Chapter 20

Lucky took the day off from his lessons and helped Emily and Monica get set up in the penthouse across from Jason and Carly. He was lugging boxes from the living room to the rooms all over the penthouse. The staff at the Quartermaine house gathered together just about everything either of them would need to make a home there. Monica knew that Lila had asked them to and it was a great help. At least she wouldn�t have to think about buying any furniture or other supplies for a while.

�Where does this go?� Lucky asked holding up a box.

Emily looked in it and said, �Kitchen.� Lucky headed that way but Emily grabbed his arm and said as she dropped another box down on top of that one. �This one goes as well.�

�Thanks a lot!� Lucky said in a strained voice as he walked towards the kitchen.

Monica looked at her daughter and said, �Take it easy on him. He just got off those crutches.�

Emily looked in Lucky�s direction and said, �He is being babied to much. He is fine and besides if he gets tired I�ll know!�

Monica smiled at her daughter and went back to her unpacking. She was placing a vase on the mantel when there was a knock at the door. �Emily will you get that!�

�Sure,� Emily said placing the box she was about to carry upstairs and went to answer the door.

As soon as the door was opened two little flashes ran past her, Carly quickly joined them and yelled after the twins. �Now, you two stop running!� Carly ordered.

�Yes, mommy,� the twins replied as the rushed to their grandmother who quickly gave them hugs.

�How are my angels?� Monica asked the twins.

�Angels?� Carly said rolling her eyes. �You mean Devils!�

�Your not Devils,� Monica said hugging both of the kids. �Are you?�

�No,� came to small replies. Carly didn�t comment she just looked at Monica and asked, �Well what can I do?�

Monica looked at the boxes all around the living room and said, �Help us put this stuff away so I can figure out what to do with the furniture.� Monica stopped for a moment as she looked at all the work they still had to do and added. �I think there is furniture under all this mess!�


Zander walked down the hall of the hospital heading towards his mother�s office. �Looking for me?� Alex�s voice called from behind him.

Zander turned around to and smiled at his mother. �Yeah, you left from home so early this morning you for this!� Zander said handing his mother the file.

Alex looked at it and sighed, �If my head wasn�t attached this morning I would have forgotten it as well. Thanks, I need this for the board meeting this afternoon.�

�No problem. So, you have time for coffee with me or are you busy?� Zander asked. He had wanted to talk to his mother about what Robert had said about Monica and the up and coming baby. He told Robin he was ok with the idea but deep down part this bothered him. He was still just getting used to the idea Robert was his father and now with another kid on the way. Zander didn�t really know how to take this. He was hoping that his mother could help him work out some of his feelings.

Alex looked at her watch and then back at her son. �Sure, lets go down and get some,� Alex said and they walked to the elevator and headed down to the cafeteria. It wasn�t until they sat down at one of the tables near the back that Alex looked at her son and asked, �What�s wrong?�

Zander started to laugh and said, �You know me really well don�t you!�

�Yeah, I do and I know when something is bugging you. So, spill it!� Alex ordered.

Zander nodded his head and he told his mother what Robert had told him that night at dinner. At first was Alex was hurt because of how Robert acted around Anna but then she realized that Anna and Robert were over way before that night. It was just neither one of them wanted to admit it! So, with that in mind she asked, �How you do you feel about it?�

�I told Robin that I was ok with it but the longer I thought about it. I started to wonder if maybe Robert had more to do with what happened with me then I was first let on,� Zander said sadly.

Alex realized what he was asking and she looked at her son and said, �It was Anna that decided not to Robert and it hadn�t nothing to do with their love or lack of love for each other. As for Robert and Monica, I�m not surprised that he is standing by Monica in this. Robert is that type of man. He lives by a code and he takes that code to heart. That is why he gave Anna more chance and that is why he standing Monica now!�

�In way, you an say he is a lot like Victor!� Zander said smiling at his mother.

�Yes, but don�t tell Robert that because I don�t think he would like the comparison!� Zander nodded his head and the pair talked more about other things not just Robert or the up coming baby.

They were so into their conversation that they missed a nurse sneaking away from the back table and heading out of the cafeteria. Amy had been sitting there taking her break when she over heard their entire conversation. She couldn�t wait to start telling just about anyone would listen to the bit of news she just picked up!


Stefan took the day off and he spent it with Bobbie. They walked along the back yard of the house hand and hand after a nice quiet breakfast. �It is nice out here. I�m glad we bought this place from Luke and Laura!� Bobbie said leaning her head on Stefan�s shoulder smiling contently.

�We didn�t really buy it. I mean they didn�t buy it,� Stefan said smiling.

Bobbie looked at him and shook her head. �I know it belongs to all of us but it our home and I�m glad it is,� Bobbie said.

Stefan smiled at her and realized what she was getting at. �Yes, I�m glad it is ours as well,� Stefan said kissing Bobbie�s hand.

They walked a bit more when Stefan asked, �What did you and BJ talk about late into the night as night?�

Bobbie smiled and told Stefan about Monica and the baby and BJ�s fears. Stefan nodded and said, �I can see why she fears that because I get this feeling that father isn�t dropping it as he says he is dropping it,� Stefan said.

�What do you mean?� Bobbie asked a growing fear building with in her.

�I don�t know. He is talking with someone on his private line quiet a bit lately. I also over hear the name Quartermaine and Bobbie, I know my father better then any one. He will not drop this until he gets what he set out to do and that is destroy Edward!�

�So, nothing we say or do will stop him,� Bobbie said sighing sadly.

�No but don�t tell anyone. I think it is best that is stays a secret for awhile. It has been nice and quiet in the family,� Stefan begged her.

�I will not say a word and not even to Monica. I just wish Mikkos would just give it up,� Bobbie said sadly.

Stefan laughed and said, �He will not give it up or give up on the hope that Lucky will be his heir. I might run the family and I know in the end I will always have it. Father on the other hand keeps on hoping that Lucky will see who he is and will take his place as prince.�

Bobbie laughed and said, �He is getting old!�

�I agree. He doesn�t see that the boy is too much like Luke. Luke loves his freedom and he prides himself in what builds himself. Lucky might love the toys but he also enjoys making his way. I see this but father? He doesn�t!� Stefan said sadly.

�Well, Luke and Laura taught Lucky to live on his own.  They had to with the life they were living. Lucky is so independent that being confined to this life that Mikkos wants would destroy him,� Bobbie said sadly.

�You see it as restriction but father sees it giving Lucky the world!� Stefan pointed out to his wife.

Bobbie laughed and said, �That isn�t he freedom Lucky craves!�

�No, I know the freedom he wants. I see it when the boy flies. I see it when he his racing that boat or driving his car. Lucky enjoys the danger and the rush life gives him. It is the same rush Luke needs and takes when ever he can,� Stefan said.

�Yes, is it is a drug to both of them. The ones who love them realize it and take them as they are. Mikkos hadn�t realized it yet and he doesn�t know that caging them will kill them!� Bobbie said sadly.

�One day he will but if not! I don�t think we will have to fear Luke letting Mikkos cage his son. Luke will fight to keep Lucky as he is,� Stefan said smiling.

�Yes, he will do just that,� Bobbie said smiling back and the couple walked on down the path.


Later that afternoon, Alan walking down the hall and has he neared a corner. He heard Amy talking to someone. At first he didn�t bother to hear what they were saying but as he got closer he heard Monica�s name being mentioned. Alan stopped near the corner and listed as Amy told the nurse she was talking to about the conversation she over heard earlier that day. Alan�s blood pressure went up. He stood there fuming as he listed to Amy say that his wife was pregnant with another man�s child!

Alan walked away way before they realize that he heard them. He dropped the file he was carrying at the nurses desk then left the hospital heading to confront Monica about her lies.

Chapter 21
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