Tootsie woke up this morning to a new and bright sunny day.  Just as he was going to fix himself some breakfast a knock came at the door.  He went to the door and opened it to find Mrs. Frog.

     "Hi! Mrs. Frog," said Tootsie."

     Mrs. Frog looked at him and said, "A good morning to you Tootsie."

     "I was wondering if you would watch Frankie while I go do some shopping today?"

     Tootsie replied, "No, I wouldn't mind at all. Are you going to bring him here or should I go to your house?"

     Mrs. Frog said, "Well, I think it would be better if you came over to our house and watched him.  And if you like, Tootsie, you can bring over some friends to help out."

     So they agreed for Tootsie to come over about 1:00 in the afternoon to watch Frankie.  It was about time for Tootsie to leave when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door.  Tootsie went and opened the door and guess who was there?

     "Hello Rosie," said Tootsie.
     "I came over to see what you were up to today."

     "Well," said Tootsie, "I am getting ready to go over Mrs. Frog's house to watch little Frankie.  Rosie what don't you come with me and help babysit little Frankie?"

     "Okay," said Rosie.

     So they walked out the door and started down the path towards Frankie's house.  And while they were out walking, Tootsie looked down, saw Jed sitting on a rock, and asked him if he would like to come too.

     Jed looked up and said, "Sure I would love to come and help out."

     So all three of them started towards Frankie's house.  Well, they finally arrived at Mrs. Frog's house and knocked on the door.  Mrs. Frog came to the door and saw all the help Tootsie had enlisted.

     She said, "I will not be gone long.  Frankie needs to have his lunch and than take a bath before dinner."

     "Mrs. Frog, I will make sure that FRanke does all of these things," said Tootsie.

     So Mrs. Frog left and said good-bye to everyone.

     "Okay Frankie what would you like to eat?" said Rosie.

     Frankie was very shy and said in a whisper, "Fly's and jam."

      Rosie made him a fly and jam sandwich and gave it to him.  But Frankie refused to eat it because the crust was still on the bread.  So Rosie cut the crust off for him and he still refused to eat it.  They all tried to get him to eat his lunch but nothing worked.  So, since they couldn't get him to eat they all decided to play a game.

     Tootsie said, "let's play hide and go seek."

     Jed said that he would do the counting while everyone hid.  Jed found Tootsie in the closet, Rosie in the kitchen, but what happened to Frankie?  They looked all over the place and could not find him.

     "Frankie!, Frankie!," they called his name and still he would not come out.  Tootsie was getting worried that something might have happened to him.  Finally after searching and calling his name there was only one place he could be.  They looked under the bed and that is where he was.  Rosie and the others were so mad at him because he did not come when they called.  Frankie started to cry when he saw that they were all mad.

     Finally they got him to stop crying and Tootsie said, "Okay now it is bath time."

     Rosie and Jed got all the things ready that they would need to give Frankie his bath.  Tootsie ran the bath water for franke and put in the little rubber ducky, frog, and boat...............................................
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