Chapter 65

Once things calmed down and everyone went back to enjoy the wedding, Mikkos took Ruby�s hand and headed outside. �Where are we going?�

�You�ll see,� Mikkos said as he headed towards a waiting helicopter.

A guard was waiting near by and he bowed as Mikkos approached, �Everything is ready sir,� the guard said.

�Good,� Mikkos said as he opened a door for Ruby and motioned for her to get in. �In you go!�

�Mikkos what are you up to,� Ruby said as she climbed inside.

Mikkos leaned in gave her a kiss and said, �Don�t worry we are not going far because Victor can deal with these people. I get some time alone with my wife.� Mikkos closed the door on her and went to the others side and climbed in. It didn�t take him long to get the copter into the air and head towards his special destination!


Emily and Lucky on the dance floor dancing when Bethany walked up. �Can I break in?� she asked.

Lucky smiled at her and said, �Sorry but my dance card is full.�  He knew was being rude but then again he knew she wanted him for the money and power. He figured she didn�t deserve anything else.

Bethany walked away looking sad. Her father decided to try another approach. He walked over to Victor who was talking to Stefan at the time. �The young prince seems attracted to that young lady,� Bret said.

�Emily? Yes, Lucky and Emily make sweet couple,� Stefan said wondering when the shoe was going to drop. He has been around it enough to see a set coming a mile away.

�She must Royal blood. I mean, it wouldn�t be fitting a crowning marrying anyone else,� Bret said.

Stefan closed his eyes glad that Luke wasn�t hear him or this might have been flat on his back. Anyone every say that Laura wasn�t worth marrying then they were asking for it. Victor cleared his throat and said, �Lucky can marry anyone that he wants. Mikkos would rather see his grandson happy then to force unloved marriage. If you are trying to say that your daughter would be a great match for the crown prince, you are out of luck.�

Bret looked hurt and dejected. �I was just making an observation,� Bret said and he walked away.

Stefan shook his head and said, �I�m glad Lucky is with Emily at this moment. It keeps the vipers like that way from him!�

�I agree,� Victor said and they watched as Bret went to his wife and told her about his conversation. They wondered if the couple was going to give up or maybe wait around for another chance at the crown prince.


Robin went up stairs and found Brenda packing. �Hi, where is Jax?� Robin asked.

�He went with his mother to the station. I am going to catch up with him,� Brenda said sadly.

Robin nodded and said, �I wanted to say how sorry I am for all this.�

Brenda smiled and said, �You didn�t do anything. They did. Jax knows this and so do I. I heard that John could have killed you. I�m glad that he didn�t secede. I rather have you around.� Brenda gave Robin a hug then she closed the last of her suitcases. �The car is ready for me!�

�I�ll walk with you,� Robin said as her and Brenda headed down the stairs.


Mikkos and Ruby arrived at their special destination. They weren�t far in fact they about a mile away from the main house. �When do this?� Ruby asked as she walked into the house.

�It was being finished all this time,� Mikkos said as they walked on inside. The house was an old barn that Mikkos had turned into a house. It was fitting for their little get away.

�I can�t believe you did this,� Ruby said as they walked into hug living area.

�We are here for two weeks. There is enough food made and ready to heat up to last two weeks. We are alone and I want it that way,� Mikkos said and he pulled to him. �Well, Mrs. Cassadine. What do you think?�

�I think you are going to make my life very interesting,� Ruby said smiling as they kissed.

�I plan on it,� Mikkos said and he took by the hand to show her the upstairs.


Robert, Luke and Victor left the party for awhile. They still had a thief to catch and Robert thought he knew whom it was. The three men sat in Mikkos office talking about how they were going to catch the thief.

�You want what?� Victor asked after hearing Robert�s idea.

�I want you to keep family jewels out of the main safe,� Robert said grinning. He could see the look pure on Victor�s face. He was in charge of those jewels and if anything happened to them. It was his life! Robert couldn�t enjoy this moment mainly because Victor was and never will be his favorite person.

�Then what?� Luke asked trying hard not to laugh. He knew Robert this moment and couldn�t blame the guy. Victor was a pain in the ass sometimes and getting to guy such a joy.

�Then they steal it and we fallow them back to their room. You can bug the place can�t you?� Robert asked Victor.

�Yeah, then what?� Victor asked. Robert laughed and filled him in on the rest of his idea.


Luke found it hard to stay asleep when he knew someone was in the room. Laura was having trouble as well. Luke knew this because his wife hands kept sliding up and down his chest.

Finally though the thief left and Luke got up. �You stay put,� He said to Laura. Laura glared at him but stayed where she was. She didn�t like the secret passages any way. In fact, she hated the idea of walking with rats.

Luke knew this. So, he wasn�t worried that would come this time. Luke walked into the hall and stood there as he watched four shadows move up head of him.

The next room the shadows went to was Victor and Alex�s room. Victor laid there wincing as the thieves walked out with the family jewels that Alex had on that evening. �This work, Mikkos was going to kill him!� he thought as the secret passage opened and closed again.

Victor soon joined Luke and the two men moved through the passage slowly hide the four thieves. Soon it was near four A.M. and the thieves were done with their job. They went back to their room to see what they got.

Jason, Robert and Sonny joined Victor and Luke at this time. The five of them stood in the secret passage ready make their move. Robert pointed to the passage that led to the next room. �Go around and go into the front door. We will go through here,� he said to Sonny and Jason.

Sonny and Jason nodded and the two moved to the passageway and went into the room. The room was Ned and Lois' room. Ned saw and watched as Jason and Sonny walked through their room. He knew something was up but got this feeling he didn�t want to know what it was. So, he laid back down and pulled his wife closer to him.

Jason and Sonny stood on one end of the room with thieves in it and Luke, Robert and Victor were in passageway. Robert looked at his watch and said, �Time.�

The five of them moved at the same time startling the occupants of the room. Sheila looked up at Luke and said, �They made us do it!�

Luke rolled his eyes and said, �Oh, stick is cousin! You are caught red handed.�

Robert and Luke handcuffed the two men. Sonny and Jason got the women and Victor got the jewels. �You worried that something is missing?� Luke asked seeing how protective Victor was handing the bag. Victor didn�t comment. He just walked out of the room.

�Lets go!� Robert said.

�What are you going to do with us?� Philip asked.

�You�re going to jail,� Robert said coldly as he shoved the man forward.


While the jewel thieves were being caught. Angelic was in the chapel doing her evening prayers. She felt someone watching her and she turned to around no one was there. She just got done and was standing up when that feeling happened again. She turned around and saw her brother, Tony standing in the ale. �Anthony?�

�Hi, sis,� Tony Cassadine said as he walked towards her.

�Your alive? How?� Angelic said as she ran towards her brother. It wasn�t until she tried to grab him that she realized that he wasn�t solid. Angelic backed up looking like she was going to scream.

�Don�t scream,� he pleaded as he walked up to her. �I�m not going to hurt you. I need your help. We need your help!�

�Who is we?� Angelic asked.

�The others in this family. The ones of that have died. We can�t cross over. We can�t leave here. Please, sis, if you believe in that God of yours. Please help us rest!� Tony begged. He sounded desperate willing to anything to end this living nightmare.

Angelic looked at him and asked, �I don�t understand. Why can�t you cross over?�

�The curse. It prevents any Cassadine from crossing over. I�m only here because this is where my body was moved. Angelic, if Mikkos refused to confess the family sins then we are all doomed. He must do this. Please convince him!� Tony pleased with his sister.

�I don�t know how to. Mikkos has no faith left. He will never go in front of God and say anything,� Angelic said sadly.

�What about Luke or his son? They are the crown princes. They could do it?� Tony said thinking maybe one of them from the bloodline could break the curse. It doesn�t have to be the one in charge at that moment.

�Luke? He doesn�t believe in God. He told me that much himself. I think Lucky does and the only reason he was baptized was because he came so close to death that Mikkos got scared for that one brief moment. He had asked me to do it,� Angelic said sadly.

�Then he can do it,� Tony said thinking maybe that Lucky was their only hope.

�One problem, Tony how am I going to convince that boy to do that?� Angelic asked.

�You might be able to if the others do what they are planning,� Tony said sadly. He looked up at the cross and then back at his sister. �Look, just stay close by for a few days. Once things calm down here and Mikkos comes back. I got this feeling hell is going to break loose. If that happens, get Lucky here and get him to start confessing. Maybe if we are really lucky then he can put to end to this. If not, there is no amount of praying is going to help. We are all doomed to walk this earth forever!� Tony leaned over kissed his sister and vanished. Angelic did know what to think but her heart was telling her to do what he asked. She was going to stick around and maybe with a bit of luck they could end the nightmare that this family has been living through for centuries.

Chapter 66
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