leaving earth

our newest album, "Clipping the Wings", is
click here to download!

we have a new release coming real soon - a bit of a return to our usual sounds, but mixed with some new ideas.....
expect that release to see the light of day soon, coming from B&R Records!

we have finished a new release, this time
an EP of about 22 minutes or so.....
you might be suprised to hear this one, as
we went somewhere "else" for this EP.
the EP is called "the Cosmic Abyss", and can be downloaded by
clicking here!

our first release - our self-titled 3" - has been re-released (after selling out) as a FREE download! 
click here.

our first album has been released!!!  it's called "following stars", and has been released by infinite sector recordings for your FREE downloading pleasure
here!  enjoy the chaos!!!
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