LeChugh.com Reviewers
Top 10 reasons to become a LeChugh.com game reviewer
1. Free LeChugh.com Email address, and anonymous email redirector to provide you with a discrete method of contact, (in other words "no spam")
2. You get to be part of the fastest growing game site on the web. And you'll help it to keep growing
3. Your reviews will be read by the internet community and you'll be taken seriously for your "expert opinion"
4. Be largely responsible for the making and breaking of todays hottest and/or dullest computer games.
5. No quotas or minimum to submit, Write reviews when you want and on the games you want.
6. Get listed as a staff member in the upcoming about us section.
7. Being a LeChugh staff member looks good on your resume! (if you word it right)
8. Meet new people who also have a great interest in computer games
9. Gives you a viable excuse to "...be on that computer again...".
10. IT'S FUN!