Housing the best of Doctor Lecter erotica fan fiction. Stories rated from R to NC-17. Our goal is to bring together this work and house it in one place. Stories are scattered about through the web and other Lecter sites but only here can you find pure LecterErotica.

Warning: This site is meant for adults and teenagers over the age of 17. Please use caution.

Onto the fiction!!

News for this month: (September):

I will be putting up a links page that will include links to the transcripts of the SOTL Special Edition DVD deleted scenes and bloopers.

There is a rumor that Anthony Hopkins is slated to appear as Doctor Hannibal Lecter in the anticipated RED DRAGON, set for 2002. Brian Cox originally had the role of Lecter in 1986's MANHUNTER, staring tv's C.S.I.'s William Peterson as Will Graham. Edward Norton of AMERICAN HISTORY X is playing Graham in the new film version of Thomas Harris's RED DRAGON, but the role of Francis Dollarhyde (who was played to perfection by Tom Noonan in MANHUNTER) has not been chosen.

As to the truth of the rumors, who can say for sure. Dino De Laurentiis (producer of HANNIBAL, MANUNTER, U-571 and many others) is producing RED DRAGON, and Ted Tally (screenwriter for SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, ALL THE PRETTY HORSES and THE JUROR) is writing the screenplay. I will update with any more news I come across.

News for this month: (August):

Update: Well, the DVD and VHS are out!! I think I nearly popped something when I saw the steeringwheel lick...oh my...even Thomas Harris couldn't imagine anything as good as that! I am the proud owner of the HANNIBAL DVD, (the Special Edition) the SOTL Special Ed. DVD and about three more copies of SOTL...I own too much!!

I've updated the site with a new story- "Hannibal Breaks," by Rube (your's truly...) and soon there will be a semi-massive update and a new page with links...because I know so many of you prefer sounds and clips and such, I'll provide links to that so you don't have to search the web!

Oh, and I was pleased to see that we've reached the mark of 600 on our counter...And for those of you who are LecterFic readers on
FanFiction.Net, it's open again, after a temporary (long seeming) malfunction. I've put some more of my fics in the HANNIBAL catagory, so go check everything out over there!

NEWSFLASH: The Hannibal and Silence of the Lambs Special Edition DVD's are out tommorrow. (The 21st.) I ordered mine...what about you all? Apparently, there is a good amount of Lecter-Neat-Stuff, including that EVER LOVELY steering wheel lick...I missed it on ACCESS HOLLYWOOD, so it'll be a good treat to see. The Lucky/Horrible (wink) drandmrslecter got her DVD earlier then the rest of us, along with a few other people I suddenly hate with a passion...at least until my DVD's arrive...


Hey, the HANNIBAL DVD and VHS will be out really, really soon! Time to start the count down. I have to say, the release could not have come about sooner! I was getting really antsy, watiting for the darn thing. And it was released to theaters in Febuary! You think that they'd get over themselves and hurry everything along.

I've got the support of so many devoted LecterPhiles and mostly all of their fic. Oh dear! There's so much delicious LecterErotica and so little time to put it up on the site! But I'll manage. The darling drandmrslecter has decided that she's going to write all of this good smut constantly and here I am, not able to keep up! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the fic!

News for this month: (July)

We've just opened!! (Does a little happy dance...) I had been meaning to get one of these sites together a long, long time ago but never found the time or energy. I've noticed that with the release of the HANNIBAL VHS and DVD (on August 21st) that many new Erotic stories have come about.

You may ask about the photos used on this page...I'm using ithem because I think they sum up the Lecter/Starling relationship...look at Clarice's face...

Onto the fiction!!
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