Statistically, Scientology families tend to be well liked and accepted in their neighborhoods and in their social peer groups. However, in the past year there have been a number of hate-crimes perpetrated against families and small businesses because of their interest in the applied religious philosophy known to millions around the world as Scientology.

These hate-crimes, though relatively miniscule in number, are cause enough for concern that I, a mother of three, have decided to be silent no more. This is a warning to hateful bigots that families have a right to choose to raise our children in a loving, attentive, intelligent household as laid out in L. Ron Hubbard's religious writings of Scientology, his secular writings of The Way to Happiness, and his technical writings of Dianetics.

We love our children and will not stand idly by while confused and unhappy people try to suppress the happiness and success of our families. Scientologists tend to be very busy and very focused individuals, and generally even the most venal of insults tend to "roll off our backs" like water to a duck. But we must protect our children's futures from the minority of religious bigots and stalkers, and encourage all families - be they interested in Scientology or not - to help protect all kids on Earth from hurtful and hateful ridicule and personal attacks on one's religious upbringing.

If you feel you have been the victim of religious persecution, slander, hate speech, or threats based on your affliation with the Church of Scientology, there is always someone for you to turn to for help, 24 hours a day, at the Volunteer Ministers help line. You can count on a Scientology Volunteer Minister to help you do something about it. Call them at 1-800 HELP 4-YU. Also contact the Scientology Parishioners League who are helping to make a real difference in communities to promote tolerance of our beliefs. You can also e-mail me personally if you like.

WARNING:The video at left contains shocking and upsetting language and visuals, but we felt it important to warn Scientologist parents of the threat facing their kids, their homes, and their businesses. Let's work together to protect families from these irresponsible and dangerous criminals, and the myths, disinformation and lies they spread about us.

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