Goal: Free Land is better

What is TreeVillages.net for?

Why private land? In recent centuries, private ownership of land has spread throughout the world. It is destroyed the environment and indiginous cultures everywhere. Private property has devastated human relations, with class warfare and stratifications everywhere. Takerism, as described in the bestseller Ishmael, is effectively caused by private property.

TreeVillages.net is dedicated to finding the steps for restoring the earth to sustainable, peaceful villages of plentiful food and good social relations. We can have modern technology, but must be self-reliant, with more lesurely and satisfying lifestyles. Since their will be fewer cars in the future, treevillages will plan to minimize this dependence.

Treevillages will restore the Earth's ecology, provide for new sustainable food production, and provide a better lifestyle for anyone who wants to live self-sufficiently and peacefully in a utopian rural villages. We want to prepare for the real -life future, and be compatible with the way things are today. Currently, human society is dominated by private property, scarcity, and consumption of petroleum and natural resources. In the big picture, takerism is a blip.

Rather than focusing on competition for power to secure wealth, we seek community values, and community land trust ownership will allow us to focus on real priorities, like education and sustainability. Gradually, practically the entire Earth will be reforested with fruit, nut, and flower trees. Many people will still use modern technology, but will live rurally, in sustainable rural villages with supportive neighborhoods. We will be able to concentrate on improving social relations.

Tree villages can be organized as a lifeboat on the sea of capitalism, community labor economies. This is not quite "freeing the land," but a major step. People will earn the right to steward, farm, and protect land by simply by sharing the work of the tree village. (People who already work can share the costs instead of the work)

After tree villages start, with a base membership of 2 hours farm labor per month, we can be an equal member of the solution, and also reserve a personal plot that will never be taken away while the tree village organization continues

There will never be a successful violent revolution to overthrow the dominant paradigm, but we can separate ourselves when there is an alternative, a peaceul revolution against takerism.

repetitive notes:

Worldwide, private land ownership has dramatically increased the problems associated with personal greed. The environment is being degraded, society is stratifying, population growth is overcoming available resources. Wars are mostly over land ownership. Private land ownership even flies in the face of the words of Jesus, underlying the irony of a largely Christian society that champions private property rights.

At TreeVillages.net, we will be organizing the hows, whens, and whys or restoring Leaver society. Living without personal ownership of the land brings serious hidden advantages. Non-profit land trust ownership is the preferable alternative. Communities of secure equals can only be truly permanently established with land trust ownership.

"TreeVillages.net" will encompass the issues that we need to consider to establish new societies of equals, in which we may have the best advantages of modern society, and in healthy living environments removed from big city problems and class warfare. When organized, we can find virtually unlimited rural land to purchase. Collaberating, and with financing, and with drip irrigation, we can acquire unused and plant fruit, nut, and flower trees.

The next decade will see great change. Shortages of gasoline and other natural resources will cause upheaval in America. Disempowered classes will face severe problems associated with food availability. Organizations such as TreeVillages.net must prepare to help these disempowered population start over again. In a worst case scenario, people need to be able to get to rural land to start growing their own food. A society of people scattered, using drip irrigation to grow orchards, is possible across the entire globe.

This is possible, but land must be removed from private ownership first. Rural land is inexpensive. Properly organized, even poor people can help purchase for more than enough for our own food needs.

The basic model: Desired land will be purchased (out of private ownership) and placed under nonprofit ownership. For a given parcel of land, perhaps half will be reserved for general common use the group itself, and perhaps half will be divided into 50-100 personal plots. Members/applicants will join to help steward/enjoy the entire "village," and take personal responsibility for one plot. (Often 2-3 people will share a personal plot)

Members will use it as a shared vacation home, where there can be a village kitchen, and we can visit several times per year to camp while planting the personal orchards. It will be better and easier than a grou p campout. Semi-permanent domes can be available to sleep in.

Together, the members will turn the land parcel into a village. Without the greed and competition of capitalism, this will be a very healing environment. Tree farms and orchards will be planted, and lots of food. Trees will improve the future livability of land, as well as providing food or lumber and helping restore the Earth's natural environment.

We need lots of people to help start the first tree villages, probably near Redding or Eureka. With 100 members, and averaging 10 at a time, we must raise probably $5 per month per member, or $10-20 per week per visitor. It will also need many hours of work!

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