Gerard LeBlond's E-Commerce Tools from Gerard LeBlond

If you want the real, unvarnished truth about ecommerce site design...
Then you'll want to visit
It provides the type of information that Do-It-Yourself ecommerce entrepreneurs crave in order to...

So, if you want to sell info products online (information in the form of ebooks, ereports, ezines and the like) you should visit

You'll find product reviews, and learn how each reviewed tool was put through its paces and which ones past with flying colors.

This is where you'll get the truth about what works and you'll also get the pros and cons associated with each.

Face it.

If you want to build ecommerce sites that sell like crazy you need the best tools available for making online ecommerce sites that attract traffic and rate high in Search Engine positioning while converting your visitors into paying customers and long lasting repeat buyers. Sell info products online with these powerful software and 'how-to' tools reviewed at

Otherwise you risk having a site that

Gerard LeBlond's E-Commerce Tool Box
You can use this site to find tools to build a powerful e-commerce web site that sells products.

I'm talking about sites that work

  • while you're away from your keyboard,

  • while you're partying with your friends,

  • while you're off playing and even

  • while you're sleeping!

Hope you find it useful and... help yourself to any of the tools as you build e-commerce sites that work the way they're suppose to work...
  • smoothly,

  • without supervision,

  • and automatically with only occassional tweaking and fine-tuning!

  • Ad Copy That Sells...
    Ad Copy that Sells write Ad Copy That converts prospects into clients... Compose Ads With Hypnotic Words that Sells for you.

  • Handbook For Creating A Powerful Associate Program
    The Associate Program Handbook by Marlon Sanders.

  • How To Automate Your Site So It Works For You And Not You For It!
    Automate you ecommerce site as explained by Marlon Sanders' Automation Secrets eBook!

  • Business Operational Manual
    You need an operational manual to help you automate and run your business effectively. And, when it's time to bring employees on board you'll need a detailed operator's manual for them to follow so you don't have to be present 24/7 That's 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

  • How To Create Sales Letters For Your e-Commerce Site As Simply As Pushing A Button
    Create sales letters with push button letters software.

  • The Secret To Jumbo-Sized Business Success Is To Have Your Own Products To Offer Your Customers... You Need To Create Your Own Products
    the real money in sales occurs with products that you own the exclusive rights and have piles of back-end products to market.

  • Attract Customers To Your Site... This Is How You Get Publicity
    Getting publicity is a great way to get exposure for your products and businesses and it has the advantage that you don't have to shell out money like you do when you buy ads. One way to get free is exposure is to do what I call the 'Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake High Exposure Tango' first exhibited by Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake half time show super bowl XXXVIII 2004 breast plate ripped off and boob exposed the right one all a big huge publicity stunt and then they did a 'bill clinton' by denying what they had planned and made up a story about what happened.

  • This Is The Success Plan For Getting The Money That'll Run Your Business, Put Food On Your Table and Have Some Left At The End Of The Week!
    Marlon Sanders wrote the definitive book called: 'Gimme My Money Now'!

Amazing Formula Tip
Why products don't make you money!

Products don't make you money. Products prevent refunds and increase repeat purchases.

Selling on the Net is about the traffic. It's about getting traffic streams and then giving that traffic stream products it wants to buy.

Everything else is empty talk.

For more details, click here.

Amazing Formula Tip
How to make money when people LEAVE your web site

Here's a very simple way to make money from your web site.

1. Select from our wide assortment of "exit popups." These are little pages that pop up only when people have decided NOT to buy from you and to leave your web site.

Why not cash in on these "leavers" or your "exit traffic?" They've already decided NOT to buy from you.

2. All you do is put the code on your web page. It's cut and paste. When people leave your web site, we'll pop them with an offer for one of our products.

3. When they buy, you get half! Once a month we send you a check for half. You get half our business.

For more details, click here.

Finally! A Winning Formula for Making Money on the Web!

e-Book Review of:

The Amazing Formula that Sells Products Like Crazy

Reviewed by Robert G. Gardner, Ph.D

Sure, you should know better, but how many times have you been a victim of the "too good to be true" syndrome? I know I'm not the Lone Ranger when I'm on the receiving end of those "Secrets of Getting Rich on the Internet!" e-mails that line up in my inbox. They show up almost every day, with screaming subject lines that are rich with promise: "Absolutely Guaranteed!" "Surefire Success with Internet Marketing!" "Easy Money through Web Selling!" And on and on.

Sometimes I blow these messages away instantly, without even thinking about it. Other times my curiosity (or boredom) gets the better of me and I open the file, follow the links, and spend a few minutes reading the hype. Then I go away disappointed. Lots of sizzle, but I'll have to pay a lot more if I want to taste the steak. If it's there at all! I've quickly reached the point where I don't know who to trust or what to believe. "If it looks too good to be true," we're told over and over again, "it probably is." Sound familiar?

But, if you're like me, you're more than half serious about making money on the Internet. You may have little more than a web page and a desire to earn more with your computer. Yet, up to now there's been no real plan, no method to the madness. So you keep on searching for "secrets" you can use - a little bit from this "guru" and a little bit from that one. All the while, you're wishing for that no-nonsense, soup-to-nuts system that really works. One that's built from successful experience and that covers all the bases. No illusions, no bottled smoke, no "magic bullets".

Call off the hounds! The search is over.

I just discovered Marlon Sanders' The Amazing Formula that Sells Products Like Crazy. This carefully constructed, gem-packed e-book is the first common sense, how-to system on web-based product marketing I've seen yet. And believe me, with all those spam e-mails coming across my desktop, I've become an expert on what doesn't get it done for me!

First off, Marlon makes no assumptions about his reader's online sales know-how. And he offers no guarantee that his system will make anybody millions from selling products on the web. What he does produce is good, solid guidance (and there's plenty of it) on cutting through all the crap and getting down to business on the Internet. It's a "roll up your sleeves and do it" system that's worked for others in the same boat I'm in. If I follow the formula, I'll increase my odds for success. With a money-back guarantee. That's all anybody could ask for!

Just like a friend talking to you from across the dining room table, Marlon speaks with passion and conviction about a subject he obviously knows a lot about. And he shatters every myth the so-called "experts" have led me to believe about selling products on the Internet. Here's the biggest myth: Web marketing has to be complicated. "It's not rocket science," Marlon tells us at the outset. "Then again," he adds, "rocket science isn't what makes you money."

No deep diving is required to get these pearls. Every step in Marlon's truly "amazing" formula is "powerful in its simplicity." Here we have a ready-made cookbook for making money online, covering every aspect of web-site marketing. The whole lifecycle of the marketing process is completely and clearly described for you, including how to: understand the important Internet money equation for implementing the formula, obtain hot product ownership, write the killer sales letter, get and build a list, generate leads, create repeat business, and increase your sales ratio.

It's all there, in easy to digest sections that flow so smoothly you actually want to read on... and get to the next step. Marlon's system is packed with real-life examples, quick-hit lists of reminders and action items, and links to web sites for more information on a topic he's discussing. Need information on franchise laws? The book gives you the URL to click to and get the data immediately. The amazing formula's got it covered. How about a mailings program? A web site is served right up.

Bottom line: The Amazing Formula that Sells Products Like Crazy really works. It promises an "amazing" formula for success and then delivers it to you in a way that will excite anyone looking to taste that steak behind the sizzle. This is a must-read for e-business entrepreneurs interested in learning from a pro at web-site marketing.

--Robert G. Gardner, Ph.D

For more details, click here.


If You Want The Money, Go Get It!

e-Book Review of:

Gimme My Money Now!

Review by Robert G. Gardner, Ph.D

I'm sure no one ever accused Marlon Sanders of being subtle. But then again, subtle "don't feed the bulldog!" Gimme My Money Now! is the perfect title for this e-book. The words underscore the urgency of the information contained in Marlon's quick-hit, 10-step winning formula for selling products through an automated web site. And they light a fire under your butt to act on this information. Now! Action, Marlon reminds us, is what makes money.

Building on the success of his Amazing Formula arsenal of simple, yet powerful secrets for selling on the Internet, Marlon covers even more ground with this tightly constructed plan for selling products on the web.

He wastes no time getting started. You're told to come up with at least 12 product ideas that people want. (You learn not to ask "Why?" when Marlon tells you to do something. You just do it, because you know it's GOAL directed. It will produce RESULTS.) Then, using his quick and easy method, he shows you how to survey, or test, these ideas until you come up with the one "killer" product that you will advertise, sell, and deliver through your web site. And he even tells you everything you need to know to register your own unique domain name and set up the site! This is solid money-making advice from start to finish.

And it just gets better. The information on conducting web-based product surveys alone is worth your time and money. In clear, easy-to-follow instructions, complete with illustrations, Marlon explains that the only way you're going to be successful in online marketing is to let people tell you what they want to buy. And then you sell it to them through your one-page web site! You then get a first-class tutorial in the finer points of web-based surveys. Plus, he hands you the tools, resources, examples, and templates to put your project in gear. This plug-and-play advice is beautiful in its simplicity, yet very thorough in its content.

Again, the title of this e-book is a real clue to its theme and message. Every step in the plan is an action that's designed to produce clear, measurable results. And, like every other value-packed component in Marlon's Amazing Formula, this strategy for web-site marketing boils down to a science that provides tips for repeatable success. Marketers at all levels of experience and expertise can benefit from his real-world wisdom.

Read this e-book if you're at all serious about putting an Internet sales plan in motion. For that matter, read it if you're only looking to rev-up the revenue potential of your current web site. Or if you want to fine-tune a digital product that you know should be making you more money. It's time well spent, indeed.

So, if you're looking for a better, smarter way to get your (web sales) money now, try this amazing game plan. Your customers will be more likely to give you their money after you've converted Marlon's formula into action.

--Robert G. Gardner, Ph.D

For more information Click Here!


If you want the real, unvarnished truth about ecommerce site design...
Then you'll want to visit
It provides the type of information that Do-It-Yourself ecommerce entrepreneurs crave in order to...

So, if you want to sell info products online (information in the form of ebooks, ereports, ezines and the like) you should visit

You'll find product reviews, and learn how each reviewed tool was put through its paces and which ones past with flying colors.

This is where you'll get the truth about what works and you'll also get the pros and cons associated with each.

Face it.

If you want to build ecommerce sites that sell like crazy you need the best tools available for making online ecommerce sites that attract traffic and rate high in Search Engine positioning while converting your visitors into paying customers and long lasting repeat buyers. Sell info products online with these powerful software and 'how-to' tools reviewed at

Otherwise you risk having a site that


Scoring a Direct Hit with Your Ad Copy

Amazing Ad Copy Secrets: Create Ad Copy that Sells or Your Money Back!

Reviewed by Robert G. Gardner, Ph.D.

Up until now, probably the toughest nut for a web marketer to crack has been figuring out how to put the right combination of words together to sell a product. Consistently. With measurable results. Every time. Face it: At best, writing advertising copy for the Internet has been a hit-or-miss proposition, even for those of us who've been at the game awhile. It's not that there aren't any "experts" out there telling us how to do it. Visit 10 web sites on the topic and you'll get 10 different "can't miss" approaches.

Enter Marlon Sanders, with his formula for writing winning ad copy. Just another hypster with a new variation on an old theme? No way. After scrolling through only the first few pages of this e-book, I was already stepping back and taking a fresh look at what I'm actually doing when I ask for a sale in cyberspace. All of a sudden, Marlon's wisdom has me rethinking?and reevaluating-the very essence of what I've been asking words to do for me when I try to entice people to buy. Like no other web marketing "how-to" I've read yet, Marlon's Amazing Ad Copy Secrets get me inside the head of my customer. And they keep me there.

This "thinking out of the box" is powerful stuff, indeed. Imagine, somebody telling you right at the start that your would-be customers don't give a damn about you or how wonderful your product is! If that kind of wake-up call doesn't force you to take another look at your marketing approach, nothing will. False assumptions and time-worn myths are shot down one by one as you click through Marlon's powerful formula for jump-starting your online sales techniques.

And it only gets better. How well do you know your customers? I mean, really know your customers in relation to the product you're selling? When you finish this e-book of success strategies, you'll understand more clearly and precisely that it's all about value creation. The essence of your business is selling ideas to your customers. End results. Benefits. And these Amazing Ad Copy Secrets show you, step by eye-opening step, how to do it better and smarter than you've been doing it up to now.

In a casual, face-to-face manner that immediately captures and builds on your trust, Marlon walks you through his unique, real-world tested secrets in a way that leaves you hungry for more. These are nuts-and-bolts treasures, and you wonder from the beginning why you didn't think of them before now!

This e-book leaves no part of the ad writing process unexamined. Every technique in the formula is presented in a way that redefines what we actually do when we sit down to struggle with ad copy. And every secret is revealed in way that builds on the one that came before... until the complete route to a successful plan is mapped out in front of you.

There's an amazing amount of bang for your buck here. Within each value-packed page of this e-book, you'll learn the real how-to's of building the headline that works, creating the perception of value for your client, understanding the problems your target market wants to solve, or the end results they want to obtain. You even find out how to troubleshoot every phase of your approach along the way so that you can fine-tune and improve as you go. It's a can't lose proposition.

With laser beam precision, Amazing Ad Copy Secrets hone right in on the psychology of the offer and the deal. If you're serious about understanding the techniques of sales persuasion on the web, you need this e-book in your toolkit.

--Robert G. Gardner, Ph.D.

For more information Click Here!


Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004 Gerard LeBlond and Alonyx VI, Inc. All rights reserved.

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