The Truth Of Some Lebanon Breeders
I would like  to present some little true stories about some breeders who thought they have some good dogs and pretend they have one of the best dogs in lebanon which the real story seems to be that everything they said is fault and non of their dogs is a ch either a 1xw  and its really shame and make me feel sorry to talk like this way but i have to make people understand and know what the real story is and make them understand  that some fake breeders who steal dogs and have no idea about breeding and what american pitbull look like .
And all these dogs are at this fake  website  :
This 12 years old dog was imported from ukrain by a guy called tarek  and was bred to my female ( zowi  RIP ) and  we got some nice pups  but we sold all of them overseas and kept 3 pups and after that we sold 2  to mike at 13 month and kept 1 female  and this male  never bred to anyfemale anymore . and he is not a Gr Ch As he pretend . (For more info ask his owner at this number  .                  961-3-154475.
Rodgers picked up this female from litters  of rodgers deem / Moe's Jackte and this female is not a champ as mike pretend and lie   he just tested her at his garbage yard  .
This female called jackter and was imported and owned by Moe then sold to tarek  after her first loose against little zowi in 10 min
( i have the video tape  ) and she won at mikes best females in a test so shes not a ch as mikes lies and pretend 
This guy called sam His owner is Moe  and at 14 month he  was stolen .and he is at  Mikes yard  and he  is pretending  that he bought this dog  and he never matched him or even got him outside .
and hes not a champ not even a 1 winner (because u can't condition this dog because he has a problem in his skin .
(but now Sam is dead after a match against rodgers madmax )
the match last for 45 min after a verybad injories that mad max did with him in the chest and he couldn't servive  so he is a (1x L) not a ch as mike used to say befor he updated his fake site with fake dogs and hide the truth .
This pic was takin at Moe's yard when he was 14 month
Suzi was owned and imported by Moe  and after her first test with Moe's Holga she  lost in 16 min ( i have the video tape ) and after that she was sold to a guy called hadi  she mad her 1xw with a bad female that owned by mikes himself  and never got any champion as he pretend and lies ..
This dog called charlie and he was owned and bred at Moe's yard  his parents  tarek's charlie  / Moe's zowi RIP and at 13 month he was sold to mike's  but he never matched  befor and has no wins till now as mikes' pretend .
Zinc parents are  Rodger's deem / Moe's Jackter  I  sold this dog  to tarek's at 6 month and then tarek sold him to mike at 14 month  he was tested at mikes yard and seems to be very promissing and then had a match and lost  in 18 min  and this dog has no wins  befor as Mikes pretend and lie  .
This dog is a very bad  dog and never won in any test  he never passed the 5 min test so how come he is a ch or a good dog ....
AS u can see most of his dogs was owned and bred by me and after i got rid of them all mike is happy to own such a dogs .and put  ch and gr ch titles for them just to lie on people and sell them bad dogs  .After all this u can understand and know what a fake breeders are working for and am just trying  to make people see and understand the truth and for more info u can ask anybreeder in lebanon about this true information . this is the story about
Mikes dogs  ( i can accept any match with him anytime with anydog he wants if he agree to let people see what a bad dogs he owned .........
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