Chapter 27

�Jason?� Carly said in a lost voice as she walked over where her husband was standing alone.

�What?� Jason said in a clipped voice.

�You mad at me?� Carly asked as she stood there with this lost look on her face. She felt bad for what happened to Monica and the baby. She felt like it was her fault.

Jason sighed and looked up at his wife. �No, I�m not mad at you. It wasn�t your fault,� Jason said as he reached for his wife and pulled her to close to him.

�I shouldn�t have baited her,� Carly said sadly as she buried her head in Jason�s shoulder.

Jason smiled this sad smile and said, �Carly, I know why hate Skye. You told me stories about how she treated you in school. You wouldn�t be you if you didn�t act out. What happened was an accident.�

�Thanks. I hope Robert and Monica think that as well,� Carly said sadly as she leaned against Jason as they stood there looking out into the night sky.


�You want to say at our house?� Lucky asked Emily as they stood just outside Monica�s room. Monica had been given a strong sedative. She would be out for a long time there was no use for Emily to sticking around tonight.

Emily shook her head sadly and said in a lost voice, �I�m going home with Jason. Thanks, for sticking around.�

�No, problem. I�m sorry,� Lucky said hugging Emily before walking to where his father was standing. �You ready?� Lucky asked Luke.

�Yeah, Rob took off about an hour ago.� Luke said and the two of them headed towards the elevator together.

Lucky leaned against the back of the elevator and looked at his father. �You leaving town tonight?�

�No, I�m sticking around for a bit longer. Rob can�t run the club right now and Jason needs to be with his mother,� Luke replied.

�That�s good,� Lucky said.

�You ok?� Luke asked noticing the lost look on Lucky�s face.

�Yeah. I just feel sorry for Emily. She has been through a lot and now this,� Lucky said shaking his head sadly.

�I know,� Luke said and he patted his son on the back.


Skye found her father on the fourth floor looking over a file. She walked up to him and asked, �How is Monica?�

Alan looked up at her with cold hard eyes and asked, �Do you really care?�

Skye was taken back by this and it took her a moment to gather herself together before speaking again. �You mad at me?� she asked.

�Yes, I am. What in were you thinking? You knew I was fighting to get near Emily gain? You knew Jason had nothing to do with me. Hell, I was just getting Monica to look at me again and you blew it all in one night. I�ll be surprised if I don�t loose my job after your stunt.� Alan said coldly as he started to walk away from Skye.

Skye grabbed his arm and said with a cold hard voice, �You act like it mattered. You think any of them would care about you?�

Alan turned around and looked at her with the same matching cold hard look. �It mattered to me!� Alan then pulled his arm free and walked away from Skye.

�Damn,� Skye cursed as she kicked the desk. She blew it and she knew it. Her father was going to kill her when he found this one out.


It was early in the morning of the next day. Monica was awake. She was lying on her side thinking about the loss of her child and how messed up her marriage was. In fact just thinking about all this made her worse not better.

The door opened and she thought it was one of the nurses. So, she didn�t bother to turn around and look to see which one it was. Monica was wrong thought who it was. It was Alan. He had worked all night and was stopping by to see Monica before heading home. He was surprised to find her awake.

�How are you doing?� He asked when he saw that Monica�s eyes were open.

Monica rolled over and looked up at Alan with cold hard eyes. �What are doing here?� she asked him.

�I was worried about you.� Alan said as he sat down in the chair beside the bed.

Monica laughed and said, �You worried about me? The only the person you care about is yourself!�

The look in Monica�s eyes cut Alan deeper then any of her words could. Alan looked at her and said, �I�m sorry about the baby. I didn�t mean for Skye tell you that way. Can�t you believe me?�

Monica shook her head and said, �This has nothing to do with the baby.�

�Then what does it have to do with?� Alan asked her.

�Us. You and me.� Monica said and she sat up in bed. �Alan, I knew coming back here was a mistake. I mean I should have learned from the first time. You tried killing me when you thought I was another man�s child but Robert told me it would be different. I should have known it wouldn�t be.�

�Monica, I was young and stupid then. I didn�t hurt you or this baby. I would never hurt you.� Alan pleaded with Monica.

Monica scuffed and said, �You have been hurting me since you have started taking drugs. I watched you destroy yourself, your career, and your family. I have lied to the hospital and to everyone I know to protect you from yourself. When you finally decided to stop and became clean. I thought this was it. We could this past us and start over but I was wrong. You became this self-righteous jerk. Nothing I did was good enough any more. I couldn�t be a good mother. I couldn�t be a good wife. Hell, I wasn�t even a good enough doctor according to you.�

�Why do think this? What gave you this idea?� Alan asked her.

�What didn�t you say?� Monica asked shocked that he would even ask this question. �Let�s see. You hated everything that Emily did. You blamed me for her mouthing off to you. You couldn�t stand her friends. I got the flack for Jason not wanting you near his kids. I was a bad mother for allowing AJ to drink. I was trader for not fighting hard enough to save your job. I was even worse when I said they were right for not allowing you back as chief of staff. Alan tell me what you didn�t say to me?�

Monica started to cry then and she couldn�t stop. She cried for the loss of her child, the pain she was because of Alan and the pain for her children. Alan sat there for awhile without moving for a long time. He finally moved forward wrapped his arms around Monica and sat down beside her. He wrapped his arms around his wife for the first time in ages and held her.

It wasn�t until Monica fell asleep that he started to think about what he did and didn�t do. Finally after a long time sitting there Alan picked up a note pad beside the bed and started to write. When he was done he stuck the letter under Monica�s arm kissed her on the cheek and left the room.


When Monica woke up a little while later Alan was gone and Amy had just placed her tray in front her. �You want anything?� Amy asked.

�No,� Monica said feeling empty not just without the baby but of all the pain.

Amy nodded her head and walked out of the room. Monica started to roll over when her hand pushed against the letter. Monica picked it up and looked at it. She knew it was from Alan. Her first instinct was the rip it up but she didn�t. She opened the letter and read it.


If you opened this I�m surprised, because after what I did to you. I should be shot but thanks for at least giving me this chance to say this.

Growing up I thought that my mother was a saint. I couldn�t believe anyone could stick someone that constantly hurt them. Well, you earned saint hood in my book. You stuck by me when I gave you nothing in return. Oh, I did give you pain, a lot of it.

As I sat there listening to you tell me how much I dished out, I saw why you ended up with Robert. I mean how much do I expect you to take before you run to someone else. What did I expect from you? Did I think you should sit by and let me rip you apart another time? I guess I did because I was outraged that you had affair on me again. That day at your apartment, that was me blaming you for my mistake. I ran out on you and hid in a bottle. I got better and blamed you for all the things I did during that time. I couldn�t just say that I messed up and please give me another chance. I had to bring you down to my level. I had to make you suffer with me.

I�m sorry for that. I know those empty words coming from me. I know that you will never believe that they are real and I don�t blame you. So, all I can do is give you the divorce. Take what you want and all I ask is that maybe one day when Emily isn�t mad at me any more that you will open your heart just a bit and say something nice about me.


Monica sat there with tears running down her cheeks. Alan had said so much that hurt her and Emily but these words told Monica that the man she loved was there. She just didn�t know if knowing this now could save them. Could she give him one more chance?


�What are you doing here?� Claude asked Luke when Luke walked into the club that morning.

�I owe the place!� Luke snapped not bothering to give Claude a second glance as he walked towards his office. Claude wasn�t happy to see Luke. Damion had made plans to move on Lucky soon but with Luke hanging around town those plans were risky. Claude cursed quietly as he went to call Damion to tell him what was going on.

Luke who had forgotten something in the car caught the last part of that conversation. �I don�t know when he is leaving but he isn�t right now. We can�t grab the kid right now with Luke in town. He keeps to close to his son,� Luke over heard Claude tell someone.

�You double crosser,� Luke snapped fighting impulse to going in there and ripping Claude a part at that very moment. Luke forced himself to stay put until he heard more of the conversation. He knew Claude was his only link to the kidnappers.

�I will,� Claude said. �The moment Luke leaves town I�ll tell you.� Claude hung up the phone and went back to work. Luke waited for a moment and then stepped out of hiding.

If Claude thought that Luke over heard the conversation he didn�t show it.  �I forgot something back at the penthouse. I�ll be back later,� Luke said as he headed for the door.

�Sure, boss,� Claude said as he went to work.

�Sure, boss,� Luke mimicked as he walked out of the club with his eyes burning with rage. �I�m going to show you who the boss is!�


Lucky was working on his schoolwork but he was thinking about Emily, when his father walked into the house. �Lucky, I want to talk to you,� Luke snapped.

�Later,� the tutor said looking up from grading one of Lucky�s papers.

�NOW!� Luke growled.

The tutor eyed Luke closely but one look from Luke cut her off. She didn�t see this side of Luke too often but when he did show it. She learned to quickly step out of the guy�s way. She didn�t say another word as Lucky got up and walked into the den where his father had vanished. �What�s up?� Lucky asked.

�Give me that damn medallion Mikkos coned you in wearing,� Luke ordered holding out his hand for it.

�What medallion?� Lucky said smiling sheepishly.

�Lucky, I�m not in the mood for games. Hand it over!� Luke ordered sticking his hand out for the medal.

Lucky sighed and took off the medal. He was wondering when his father was going to realize that he had it on but didn�t think he would get this upset about it. Luke took the medal off the chain and put another one just like it in its place. He then handed it back to Lucky. �What�s this?� Lucky asked looking puzzled at his father.

�A tracking device. I want you to make sure you keep it on,� Luke ordered.

�What�s this for?� Lucky asked still puzzled as he put on medal around his neck.

�Claude is working for who ever is trying to kidnap you,� Luke said.

�What? You sure?� Lucky asked. He would have never had guessed Claude double cross his father that way not in a million years.

�I heard him talking to someone on the phone about you. He said that it wasn�t safe to take you with me around. Now, as soon as Robert is back or half way back on his feet. I�m going to vanish but I�m not going to go far. I�ll be on your back all the time. When they make their move and they will. I�ll be right behind you,� Luke promised.

�So, you plan on using me as bate?� Lucky asked his father.

�If you are up for it?�

�I am,� Lucky said smiling. He would always put his life in his father�s hands. He knew his father would do anything to make sure that he stayed safe.


After leaving Lucky, Luke found Robert at Scorpio/Scorpio Detective Agency; Mac was just leaving when Luke walked into the office. �I�d watch what you say to him. He isn�t in a very good mood.� Mac warned Luke as he walked out the door. Luke nodded his head as he walked into the office.

Mac was right. Robert wasn�t in a good mood. He was sitting at his desk brooding over a file. �What�s up?� Luke asked as he sat down across from Robert.

�Nothing.� Robert said as he closed the file.

�Yeah right,� Luke said leaning back in his chair and eyeing Robert. �Why don�t you let it out before this eats you up a live.� Luke suggested.

Robert glared back at Luke and then asked, �You really want to hear it?�

�Yeah, I want to here it.�

Robert stood up and started to pace the floor. �What do you want to here? Do you want to know that I hate your father that it is because of stupid revenge kick that my child is dead?� Robert demanded.

�Ah, mate. I don�t claim him remember. I deal with him. So, an if that old did something don�t take it out on me,� Luke said sitting up and eyeing Robert intently.

Robert nodded sighing.  �I know that but right now I�m angry. I want to hurt someone but who? AJ for starting all of this? Mikkos for being Mikkos? Or Edward, Alan, or everyone that opened their mouths last night?�

�Do you think it would help?� Luke asked.

�No, I don�t. I don�t think it would do me any good,� Robert said as he dropped down in his chair rubbing his hand through his hair.

�Robert, I know you are hurting. I know you put a lot stock in that kid. She was your shot for being a father all the way. But I want you to remember that you have two kids. You have Robin and Zander and they need you,� Luke said smiling at his friend.

�Yeah, right. They are adults. They don�t need me,� Robert said sadly.

�Sure, man. Keep telling yourself that and maybe one day you will believe it,� Luke said and he stood up and leaned closer to Robert. �I have news for you. Your kids will always need something from you. It might change over the years but in the end they still things from you.� Luke patted Robert on the shoulder before walking out of the office. He figured Robert had enough on his plate. He would deal with his own problems his way.

Chapter 28
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