A Spell to Heal A Wound

by Anonymous

You will need:
4 White candles
A photograph of the person in need of help. If that person is yourself, then you don't need anything, but if you find it useful, something that represents you - like a photo, or a sketch of yourself, could be used.

Place a white candle in each of the cardinal points, with the photograph in the middle.
Cast the Circle, call the Quarters, invoke the Deity.
Concentrate on the person needing the healing, and visualize the problem that needs correcting. (If you are the person intended then you can physically look at the wound, if that does not trigger you).
Face the East, light the candle, and say:

" Candle burn
Shine your light
Take what's wrong
And make it right. "

Repeat with the South candle and then the West candle, and the the North candle.

Visualize the healing powers generated by these candles, flowing into the subject of the ritual. Then Chant:

" Dispel the agony,
let these wounds heal.
Banish the suffering,
no suffering to feel. "

As you say this, imagine your subject surrounded by a healing, protective light that shines brighter each time you repeat the chant.

When finished;
Release the Guardians, thank the Deities, open the Circle.
Let the candles burn themselves out, afterwards bury the remnants near a healthy tree or plant.

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