Chapter 43

Early the next morning, the family headed on to Russia. Lucky was looking forward to what was about to happen. He was wishing there was a way out of this but he knew there wasn�t. He just had to bite his lip and endure it.

They were an hour away from landing when Nikolas called back and said, �Lucky, time to get dressed.�

�Ah, great,� Lucky groaned as he stood up.

There were a few details that Mikkos left out when he talked Lucky and Luke into this mess. Seeing the Queen was just the start of it. When they landed in Russia the entire family was going to be greeted by the President of Russia and some of his cabinet members. After a grand luncheon, Mikkos and the President would go off and talk about what the Cassadine Family was willing to do to help boast Russia�s economy while the others took a tour of the city. This was just a start of a long of a long list of events that was going to happen over the next two weeks. Lucky wished he could fast forward through these weeks and get out of St. Petersburg.

Lucky came out of the back of the plane dressed in a suit and tie. The sash he wore the night he visited the Queen was draped over his shoulder. �I look like Stefan,� Lucky groaned.

�You do don�t you,� BJ laughed as she got a good look at Lucky in his light brown suit.

�Who picked this suit out?� Lucky asked holding up his arms in frustration.

�I think your mother did,� Gia said giggling. This wasn�t Lucky. It looked nothing like him! Lucky had been right when he said he looked a lot like Stefan. Gia was wondering what kind of suit Laura picked out of Luke?

�I�m going to kill her,� Lucky groaned as he sat down as the plane started its descent.

Lucky wasn�t the only one that wasn�t happy about all of this. Luke�s headache was back with vengeance. He sat is seat with his head against the window as the plane started its descent. �You ok?� Ruby asked.

�No, I don�t want to do this. I just want to forget about it!� Luke groaned.

�To late,� Sonny said laughing.

Luke looked up at him threateningly, �I�m going to remember this Corinthos. I�m going to pay you and Jason back for getting me into this.� 

�It will not be that bad,� Stefan said patting Luke on the back. Luke just growled at him and laid his head back and closed his eyes. Luke wanted to take more of those pills but he couldn�t risk it with Alex and Bobbie around. He knew they wouldn�t like any of it. He also knew they would start asking all kinds of questions about his health. So, Luke endured the headache like he was going to endure the rest of this day.


The two jets pulled up together and parked in front of a private hanger. Two red carpets were pulled out in preparation in greeting the family. A grandstand was placed a few feet away with a crowed of people standing around it. The Russian President and his wife were standing near the bottom waiting for the guest of honor.

Lucky looked out the window and sighed, �Why me?� He asked.

�Don�t worry the day will go fast,� Zander promised.

�Yeah, right,� Lucky said getting up and going to the door. Lu was at his side all dressed in a one of her best dresses. �You read?� Lucky asked her.

�Yeah, Lu said thinking this was great. Lucky didn�t agree with her but he plastered a smile on his face as the door opened in front of him.


Zander was a lair. The day dragged on forever but it was finally over. The limos with the family pulled into the gate past a swarm of press and cameramen that hung out on the road in front of it. Mikkos had bought a house in St. Petersburg for the family to stay out for the next two weeks. A huge gate ran all around the house to keep out unwanted guests.

The house before them was three stories tall made of red brick with white wood to trimming around the windows and doors.

No one really cared much about the outside as they pulled themselves out of the limos. All they cared about was resting!

The family walked into the house. They were shocked to see Mrs. Lansbury standing there to great them. �Welcome!� Mrs. Lansbury said walking over to Mikkos. �Everything is the way you ordered.�

�Thank you. I think I speak for everyone when I say we need to rest,� Mikkos said to the maid.

�Yes, sir,� Mrs. Lansbury said waving her hand and several staff members walked up to show the family to their rooms.

Michael, Victoria and Tasha�s nannies were there as well and they took the sleeping children from their mothers� arms and took them up to the nursery. The others followed along behind them.

Luke dropped across his bed not bothering to look around the room at all. Laura walked in a few moments later after placing Lu into her bed. She saw Luke and knew right something was wrong. He was acting off. She walked up to him and placed a loving hand on his back. �Rub,� he begged. 

Laura did as she rubbed his back asked, �You ok?�

�No. My head splitting open,� Luke groaned.

�You want me to get Alex?� Laura asked.

�No, I just want to rest. Please keep people away,� Luke begged.

�Sure,� Laura said lying down beside him and holding Luke until he drifted off to sleep. She wasn�t to worried about his headache. Mainly because ever since they landed, Alex had been keeping a close eye on his smoking and drinking. Something had to give in Luke as he was being forced to play prince. A headache was as good as anything!


Zander was downstairs going over the list of things they were going to do the next two weeks. It was his job in keeping Lucky safe. Robin walked into the room and sat down beside her brother. �I thought you were going to rest?� Zander asked her.

�I was but if I go to sleep now I�ll never go to sleep tonight. What are you doing?� Robin asked sitting back in the chair pulling her legs up around her.

�Going over tomorrow�s itinerary. As you know, since our young prince hates bodyguards, I�m in charge of his protection. I�m trying figure out if anything will pop out at me,� Zander said rubbing his eyes. He was tired and wanted to rest but he had a lot of work to do for tomorrow. There was no time for him to rest not at this moment.

Robin nodded and asked, �Do you have time to give me your opinion on Gia's being here?�

�I would but I�m going to stay out of this. I know you like Nikolas so don�t lie to me about it but if they break up. It will be their doing not ours,� Zander said to his sister.

�Yeah, right but if they do. I can bet that you�ll be glad to hold Gia�s hand,� Robin said eyeing her brother. Zander didn�t say a word. He just sat there smiling as he worked.


Carly and Jason went walking around the grounds. The kids were asleep and would be the rest of the evening. �You did good today. I saw you smile a few times,� Carly said wrapping her arm around Jason as she walked.

�Yeah, well. It wasn�t that bad but it was a long day,� Jason said kissing his wife.

�Yeah, it was and it is going to be a even longer two weeks.�

�Don�t remind me. Isn�t this suppose to be our vacation?� Jason asked.

The couple found a bench in garden and sat down. Carly leaned against Jason and looked out at all the roses around them. �You know your grandmother would love this place.�

�Yeah, she would,� Jason admitted. �You talk to anyone at home?�

�Yeah, Edward is still trying to get the board to call a meeting but it isn�t working.� Carly said glad that people realize that life is a lot better around the hospital without Edward playing his games with peoples lives.

�If I was him, I watch over his company. Turning it over to Tracy and Max Holden was a big mistake,� Jason said shaking his head in frustration. He helped out and saved ELQ once. He wasn�t going to do it again. If they took the company from Edward it was going to be his own fault.

�Tell me about it. I really don�t like your Aunt Tracy. She is a viper,� Carly said her eyes becoming two slits.

�Ah, coming from someone who has Victor for a father that is saying a lot,� Jason said laughing.

�Dad isn�t that bad,� Carly said hitting Jason.

�Yeah, right,� Jason said laughing even more. Carly and Jason got into a fight on the bench and soon the fight turned into something more.


The next morning, while Mikkos went to another meeting with the Russia President, Lucky and the teens got a tour of the local university. BJ, Josh and Robin, because of their choice of major wanted to take a tour of the universities medical falsity. Lucky started go other places alone but Gia and Zander soon joined him. Nikolas stayed with the main group to translate for the others or he might have ended up drifting off with Lucky as well.

�Where are we going?� Zander asked Lucky.

�I don�t know. I�m not into medicine and I wanted to check out the law department,� Lucky said smiling as he walked.

�Grandfather know about this?� Zander asked shocked that this was the first time he heard about this.

�No one knows about it and you aren�t going to tell them,� Lucky said eyeing Zander as they walked.

�Ok, my lips are sealed,� Zander said. He couldn�t help but wonder what Mikkos would say about Lucky taking up Law. Alexis couldn�t run everything by herself all the time and in time she would want to take a break. Having Lucky taking up things when that time came might work out for everyone all the way around.


That afternoon the teens walked into the house and Lucky headed towards his room, �I�m going to call Em,� Lucky yelled at the others.

�Oh, no you don�t,� Mrs. Lansbury said grabbing Lucky by the arm. �You need to get ready for the party tonight.� Lucky groaned at her but didn�t bother to fight. He just went up to his room to get ready.

After showering and changing clothes, Lucky did have a few moments to call Em. He picked up his phone but before he dialed a number he hard this click. Lucky was puzzled by this and undid the mouthpiece. He looked inside the workings of the phone and saw a mike. �I�m being bugged,� He snapped. Lucky walked around his room and spotted not only a mike but a camera located in the corner of the room. �What is going on here?� Lucky asked himself.

Lucky left the room and went to find his father but Luke was fast asleep again. So Lucky found Victor and showed him the room. Victor wasn�t happy not at all. �He pulled one of the bugs out of its space and said, �I�ll fix this myself.� Lucky didn�t look on Victor�s face and pity the poor people he laid into. Lucky decided to call Emily when he knew no one could listen in on his conversation with her.

Chapter 44
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