Chapter 66

Now that all the stolen jewels were returned and Mikkos and Ruby were on their own for a small honeymoon. The family decided they did their duty and were packing to leave.

Lucky for one was in a good mood because of this. This he didn�t have to deal with them any more. So, he wanted to celebrate and was out looking for Emily. He found her but she wasn�t happy. The family wasn�t the only ones planning on leaving. Monica and Alan were to and they wanted her daughter to go with them. �Hey, what is the sad face for?� Lucky asked as he walked up the garden bench that Emily was sitting at.

�Mom and Dad want to leave. I have to go with them,� Emily said sadly.

Lucky felt bad but they knew she was going to have to leave. It was part of the agreement for her coming to stay the mouth of July. Lucky tried to smile as he put his arm around her. �Look, it will not be for to long. We are leaving in three weeks ourselves. I�ll be home before you know it.�

�I know but I hate leaving you. I enjoyed our time together minus on mishap,� Emily said smiling just a bit.

�Hey, If it wasn�t for that mishap. We would have done what we did,� Lucky said grinning.

Emily blushed and said, �My father would shot you if he found out what we did.�

�Let him. I�d die happy,� Lucky said and they really started laughing. �When are you leaving?�

�Two days,� Emily said.

�Then we have more days together and I don�t spend it worrying about. Let�s go have some fun,� Lucky said getting up and holding out his hand to Emily.

�Deal,� Emily said and they ran off to find Josh and BJ to see if they wanted to go horseback riding.


Luke figured now that the wedding was over with and things calmed down a bit. It was time to get back to the treasure hunt. He went looking for Stefan and found him in his office looking over the last piece of puzzle. Stefan looked up at Luke and said, �Is there a ghost behind me?�

�Why?� Luke asked smiling a bit. Ever since Stefan found out that Luke could see ghosts he would ask questions like that when something was bugging at him. Normally there was but it was funny to Luke that Stefan actually asked with a straight face.

�Is there?�  Stefan asked again.

�Yes, there is. Why?� Luke asked.

�Tell the ghost to stop kicking my chair it is distracting,� Stefan yelled.

Nakka looked sad as she got down and walked over to the couch. Luke glared at Stefan and said, �Stefan, that ghost is a little girl. Could you talk a bit nicer to her.�

�Sorry, but I can�t think. I�m trying to figure this puzzle out,� Stefan said reading the puzzle again.

Luke was looking at Nakka. She was pretending to do something or that is what it looked like to him. Luke learned that ghosts didn�t do things out of the whim. They did things because there was a point to them. �You know the answer don�t you?� Luke asked the child.

Nakka nodded and said, �Stable. That is my favorite child hood story about horses.�

Stefan looked at Luke and knew he was talking to the ghosts. Stefan also figured that Luke had just gotten the answer to his riddle. �Well?� Stefan asked sounding a bit annoyed.

Luke looked at Stefan and said, �Stable. They hid the jewels in the stables.�

Stefan started to laugh. He couldn�t help it. His father would found it if he kept on ripping down the old wall. �I don�t believe it,� Stefan said brushing the tears away.

�What?� Luke asked puzzled.

�The stables is now the garage where our cars are parked!� Stefan said and he got to get the old map of the place. He laid the map on his desk and said, �See here is what the ring looked like. It went all the way around the house. Father kept up this section. It has to be hidden there.�

�Well, lets go find out if your right,� Luke said taking the map with him. He winked at Nakka before leaving the room. Nakka was happy. She helped out. She knew the closer they got to the treasure that better their chances they would be able to help them rest.

Stefan and Luke went to the garage and stood there looking around at the brick walls. Luke had the map out trying to decide what was best. Stefan was walking near the stairs to see if there was a hidden passageway. �Stefan, could you move over here closer to me,� Luke said seeing the two ghostly figures of Jerry and John Jacks. He didn�t know if they could move things or not yet but if they could. Luke could be there weren�t going to be nice ghosts like little Nakka. Luke figured that Stefan might actually get hurt.

�Why?� Stefan asked.

�Stefan, if a family members dies here. They are trapped here. Right?� Luke asked.

�Yeah?� Stefan said still not seeing where Luke was going with all of this.

Luke groaned and pulled Stefan closer to him. �The Jacks died right up there yesterday. They are standing near the stairs. It might be safer to be closer to me because I can see them and you can�t!� Luke said sounding a bit frustrated at his brother.

�Sorry,� Stefan said finally understanding what Luke was getting at.

The two men stood there looking at the map. Luke looked at Stefan and asked, �This the oldest map you have?�

�Yeah, it was done in 1941,� Stefan said.

�Good because I know where it is,� Luke said and he pointed to the wall under the stairs. �There should be an office or a storeroom of some kind there but nothing is there!�

�Well, lets go find out?� Stefan said moving towards it.

�NO!� came a voice from behind them. Luke turned to see his son or the boy that looked like his son standing there. �What�s wrong?�

�If you open it now, the ones that died there will hurt you. They protect the treasure in death as they did in life,� Nikka said sadly. Luke moved towards the boy. He knew story here and he thought he needed to hear it. Stefan groaned but didn�t comment. He had a feeling Luke was of those conversations again that he would know half of it because Luke the only one that could see and talk to these ghosts. �Nikka, how do you know the treasure is there?� Luke asked.

�I watched them put it in. I can go anywhere on the grounds but into the house. The mean ones inside chase me off when I try to go in. I watched the men put the treasure inside and right before they went in the guard with them killed them. He quickly closed the wall up but never made it off the grounds. He was killed right out there by the big tree,� Nikka said sadly.

Luke nodded and thought about this. �Ok, we have problem. We know where the treasure is but if we open it there we might get attacked by some pissed off ghosts. We could use that to show the old man how bad things are. How about we wait and hold off telling Mikkos until he gets back.�

�Not a bad idea besides I�m starting to believe there evil ghost here,� Stefan said and he pulled Luke out of the way before an wrench hit him on the head.

Nikka glared at the Jerry and said, �Watch it buster, I�m a hell of a lot older then you are! And I have been a ghost a lot longer. I know more tricks then you know!� Jerry fell backwards landing on his butt by Nikka just thinking it.

�Thanks,� Luke said and the two men left the garage. Luke decided it might be a good idea to keep the kids out of the place until this mess was solved. It might be safer.


�Lucy, the others guest are getting ready to leave. Why aren�t you packing?� Kevin asked his wife.

�I�m not leaving. There is too much death here. I have to stay here and help them poor souls rest!� Lucy said getting out her crystals and powers to go work. Kevin decided to leave. He knew better then to fight with her when she was in one of her moods. He would go find Lucky or someone else that listened to him better then she did.

Kevin found Lucky hiding in the garden. Emily and BJ had gone to spend the afternoon getting pampered. Lucky didn�t bother to stop them but he had one problem. Josh was spending the afternoon helping his brother pack. Johnny was flying back with Robert and the others tomorrow. This left Lucky alone! Now, going back to the house was out of the question. Lucky wasn�t sure he wanted to run into any of the other family members. So, he decided to stay out side and hide for awhile.

Kevin walked up to Lucky and asked, �Hiding?�

�That oveous?� Lucky asked laughing a bit as Kevin sat down beside him.

�Yeah,� Kevin said smiling. �I have been meaning to talk to you since I arrived. How you doing?�

Lucky looked over at Kevin with a knowing look on his face. �Who have you been talking to?� Lucky asked

Kevin laughed and said, �Your mother. She is worried about you.�

Lucky nodded his head and said, �My outburst at dinner one night got her into this mood. Kevin, I�m ok. In fact, I have progress report for you. I no longer lock up.� Lucky couldn�t help but grin. He was really happy now that he could show Emily that he loved her without any hang-ups from Alice.

�That�s good to hear,� Kevin said. He knew Lucky and Emily would be smart about their sex life. He figured he didn�t to preach about safe sex. �But are you sure you ok with all this. I mean, you seemed a bit tense at the wedding?�

Lucky sighed and said, �Tense? Why would I be tense?� Kevin heard the sarcasm in Lucky�s voice and he sat there waiting for Lucky to go on. Lucky nodded his head and said, �Ok, I was tense but who can blame me. Do you know that half the family wants me dead and the other half wants to get married to one of their daughters? And all because of the money and power that comes with it!� Lucky got up and started to pace the ground in front off him. He looked off towards the house where cars were lined up with family members heading home. �They came here to get the brass ring but are leaving with nothing. Grandfather made sure of that! Part is glad because I fear what some of them could do with all this power!�

�What do you mean by that?� Kevin asked.

Lucky smiled and said, �Look around you! Do you know what it cost to create this place? It cost a fortune but didn�t even put a dent into what we got. I talked to Nikolas about the estate when we were in Russia. He gave me a very good what we have. We own stock in seventy five percent of the major companies in the world. If we go under, some small countries would bankrupt with us. Even Russia is putting a lot of hope in what this family could to do its economy. They are hoping we turn them into the next oil power in the world. In fact, BJ can shop until she old and gray and never hurt the accounts. That is a lot of money and power!�

�Makes you a very good target!� Kevin said.

�Yeah, but already know how that can turn out. Damion and the others taught me a very good lesson and that is never trust anyone. I can�t? I�m worth to much alive or dead,� Lucky said sadly and he started to walk.

Kevin got up and walked with him. �Lucky, you can�t let those people taint your view of others. Not everyone wants you for the money!�

�I know not everyone but most of them. The others are like the press. They want to know what it is like to be me? The trouble is none of them would want to be me. When we were in Russia. I had to watch what I said because every word was being taken down. Right now the press parked just out side the gate ready for any bit of news of what is going on around her. You can bet the family will stop and talk about things they seen over this weekend. I know they will. It disgust me,� Lucky said coldly.

Kevin shook his head and said, �It does suck but what can you do about it?�

�Nothing!� Lucky said. �I have to live with it. So, if I lock down when people around that I don�t know or trust. Can you blame me?�

�No, I can�t. I see why you acted the way you did but I think it was a shock to your mother seeing you act that way at the dinner table around the family.�

�You mean like a Cassadine!� Lucky said with a knowing look on his face.

�Yeah,� Kevin said.

Lucky sighed and said, �Kevin, I hate to tell her this but I am a Cassadine. Dad and I don�t carry the name but is what we are. I spent a lot of time trying to see how the others dealt with all the changes and I learned something. Victor and my father are a lot a like. They treat the press with disdain. The press is scared off them and keep away from them. Grandfather, people are scared of him. They act as if he could order their deaths at any moment. Stefan might come off cold but he watches he does and says because of how people take things. Now, I�m not as impressive as my father and uncle. I can�t scare people my grandfather. So, I started mimicking Stefan to a point because his way fits me better.�

�I can see that and is a lot easier deal with then you growling at people like your father does,� Kevin said smiling.

�Yeah, and I�m not as deadly as he is. I�m me. I have to find a way to stay me in this life. I might put a wall up around people I don�t like or trust but that doesn�t mean I can�t think the way I want to. I also have to start making place in this family. I grew up being taught that you earn what you go. So, far I haven�t done that. I know what I want to do. I know where I belong. I just have to find away to tell the others where that is,� Lucky said grinning.

�You have been thinking a lot haven�t you?� Kevin asked.

�Yeah, I have done nothing think about it. Kevin, I�m Mikkos Cassadine Grandson and Luke Spencer�s Son! I�m the crown prince and one-day I�m going to have to help run this family. I can�t let Nikolas do this alone. It is my family as well. I have help fight for it!� Lucky said and he has his head up and shoulders back as he said this. Kevin saw the changes Laura saw but seen it for different reason. Lucky was no longer a little kid. He was turning into a young man. He had big world to enter and he was getting ready to enter it!

Chapter 67
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