing but greens!  Parsley, peppers, cabbages and celery!"  This is a witch straight out of Grimm's fairy tales--really!
She is the embodiment of all evil witches, with a secret which propels the evil she conveys.

"What, child?  Specify . . ."
Although Cinderella's mother is long dead, her spirit lives on in an old tree by her grave in the woods.  When Cinderella is distraught, she goes to the tree to ask her mother's spirit for guidance.  "Do you know what you wish?  Do you know if what you wish is want you want?  If you know what you want, then make a wish."

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