
Here you can find some tips - without any warranty - about how to use GNU-WIN32 (or CygWin) and how to port some parts of DirectX (and other MS' SDKs) to GNU-WIN32.

GNU-WIN32 is a port of GCC compiler to MS Windows NT/9x platform. With it, will be possible develop applications using Windows and UNIX APIs under Windows enviroment (GNU-WIN32 implement the UNIX API). Now, (05/20/1998) the current available version is beta 19.

GNU-WIN32 and MS files convensions are not the same: the library and header files have some diferences. That's why it's impossible use directly any MS' SDK (software development kit) without some hacking.

About installing GNU-WIN32

- to get more info about GNU-WIN32, and download it, go to

- to compile Windows apps with GNU-WIN32 you need the Windows header files and optionaly a resource compiler. I don't know with GNU-WIN32 b19 came with all of this. I find them in RSXNTDJ, this stuff is a package that enable DJGPP (another port of GCC - for DOS) to compile Windows applications. Download RSXNTDJ from:




More information about RSXNTDJ and DJGPP on:

There are other resource compilers available, but none (including the found on RSXNTDJ) compile all resources completely well (specialy dialog boxes for Win NT).

Sure: if your application does not need resources, you don't need a resource compiler.

Setting the enviroment

Atention: on my system, GNU-WIN32 is installed on:


My enviroment variables are:


set GCC_EXEC_PREFIX=d:\des\cygnus\b19\H-i386-cygwin32\lib\gcc-lib\

SET LIBRARY_PATH=D:\des\djdes\RSXNTDJ\INCLUDE\MSSDK;D:\des\djdes\RSXNTDJ\INCLUDE\WIN32;d:\des\cygnus\b19\H-i386-cygwin32\lib;d:\des\cygnus\b19\H-i386-cygwin32\lib;




If you don't have enough enviroment space for all of this variables go to Properties on the MS-DOS Prompt and set on Memory -> Initial Enviroment -> 4096.

Converting DirectX

This instructions are usefull for the conversion of other MS' SDKs, but I will focus DirectX 5.0.

The hard part of enable some MS' SDK in GNU-WIN32 is convert the header files. Some diferences are:

- unions need a tag on GCC

- replace

(Word Method)
Word (Method)

If you know more diferences tell me ([email protected]).

I download the needed DX header files from Stefan's site:

Go and get and

Copy the header files to:


About the library files:

MS library files (extension *.LIB) are incompatible with GNU-WIN32 library files (extension *.A).

You can download some of the DirectX 5.0 library files, for GNU-WIN32 b19, from here: - (4kb) DDraw and D3DRM

To use the files, copy them to:


Manual conversion - how to convert a LIB file to A file

I supose you want to convert DirectDraw LIB file, for other LIBs use the same procedures.

- Copy the source *.LIB and source *.DLL for one directory where the conversion will be made.

Example: ddraw.lib and ddraw.dll

In true, for DirectDraw, the library file is used only to enable the application to use the ddraw.DLL. (?)

You will find the DLL on the Windows dirs.

Try convert the LIB to A using the Stefan's makefile.

If you have problems using it, make the commands separately:

- use NM to get the ddraw.lib description (NM comes with GNU-WIN32). Example:

- Create the ddraw.def file.

- add a new line on the begining with the word EXPORTS

- Create the ddraw.a, as the example (dlltool comes with GNU-WIN32):

More Information

- To test the DirectX *.A files, use the Stefan's examples (in true doesn't need Mingw32).

- Try Mingw32 - this is a package that make unecessary the big DLL that come with GNU-WIN32 apps, disabling the UNIX API.

On the site you will find, too, tutorials and code demonstrating how to compile Windows apps with GNU-WIN32.

- Other links:

More DirectX under GNU-WIN32:
DirectX sounds under GNU-WIN32:
OpenGL under GNU-WIN32:
GNU-WIN32 mail archives:
HTML Man pages:
More about resource compilers:
Other related sites:

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