Chapter 39

Luke stood looking in the mirror scowling. He couldn�t believe he actually agreed to this. Laura was pinning on the sash that marked him as the crown prince. Luke thought it looked more like a target then anything else. �The shooter will know who to aim at,� Luke snapped as Laura pinned it down at his side.

�Will you stop,� Laura scolded as stood up to give Luke the once over.

�Angel, I�m a bit ticked at you for tricking me like this,� Luke said turning a bit to face his wife. �You should have warned me!�

Laura smiled and said, �I would have but then I realized you wouldn�t have done it. Besides, I know more then anyone what the others are like. I know they are ready to swoop down and rip this family a part. I�m not going back to the old fight. I am going to fight for this family we built over the last few years.�

Luke smiled at her. �You really think I�d let that happen?� Luke asked as he pulled Laura to him.

�I didn�t know. I do know that this our only shot to stop them cold. Luke, I like fighting anyone with you but I can�t go back to this senseless War!� Laura told him as she buried her head in his shoulder.

�I understand,� Luke said patting her shoulder. He had to admit it would be hard to fight the same war after all this time. Mikkos wasn�t the enemy. Neither was Victor and as for the others? Luke didn�t see them part of his family. They were just a bunch of vultures that were waiting for the horse to die before attacking.

�I�m glad that you understand. I hope that you behave tonight and do not start some kind of war,� Laura said with a smile.

�Me!� Luke said smiling sheepishly at his wife. �I�ll be on my best behavior.�

�You better be,� Laura warned him. Luke stood there smiling making Laura fidget a bit. She didn�t look on Luke�s face. Either he was playing with her or he would behave or he had something up this sleeve.


Nikolas was helping Lucky get ready. Like his mother, he was trying to pin Lucky�s sash on him but not getting anywhere. Lucky wasn�t the type of person that took the words stay still to well. He just loved to move around too much to do that. �Lucky, if you don�t stop moving I�m going to end up sticking you with this pin,� Nikolas sculled as he looked up at his brother with frustration.

�That is staying still for him,� Josh laughed as he laid on the bed watching Lucky get ready for this party. Josh for one was glad that he wasn�t invited. Meeting royalty wasn�t what he wanted to do over his summer vacation.

Lucky grabbed a pillow off the bed and throwing it at Josh. Josh grabbed it and stuck it under his chin. In the mean time, Nikolas ended up sticking Lucky in the hip with the pin. �Ouch!� Lucky yelped glaring down at Nikolas.

�I told you to stay still,� Nikolas said as he finished pinning the sash down. �There, now take out your earring.� Nikolas told his brother as he stood up.

�Oh, no,� Lucky said backing up away from Nikolas looking at his brother as if he could bite him or something! �I might have to ware this monkey suit and I might have to put up with those over stuffed shirts but I�m not taking out my earring for them. If they don�t like Lucky Spencer the way he is then they can stick it!�

Nikolas smiled at Lucky and said, �You mean, Lucas Lorenzo Spencer II.�


�You can�t go by Lucky. It isn�t your proper name,� Nikolas pointed out.

�It is what I go by,� Lucky shot back.

�Lucky, this isn�t a party that goes on in Port Charles. You are going to meet the queen of England! You can�t go up to her and say, Hi, I�m Lucky!� Nikolas said in frustration.

�Why not?� Lucky asked.

�Because it isn�t done. You have to go by Lucas Lorenzo II,� Nikolas shot back.

�Oh, so that means some brave soul will call dad Lucas?� Lucky asked Nikolas with his arms crossed his chest.

�Yes, that�s his proper name,� Nikolas said not understanding what the problem was.

�Does he know this yet?� Lucky asked grinning. He knew something that most didn�t know that only his grandmother and Aunt Bobbie where the only ones to call his father Lucas and get away with it. 


As Bobbie was getting dressed, BJ sat on her bed and complained about not being able to go along. �Mom, this sucks. I�m part of this family as much as the others!�

�Honey, I�m sorry that you can�t go. I know you were looking forward in going but it can�t be helped. Lucky is the teen going and that is because he is the prince,� Bobbie said smiling down at her daughter.

�Yeah, and he doesn�t want to go. Do you know what my friends would have said at school when I told them I met Prince William!� BJ said feeling very dejected about all of this.

�I know honey,� Bobbie said kissing her daughter on the cheek before finish getting ready.

Stefan came in about this time and asked, �Ready yet?�

�Almost,� Bobbie said smiling as she went off to give herself the once over one more time in the mirror in the bathroom.

�Still down in the mouth about not going along?� Stefan asked BJ as he fixed his tie.

�Yeah, I wish Grandfather could have talked the Queen into letting me go,� BJ said smiling.

�If he could do that then all of them would be going,� Stefan said smiling at BJ. �But don�t worry you will have lots of parties to attend in Russia.�

�I hope so,� BJ said. �I think I�ll go find out if Josh wants to check out the city.�

�Be careful,� Stefan told BJ before she left.

�I will,� BJ called out as she walked out of the room.


Ruby was having second thoughts about going to this party. �Mikkos, I don�t think I should go,� Ruby said as she sat in front of the mirror looking at herself more as the hooker that she once was.

�Why?� Mikkos asked as he sat down beside her and kissed her cheek.

�Because they know what I was. If I go then I�ll end up hurting you,� Ruby said feeling very dejected at that very moment.

Mikkos smiled at her and said, �You were hooker and I tried to take over the world. If they want to hold the past against us then let them do it but I�m show the world that I�m proud of you and that I love you.�

Mikkos opened a jewelry box right then and showed it to Ruby. It was the same set he gave her when they first got married all those years ago. �Oh, Mikkos,� she said as tears pooled into her eyes.

�Now, don�t start crying on me. We have to leave in less then twenty minutes,� Mikkos said quickly dabbing her eyes before the tears could destroy her make up. �Let me put them on you,� He said then grabbing the ruby necklace and placing it around her neck. �This is where these belonged from the very beginning!�


Carly and Jason the only two adults that weren�t going stood back and watched as the group walked out of the room. They had to stay behind because the nanny�s went on to Russia and Robin was going along with the party with Zander meaning that someone had to watch the kids. �I�m so glad that Mikkos forget about bring one of the nanny�s with us,� Carly said grinning as she dropped into one of the chairs dressed in a ragged pair of jeans and one of Jason�s T-shirts.

�So, am I,� Jason said joining his wife in the chair.

�Can I see what�s on TV?� Lu asked Carly.

�Sure and if you want order something from room service for supper. Anything you and Lucas want,� Carly said grinning.

�Great,� Lu said running to the phone with Lucas right behind her.


Lucky sat behind the limo driver as the limo headed towards Buckingham Place. �What�s wrong, Cowboy?� Luke asked his son seeing the sour look on Lucky�s face. �Having second thoughts?�

�Yeah, I don�t belong with these people. They are way out of my league,� Lucky said wishing he had told his grandfather to stick it.

�Lucky, no one is better then you. I don�t care what is in their bank accounts or what kind of bloodline they have. We are just as good as they are no matter what have done or where we come from,� Luke said raising his son�s head just a bit. �Clear?�

�Clear,� Lucky said smiling as the limo pulled into the gates of Buckingham Place.

The doorman opened the door and Mikkos exited the limo. He turned around and held out his hand towards Ruby. Ruby took it and climbed out of the limo thinking of Luke�s words to Lucky. She wasn�t going to let these people get the better of her. She was going to keep her head held high. Mikkos smiled at her glad to see that Ruby was finally coming around.

Reporters at the gate fought to get the first shot of the Cassadine Family arriving at Buckingham Palace. Luke tried not to scowl at them as he climbed out of the limo then offering his hand to Laura. Laura looked around her and smiled at Luke. �I�m starting to think that Lucky was right this is a big mistake.�

�Don�t let get to you,� Luke said leaning over and kissing his wife on the cheek. Lucky joined his parents and sighed. He was wishing that Emily was with him. At least he could hold her hand to keep from shaking.

The group started towards the Palace. Mikkos and Ruby were in the lead with Luke and Laura right behind them. Nikolas had joined his brother and Zander and Robin were behind them. Stefan and Bobbie were next with Alexis and Sonny behind them. Victor and Alex brought up the rear. Victor didn�t once let his guard down. He was t here to protect the family and nothing more. As he walked he wished that Mikkos would have let him bring some guards along but Mikkos didn�t want to come off like criminals. He wanted to show the world that he had changed and really didn�t need to hide behind their men.


�I wonder how Lucky is doing right now?� Josh asked as BJ and him got a seat in the hotel�s dinning hall. Victor had told them to charge anything they wanted to the room and the tab will be paid later. Josh liked the idea and was glad that he didn�t have to dig into the small amount of money that he brought with him.

�I bet he wishes that he could be anywhere but where he is,� BJ said sourly. It is strange. She wanted to go to the party and Lucky didn�t but it was Lucky that got forced to go along. While she stayed behind with the others.

�BJ, I�m sorry we can�t go but this place his this hot club and we can get in as long as we don�t drink?� Josh said grinning.

BJ brightened up a bit and said, �You know this might not be bad after all. I mean, we don�t have any adults to tell us what to do. We can charge what ever we want to the room and we are alone.� She leaned forward and kissed Josh.

�I was wondering when you realized this,� Josh said grinning as they were shown the best table in the house. It was amazing how people treated you when they realize you were with the Cassadine family. Johnny might not like all of this but Josh did. He liked the respect he got when he was with the Cassadines.


Luke was glad he was a good mimic. If he wasn�t then he might have made a complete ass out of himself at the dinner party. He watched Lucky, Stefan and the others at the table to know how to eat some of the food that was placed in front of him.

The conversation at the table went a bit easier. Luke got lucky and ended up sitting right next to a blues fan. At least he had something to talk about during the meal and didn�t have to try and guess what the guy was talking about.

Lucky was having the same kind of Lucky. He found out that Prince William wasn�t as big of a stiff as he thought he would be. Ok, the guy�s manners and grammer was a lot better then his was but at least they found something to talk about, their girl friends.

After dinner, everyone broke up in small groups; Stefan took Bobbie by the arm and guided her out into the garden. �Enjoying yourself?� Stefan asked.

�I feel like I�m dreaming,� Bobbie said leaning against Stefan�s shoulder.

�Well it is not a dream and so far it is going good. Luke hasn�t done anything to make a fool of us and Lucky is even having fun. I think this might work,� Stefan said as he pulled Bobbie towards him and kissed her.

Chapter 40
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