Chapter 55

Lucky and Victor left to get Emily early the next morning. Victor thought taking one of the smaller plans would cut out a lot of time. Lucky wasn�t about ready to argue with him. He liked flying and did just about anything to get into the air.

Carly, Alexis, Gia, and Alex did a day of pampering. Robin had opted to spending some time with Laura. Carly wasn�t too unhappy about all of this because the less she saw of Robin. The better she liked it!

The ladies sat in the spa just enjoying the quiet time. �Alexis, how you feeling?� Alex asked as she leaned back letting the sweet take away all the impurities in her body. 

�I still get sick in the morning. Sonny can�t help but call the baby Jr. all ready,� Alexis said smiling liking the idea of having a little boy. She already had her little girl. It would be nice to have son or that is how she felt about things at this moment.

�I can give you something for that feeling,� Alex told Alexis.

�No, it isn�t that bad. I want to watch what I take. I will come though if it getting any worse,� Alexis said smiling at Alexis.

�You might be having twins,� Carly laughed. She was sick every morning of her pregnancy with the twins.

�She is right,� Alex said laughing at the look on Alexis' face. �Twins run strong in the Cassadine family.�

�They do?� Gia asked worried suddenly about having two babies not only one.

�Yeah, there is about two sets in each generation. I know three in Mikkos,� Alex told Gia.

�I didn�t know that,� Gia said trying to hide her feelings about the subject.

�Yeah, and the more kids this family have the better of a chance a twin will show up,� Alex told Gia.

�I hope it is Lucky and they have his eyes. I think it is a sin a boy have those blue eyes,� Carly said laughing.

�I agree,� Alexis said. She knew Lucky was her nephew but she couldn�t help but notice how intense his eyes got at certain times.

�At least they aren�t as cold as Luke�s,� Alex admitted.

�Speaking of Luke, how is he doing?� Alexis asked.

�Ok, I guess. He sneaks a cigar every now and then even if it is bad for him. I wish he would take this more seriously then he does. Luke could really be sick but think is he supper human,� Alex told the group.

�That�s Luke,� Carly said coldly. Her and Luke weren�t best friends. In fact they loved to go at it more just to see how far one could push the other.

�Yeah,� Gia agreed.

�Well, being Luke or not. He better watch it because he is ill and it could be bad,� Alex said sadly.

�Father know this?� Alexis asked.

�Yes, he has been warned and he keeps a close eye on Luke. In fact, Alexis if you do have son. I want you to remember that this tumor runs in the family. It could be easy for him to get one as well,� Alex warned Alexis.

�What about Nikolas, Lucky, and Michael?� Carly asked.

�All of them. Lucky got tested back he was hurt. There isn�t much of a threat of people under the age of thirty but it could have happened. The family medical history is a bit cloudy on this,� Alex said.

�Great,� Carly said thinking not only of her son but her father.

Alex patted Carly on the shoulder and said, �I have Victor check himself out every year. In fact, I advised Stefan to do the same thing. I guess I should have pushed the subject harder on Luke,� Alex said sadly.

�So, you asked him to get tested?� Alexis asked.

�Yes but Luke said he was fine and didn�t need to be tested,� Alex said.

�Well he wasn�t fine was he,� Alexis said wondering how pig headed her brother could get.


Stefan sat behind his desk working on the paper Lucky found the night before. So far, he got no where. He under stood why Lucky was confused this didn�t make sence. They were words. Stefan rubbed his eyes in frustration and stood up to pace the room. There had to be answer but so far he hadn�t found it. 

Stefan got up and stretched trying to think of a solution to his problem. Bobbie walked in about them carrying a picnic basket. �Do you have time for break?� she asked him hopefully.

Stefan looked at Bobbie then back at his desk. He should figure out this problem but maybe walking away from it might do him some good. �Sure,� Stefan said walking to his wife kissing her lightly on the lips as he took the basket. �I know a great place where no one can find us,� Stefan said smiling as they walked out of his office.


After spending a few hours getting pampered, Carly went to find her husband. She found him working on the dirt bikes the boys rod yesterday. �You know there is people around here to do that,� Carly said as she walked up behind her husband and kissed him on the cheek.

�I know but I enjoy doing this. Did you have fun?� Jason asked turning around and kissing his wife warmly.

�Immensely,� Carly said smiling brightly. �So, do you want to do something while the kids are busy with the nanny?�

�What do you want to do?� Jason asked.

Carly walked over to the dirt bike that and sat on it. �What do you think?�

�You know how to ride one of these?� Jason asked her shocked.

�I�m Victor Cassadine daughter. He didn�t raise prissy little girl,� Carly said grinning.

�Ok, lets go get geared up,� Jason said and they walked changing room where outfits were waiting for them.

Jason ended up chasing his wife up and down the hills for about an hour. He finally stopped on one of the hills and waited for her to join him. Carly stopped her bike beside her husband laughing. �What happened?�

�I can�t keep up with you. I guess there are still few things I don�t know about you,� Jason laughing.

Carly smiled and said, �There is a lot of things you don�t know about me. I have jumped out of airplanes, I can fly them, I am an expert scuba diver and I can race cars.�

Jason looked amazed and said, �I guess Victor made sure you didn�t sit around with lots of make up.�

�I loved that to, but that doesn�t mean that is all I am,� Carly said leaning over and kissing her husband.

Jason looked at her and said, �I have been thinking about having another child. If you really want one, how about we work on it when we get back to the states.�

�You mean it?� Carly said grinning.

�Yeah, I have life time with you but I know that older you get the great the risk for you having a child. I hate for anything to happen to you or our child because of me,� Jason said smiling.

�You talked to Sonny?� Carly said knowing that because of Alexis' age. They were dealing with all those risks.

�Yeah, we were talking while you ladies got pampered and he pointed out all the risk they are dealing with. We both agree that we want three kids and that is it. I figured if have that child now then there would no risk of that. We can then sit back and enjoy children and grow old together,� Jason said leaning forward kissing Carly passionately.

Carly pulled back after a bit and said, �I will enjoy making another child with you.�

�Same here, Mrs. Morgan,� Jason said and they started the bikes again and headed back to the garage.


Laura was working in her office when Luke showed up. �Hi, he said sitting down on the edge of her desk.

�Hi,� Laura said coldly.

�Still made at me?� Luke asked smiling.

�Yes, you let our son talk to Robin like she is trash. I don�t approve and I don�t think your best friend would approve either,� Laura snapped at him as she got up to go get a file.

Luke turned as she walked and said, �I already talked to Robert. He isn�t like you. He thinks Robin and Nikolas are a mistake. He would rather have his daughter be with anyone outside this family. He thinks that I�m right and that is acting a bit like her mother at this moment.�

Laura turned around stunned at what he was saying. �You joking?�

�No, I�m not. You know Laura I like Robin. She is great girl but I don�t think her and Nikolas belong together but they do. It isn�t you or me to decide. I think you should back off completely and let them go,� Luke said smiling a knowing smile at his wife. He knew who talked Robin into this stunt. He also knew that it could have easily come out causing her a lot of heartache.

Laura sighed and said, �I just think they are meant for each other.�

�People thought you and Scott were meant for each other as well and looked out that turned out,� Luke said grinning.

Laura nodded and said, �Ok, I�ll back off all the way.�

�Good. Now, how about we go for a walk or something?� Luke asked her smiling.

�How about we go for a ride?� Laura said grinning.

�Bike?� Luke asked hopefully.

�Horses,� Laura said grinning.

Luke groaned and said, �Ok but I get a back rub later.�

�Deal,� Laura said walking to him and helping Luke to his feet. �Lets go!� Luke walked behind her with this �Why me?� look on his face.


Josh and BJ stood near the landing strip watching the Cassadine jet come in. �We could wait at the house,� Josh said to BJ.

�I want to see Emily,� BJ said missing what Josh was getting at.

�Ah, BJ, sweet heart, I think Lucky has wanted to see her a bit more the you have. It might be nice if we leave them alone for awhile,� Josh said grinning.

�They had time alone,� BJ said not budging as the jet came in for a landing and slowly rolled to a stop near by.

The doors opened and Emily suddenly appeared. �BJ!� Emily screamed and ran to great her best friend.

�Em,� BJ yelled running to her.

Josh rolled his eyes and walked over to the plane. �How was the flight,� Josh asked as Lucky walked down the steps.

�No problem,� Lucky said smiling.

�He�s getting better,� Victor commented.

�One day, I would love to fly solo,� Lucky said smiling.

�You will,� Victor said patting Lucky on the back and taking off leaving the kids alone to get caught up on things.

Chapter 56
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