The Cook's
Hello Everyone,
       I know it's been awhile since I have updated this page.  Sorry to you all who have probably stopped to see new pics.  Anyway,  life here is just that life.  Matt is in Pensacola right now going to school.  He should be home on Dec 23rd.  So lets cross our fingers and toes and pray that nothing happens to change that to a later date.  As far as I can tell he is doind good.  Walking a lot and going to the gym a lot.  He doesn't sound too incrediably borad out of his mind just yet, but he's only been there one and a half weeks, so give it time. 
     The girls and I are doing fine.  Emmi is her typicall self, "Little Body, Big Attitude"  She is learning more and more each day and can now count to three and knows the colors Blue and Greem.  Lissy is getting soo big.  She is cruzzing along the furniture and eating big people food any chance she can get.  She still wont drink for a sippy cup, but we keep trying.
     The weather here is finally cooling off and starting to feel like Fall, YEAH.  I miss all the beautiful colors back home in NY.  The trees out here don't ever change, not like back home. 
      Well I guess that's it for now.  Hope all is well with you where ever you may be.

Love Always,
    Matt, Donna, Emliy and Alissa
Watch our little girls grow!
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