Chapter 8

Ned made it a point to get up early and have breakfast with the family. He walked in the living room carrying the morning paper.  Edward was up drinking his coffee and complaining about Cook. Emily and Lila hadn�t come down yet. In fact, Ned knew they wouldn�t show up this morning. He made it a point to call head and tell them to stay away from the family room this morning. What he was planning on doing. Ned didn�t want them around to deal with it. Monica was up though and she had been sipping her coffee waiting for Ned to arrive.

Ned didn�t waste any time. He walked over to where AJ was sitting eating a beagle and sipping his orange juice. �AJ, I want to congratulate you for a job well done. You finally managed to secede in destroying this family. You must be really proud of yourself,� Ned said as he dropped the paper right in Ned�s lap.

�Ned, what are you talking about?� Edward demanded pulling the paper from AJ�s hand and looking it over.

Edward's blood pressure went through the roof as he read the article. Right on the front page was a story about AJ�s drinking and how Edward has managed to get him off all this time. It talks about his donations to certain judges election founds in and around the time AJ was picked up. It even went as far as to suggest that Edward helped the mayor get elected again this year was to make sure he could keep his family out of jail. �What is this?� Edward yelled looking at Ned for an explanation.

�What does it look like?� Ned said pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

�Don�t play words games with me! You seem to know all about this. Why didn�t you do something about it?� Edward demanded slamming the paper on the table.

�I tried. I can say that what ever happens anything directly affecting Grandmother isn�t going to be in that paper. The rest of us better not have any secrets lying about because we are now targets of the Cassadine family. Thanks to JR over there. I mean, he�s the one that stole Emily�s diary and turned it over to a reporter. Isn�t he?� Ned said placing his glass down and glaring at Edward, Alan and AJ. None of them said a word but if looks could kill. AJ would have been dead because Edward wasn�t happy with him at this moment. �You really hung us out to dry, AJ. Did you think about what you were doing? Do you know what the Cassadines could do to us?� Ned asked AJ.

�What? A little story here and there? Come on they can�t find out everything this family is hiding,� AJ said not ready to believe things were as bad as Ned was making them out to be.

�Get real!� Ned yelled getting right in AJ�s face. �Mikkos isn�t just going to go after our secrets. He is going after ELQ and our other holdings! He is going to put this family in the poor house thanks to your little stunt. Lucky is his grandson and AJ, he is blaming us for that accident. No matter what we say. He isn�t going to back down. Not for Emily�s sake, not for Grandmother�s sake and not because we are related to Jason. He is going to destroy us and it will be all your fault!�

�Back off,� AJ snapped shoving Ned back wards.

�Ned, this isn�t helping matters,� Alan said going to AJ�s defense.

Ned shook his head and said in a disgusted voice, �I figured you would take up for him. You are as messed up in the head as he is. His brain is mush and yours is fried.�

Ned had enough of them. He turned around and started for the door. Edward called out, �where are you going?�

Ned stopped and turned to face his grandfather. �I�m going back to my wife and daughter. I have a family to protect but that doesn�t include you, Alan or AJ over there. My concern is for the others in this family. The three of you are on your own. If Mikkos will except ELQ and leave L&B alone I�ll be happy. Good luck, Grandfather because you are going to need it,� Ned said and then he left the room.

Monica got up as well and headed up to check on Lila and Emily. �Monica, you know about this?� Alan asked noticing that Monica hadn�t said a word from the moment Ned started talking.

�Yeah, I knew. Emily told me. She over heard your conversation the morning of Lucky�s accident. And before you get on me for not telling you? I thought it was fair. You kept what AJ did for me,� Monica said and she left the room without as much as a goodbye.


Anna and Robert sat at the table eating breakfast that morning. Anna was reading the paper and Robert was looking over the books for the club. He was watching things for Luke, while Lucky was in the hospital.

�Well, he did it,� Anna said putting the paper down and shaking her head at what she just read.

�You doubt it?� Robert asked. He didn�t like what Mikkos was doing.  He didn�t see that any of this was going help bring Lucky. Robert just thought it was just going to make matters worse but then again. Mikkos never really cared who is actions hurt as long as he got his way at least that is how Robert saw things.

�Robert, I know you don�t like Mikkos or Victor. You never hid your feels about them but I do. I was hoping that once Mikkos calmed down he would listen to reason,� Anna said getting up and getting herself another cup of coffee.

�Mikkos Cassadine listen to reason? Anna, he doesn�t care what others think! All he cares about is he gets his way,� Robert said closing the books and looking around for his car keys. �I�m going to the hospital to see if Luke needs anything. I�ll be at the club from then out if you need anything,� Robert said giving Anna a light peck on the cheek before leaving the kitchen.

Anna stood there with her head on her cheek looking sadly at the door. Robert might have forgiven her for lying to him about being dead that didn�t make things with them any easier. Robert was cold to her a lot of times. She knew that he found it hard to open up completely. She was starting to wonder if getting back together was the right thing to do. The love had once was gone and she didn�t know if she could live with second best.


Robert arrived at the hospital about nine that morning. He was carrying a hug bag of donuts for the group at the hospital to munch on. He standing in one of the elevators alone and the door was just about to close when a voice called out. �Hold it!� Robert quickly raised his hand and blocked the door from closing giving Monica enough time to get on board. She just arrived at the hospital. Emily wanted to see how Lucky was doing. She had left the girl just moments before with her friend BJ, who had been out walking around getting some air after spending another night at the hospital. �Thanks,� Monica said as she stepped inside the elevator.

�No problem,� Robert said putting his hand down and letting the door close. �How you doing after that newspaper article this morning?� Robert asked as the Elevator slowly started to move.

�Alright,� Monica said hitting the floor she wanted to go to.

�Your are dealing with this rather well,� Robert said leaning against the wall of the elevator.

�Well, I knew something like this was going to happen. So, I prepared myself for it,� Monica answered.

Robert nodded and said, �Well, I for one think it is wrong thing to do. You didn�t cause Lucky�s accident. You shouldn�t have to suffer for it,� Robert said. Monica didn�t get a chance to reply because they had arrived on Robert�s floor. He looked Monica smiled at her brightly and said, �Hold your head up.� Then he left heading his business.


Mean while, Carly was trying to figure out how to help Mikkos in his plot to destroying the Quartermaine family. She was on the phone with Alexis trying to get Edward thrown off the hospital board. �Are you sure we can�t just tell him he isn�t needed any more?� Carly asked Alexis.

�Yes, Carly. There is a lot more to it then just telling him his money isn�t needed. You need the boards approval and I don�t think you can just get the votes that easy.  You will need a � of the votes to get rid of Edward,� Alexis informed Carly.

�Ok, that shouldn�t be that hard. There are ten people on the board with me. Alex has a seat on the board, I�m sure she will vote our way,� Carly said figuring this isn�t going to be a hard thing to do.

�What about the others? Edward has a lot of friends in this town. Lee Baldwin and Gail have seats on the board. They are old friends of the Quartermaine�s. Monica still has her seat on the board. They aren�t going to be easy people to win over,� Alexis said. She didn�t think Carly could pull this one off. It was almost an impossible thing to pull off.

�Don�t worry about it. I�ll take care of them. You just get the papers ready and by the next board meeting. Edward is going to be out on his can,� Carly said and she hung up the phone.

Carly grabbed her Rolodex and went to the first name on the list of board members to call. She knew several of them owed her a favor and it was time for them to pay up. If that didn�t work, she could always use blackmail!


Robert found Luke near the coffee that morning. He placed the bag he was holding on the table near look and said, �Here this might help keep you going.�

�Thanks,� Luke said looking tired and worn out. He had the same clothes on he did when Lucky was first brought in. All of this gave Luke a look of death warmed over.

�Have you slept at all?� Robert asked as he watched Luke dig through the bag without even pulling out one donut.

�Not much. I keep listening to that dumb machine,� Luke said looking into the room where Lucky was laying. Alex was in there now going over Lucky slowly and Luke hoped that she would have something nice to say this day but he wasn�t holding his hopes to high on it. Lucky didn�t look any different to him. He still just laid there without even moving an inch or giving them one clue that he was still all there.

�Mate, you have to start taking care of yourself. Lucky is going to need healthy,� Robert said shoving the bag closer to Luke.

Luke looked at the bag then Robert. �Robert, I would give my life if I knew that would bring back my son.�

�I know you would. I know what Lucky means to you and Laura but partner. Dragging yourself down like this isn�t going help him. You heard Alex. This is going to be a long fight. He might not wake up for mouths. So, how about taking your wife home getting some rest and letting part of huge family you have now watch after Lucky. I�m sure they will call if anything changes,� Robert begged.

�Laura�s not going to leave. She already told me that. She isn�t going to leave with Lucky beside her,� Luke said and he leaned against the table rolling his head trying to work the kinks out of his neck.

Robert was about to say something else but Alex walked out of Lucky�s room and he lost Luke�s attention completely. �How is he?� Luke asked as Alex walked up to him.

Alex smiled at Luke and said, �His body is healing very nicely.�

�That�s not what I�m asking. I�m asking if my son going to wake up,� Luke snapped at her.

Alex didn�t jump. She dealt with Victor enough to know how to deal with a member of this family when they were grumpy. She put a loving but strong hand on Luke�s arm and said, �I told you that this is going to take time. I can�t just say that in a few days Lucky�s is going to be normal again. His body is healing and in fact, I�m going to order him moved this afternoon. I�ll have a private room set up with a bed for you and Laura to use as well. You need it both of you. I don�t think an army going to get the two of you out of here. So, this will be the next best thing.�

Robert smiled at this but Luke just growled. Alex just hit his lightly on the arm and then went about her rounds. Laura ran up pulling Lu behind her right then and said in a rushed voice as she stopped near the table. �What did Alex say?�

�She thinks Lucky is able to be moved into a private room. He is healing nicely,� Luke said coldly.

�So, he will wake up soon,� Laura said hopefully.

�No, Angel. His body his healing. She can�t tell us what is going on his head,� Luke said and he went towards the window to stair in at his son. Laura soon joined him.

Robert handed LU the bag of donuts and said, �How about we go find some juice.�

�Ok,� Lu said looking at her parents sadly then went along with Robert.


Emily and BJ were walking the halls talking about things at home for both of them and how they felt about things with Lucky. They just turned the corner on the main floor of the hospital when BJ spotted her father standing at the main desk. �Let�s go this way,� She told Emily hoping that she could avoid any contact with Tony at all.

BJ wasn�t lucky enough for that. Tony had spotted her and he quickly rushed after his daughter. �BJ, hold up!� Tony said running down the hall towards his daughter.

BJ stopped turned around and stood there glaring with cold intense hate at her father. �What do you want?� she snapped as Tony walked up to BJ and Emily.

�I want to talk. Can�t we at least do that?� Tony begged of her.

�No. You had your chance a lot time ago,� BJ said and she started to turn and walk way.

Tony grabbed her arm and saying in a pleading voice. �Please!�

�Get off me,� BJ said trying to pull free but at this moment her father refused to let go. The teen stood there fighting to get free and she was drawing a crowed. Suddenly a figure shoved his way into the crowed room and quickly broke Tony�s hold on BJ.

Mikkos stood there protectively standing in front of BJ with cold hard eyes glaring at Tony. �I think you better leave,� Mikkos told Tony.

�You can�t boss me around. She�s my daughter and I will be part of her life,� Tony said stepping up to get right into Mikkos� face.

Mikkos stood there smiling this crocodile-ish smile and said, �For now she is your daughter but I assure you by the time I�m done. She won�t even carry your name any more,� Mikkos said and he placed a loving hand on both BJ and Emily�s shoulders and guided the girls away.

�You can�t take her from me!� Tony yelled at Mikkos� back as he watched his daughter being guided away from him helpless to do anything about it. When Mikkos was gone. Tony threw the file he had been holding in on hand on the floor and cursed. �Damn it!� The crowed just looked at him and some even muttered a few things to their companions before walking away leaving Tony standing alone in the hallway.


BJ was walking along beside Mikkos rubbing her arm trying hard not to cry. Mikkos guided the two girls to a bench and once he had them seated. He handed BJ his hanky and said, �Here dry your eyes.�

BJ took the hanky and brushed the tears away. �I hate him,� she said a voice full of conviction.

�Ok, then get rid of him once and for all,� Mikkos said and he stood there looking at the child meaning everything he was saying.

�What do you mean?� BJ asked puzzled at what Mikkos was getting at.

�I�ll call the family lawyers. We can set things up that not only can Bobbie be your mother but Stefan your father. I can really be your grandfather then and the world will see you as member of my family!� Mikkos said and he bent down and hugged BJ.

Emily watched this with kind of broken heart. Mikkos treated BJ like his own blood but he never once ordered her around. He never yelled or said that she wasn�t doing what he wanted. He enjoyed her individuality. Emily was her grandfather was more like that but he wasn�t. Edward had to control everyone and everything in her life.

�You really mean that,� BJ said looking at Mikkos with a mixture of feelings running around in her head.

�Yes, I do but no matter what name you have or what you go by. I will think of you as a member of my family. I love you BJ and all I want is you to be happy. If Tony being in your life makes you happy then fix it but if you want to have him a part of your life that is fine. All I care about his you,� Mikkos said smiling.

�Thanks and I�ll think about it for a while then I�ll get back to you,� BJ said and she hugged Mikkos kissing him lightly on the cheek before heading off with Emily again.

Angelic walked out of the shadows and smiled at her brother. �Now, why can�t you show the world that side of you all the time?� she asked.

�Because, the world isn�t all like my grandchildren,� Mikkos said sitting down on the bench giving his sister room to join him. Angelic smiled at this and they sat there finishing their talk that had been so rudely interrupted when Mikkos spotted Tony shoving BJ around.


Carly was still on the phone when Alex walked in the office. She stood there waiting for Carly to get done. �Look, I know Edward has been a great help to this hospital over the past years but look how much trouble he has caused so far. Alan almost destroyed General Hospital and because he was Edward�s son. Edward did nothing. Now, I assure you if it had been me my uncle would have replaced me or Alex with someone that could do the job better if we done what Alan did. Don�t you think we should have people on the board that thinks more of the hospital then their own feelings?� Carly asked after a few moments of silence Carly went on. �Yes, I�ll give you time to think about it. Don�t take to long,� Carly said and she hung up. She looked at Alex and asked, �How�s Lucky?�

�Lucky is fine,� Alex said eyeing her stepdaughter with a hard look. �I was wondering what you were doing just now?�

�I was talking to a member of the board. I figured it was time to get rid of Edward Quartermaine once and for all,� Carly said smugly.

Alex shook her head and said, �Not you too.�

�What? Don�t tell me you think we should do nothing while the Quartermaines run our name through the mud!�

�Carly, what Mikkos is doing isn�t helping matters. Don�t join him,� Alex begged.

�To late,� Carly said and she went to the next number on her list.

Alex shook her head then said, �Ok, but if you want to know. I�m moving Lucky to one of the private rooms on the top floor. Mikkos wants the best and this way Luke and Laura can have a place to rest as well.�

�Good. I�ll make sure no one but necessary personal is up there. A reporter approached Aunt Angelic yesterday. Mikkos wants to keep it from happening again,� Carly told her.

�I know,� Alex said and with that she turned and left the office.

Chapter 9
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