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x1x1What to do about the WTO:x1x1
OK, even the conservatives are getting scared. Everyone knows that the one world government is happening. It looks like gradually all the corporations will merge, and the corporations will control the international government. The answer is treevillages.
Lots of people are scared about one world corporate govt. In truth, even the historic "founding fathers" were scared of one world govt.
The only answers to this fear of one world govt are:
1 - register to vote*
2 - buy land
Does it seem that the only alternative to one world govt. is to become part of it? These are first steps towards to solutions, but what are we solving?
-Takerism ("domination")
-threats to free speech
-threats to free religion
-threats to environment
-threats of violence (like a military take-over)
More specifically, in the case of voting, to reduce the threat of the unconstitutional WTO, concerned citizens should register to vote, and eventually go to vote.
Also more specifically in the case of buying land, we should be buying land for nonprofit ownership, to take the earth out of power-centralizing private property system.
With the treevillage system, the land will be nonprofit owned, but voting will be used for the types of community decisions that involve everyone. The land will not be part of a the centralized power of capitalism, and it will not be under the control of some dictator. We're talking way in the future!
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