Chapter 13

�Zander!� Nikolas yelled as he ran after his cousin.

�Go away,� Zander snapped heading for his car.

Nikolas caught up with Zander grabbed his arm and said, �Didn�t Lucky�s accident teach you anything? Running off in anger isn�t going to help anything. Think before you react,� Nikolas pleaded with Zander.

Zander looked down on the ground and sighed. He then looked up at Nikolas and asked in frustration, �What do you want me to do?�  

Nikolas shook his head and said, �I don�t know but running off isn�t going to make things better. Lucky did that and it almost killed him.�

Zander nodded his head and leaned against the car. He looked up at the ceiling and groaned in frustration. �Nikolas, I have always known that I was adopted. It wasn�t that big of a deal but I never dreamed that my real birth mother was Anna,� Zander admitted.

�I know what is like to be lied to. I always thought that Stefan was my uncle and it really through me that he was my father. It was hard learning the truth and at first I was mad at being lied to. It was later that realized that no matter what I called Stefan. He would always be my father,� Nikolas said joining Zander on the car�s hood.

�I know. No matter what I call Alex. She is the only mother I really ever want. What bothers me is that I had to find out about this the hard way. Why didn�t they tell me?� Zander asked in frustration.

�I don�t know. You have talk to your mother about that,� Nikolas said.

Zander shook his head leaned back on the car. He stayed there trying to figure this all out. That is when the elevator door opened and Robert stepped off it. Robert looked over where the young man were sitting and stood there unsure what to do. All his life he wanted a son but always treasured Robin. Now, he had both Robin and Zander and Robert had no idea what to do about it.

Nikolas hit Zander on the arm and pointed in Robert�s direction. �Ah, Zan,� Nikolas said.

Zander sat up and looked in the direction Nikolas was pointing. Zander looked at Robert then over at Nikolas. �What do I do?� Zander asked.

�Talk to him. I have feeling this hit him as hard as it hit you. I think maybe you might both get through this a lot easier with each others help,� Nikolas said sliding off the car and heading towards the elevator. As he walked past Robert he said, �Take it slow!� Robert nodded and walked towards Zander.


Robin stormed out of the house slamming the door behind her. Emily close to tears looked at Lucky and said, �I have to leave.�

�Why?� Lucky asked not understanding why Emily felt the need to take off. He didn�t know about the fight between the Quartermaines and the Cassadines. The others have kept him in the dark about all of this at least up until this point.

�I just do,� Emily said kissing Lucky quickly and then running out of the room.

Lucky looked at BJ and Josh and asked, �Ok, what is going on? Something more is happening here then Zander finding out that he is Anna�s son!�

BJ looked at Lucky and said, �I guess you�re well enough to find out.�

�You guess? BJ, I�m not dumb. I go into a room and people stop talking. I ask what is going on and they tell me nothing. So, spill it! Why did Emily run out of here almost in tears?� Lucky demanded.

BJ sat down on the coffee table and explained the fight that had been going on in the newspaper since his accident. Lucky looked at her in shock and disbelief. �You mean. Our grandfather has been matching dirty secrets in the press against the Q�s?� Lucky said shocked to hear about all of this.

�Afraid so. Emily told me that her parents are close to divorcing. They haven�t uttered the words yet but Alan is in one room and Monica the other. Neither one has talked to each other ever since the truth came out about Monica and Ned�s affair,� Josh said.

Lucky shook his head and said, �He is doing this because I got hurt.�

�Yeah. At least that his reasoning,� BJ admitted.

�No more,� Lucky said and he turned his chair around and went to find his grandfather.


Robert and Zander were trying to find a way to start their conversation when the elevator�s doors opened and Robin stepped out. She spotted her newly discovered twin standing next to her father. She smiled at the sight and walked over to join them. �Can I join you?� Robin asked.

�Sure,� Robert said stepping back to give Robin room.

Robin smiled at bother her father and brother. �So, you�re my brother!� Robin said smiling.

�Yeah, I guess so,� Zander said feeling very strange and out of place.

�Did you know?� Robert asked.

�I knew I was adopted but I didn�t know about you,� Zander admitted.

Robert sighed and asked, �How about we go for a drive and talk?� Zander and Robin looked at each other and nodded. The three of them climbed into Zander�s car and headed off.

Moments after the car pulled out of the parking garage, Anna and Alex stepped off the elevator. �We missed them,� Anna said in frustration.

�Yeah,� Alex said turning sadly around.

�What are we going to do now?� Anna asked feeling her life she worked so hard to rebuild falling a part.

�I don�t know what you are going to do but I�m going home to wait for my son,� Alex said as she slowly stepped into the elevator.


Anna and Alex walked past Lucky as he stopped in the dinning hall. Everyone was still trying to figure out what was going on. Everyone but Mikkos and Victor, they were plotting quietly off to the side. �I want to bring Edward down now!� Mikkos ordered.

Before Victor got a chance to reply, Lucky said in a controlled but demanding voice. �You are not going to do anything!�

All attention was on Lucky at that moment but only Mikkos spoke. �Lucky, this has nothing to do with you.�

�The hell it does! You are doing this because I got hurt. So, everything to do with me,� Lucky snapped. Luke and Laura looked at each other smiling.
They knew that side of Lucky and knew that Mikkos wasn�t going to be able to just brush him off. He wasn�t going let him get away with it.

�Lucky,� Mikkos said talking in a cool and calm voice. �You need to go back with the other kids.�

Lucky laughed and said, �You think you can brush me off? I got news for you old man. You can�t. I just watched Emily run out of here crying because of all of this. I don�t know exactly what you did but I know she is hurting. So, all of this stops now! No more trying to get even! Things just end.�

�Lucky, I can�t just stop this,� Mikkos said and he looked over to Luke and Laura for help but neither one looked like they were going to do anything about this. They thought Mikkos had gone too far and if he wasn�t willing to listen to them. Maybe Lucky could be the one that could convince him that he was wrong.

�The hell you can�t! You can do anything! You have tried to sale me this prince idea for day one!� Lucky yelled moving closer to his grandfather. �This is why you were doing this right? I got hurt. I�m your heir. Hell, dad isn�t going to take the title. So, you figured working on me but when I got hurt that kind of destroyed all your plans.�

�Lucky,� Mikkos pleaded trying to find the right words that could calm his young grandson down. �I�m doing this because AJ and Edward are out to destroy us. They have to be stopped!"

Lucky laughed and said, �You are destroying us. Grandfather, I love you. Hell all of us love you but you can�t seem to understand that. You think you have to keep on buying us things to understand it. I don�t love my car because how much it cost. I love it because of the time we spent together. BJ loves you because you listen to her and Lu? Well, if you ask her about her lessons the part she remembers is the fact you are there watching.  So, don�t tell me this is for me! This is for you! AJ almost destroyed your dreams but guess what? They aren�t going to come true. No matter what I feel about you. I�ll always be Luke and Laura Spencer�s son. I will always carry the Spencer name. I also will never want to be the Cassadine prince. I don�t need it and I don�t want it,� Lucky said. �So, you truly love me. You will stop hurting Emily!� Laura smiled at her son and walked over to him placing a hand on his shoulder.

The others have tried to explain this to Mikkos but they failed. It was Lucky that finely got through to him. �Ok, but I have tell you. I have thing in affect that I can�t stop. It is way to late to prevent what is about to happen,� Mikkos said sadly.

Lucky shook his head and said, �Then I�m going warn Emily about it. I don�t want her hurt any more.�

�Fine,� Mikkos said and he walked out of the room.

Stefan looked at Lucky and said, �I�m glad he listened to you.�

�So, am I,� Lucky said.


Emily arrived home close to tears. She had been fighting it all the way home. All she wanted to do was go up to her room and hide until this next way of destruction passed over. She wasn�t going to get her wish. AJ stopped her in the hall and asked with a slimly smile on his face. �How�s things going over at Lucky�s?�

Emily stopped looked at AJ and said, �You know how it is going. I know you read the paper!�

AJ shook his head at his sister and said, �I don�t get it. After all that has happening, you are still siding with that family. Why?�

�I�m not siding with them or you. I care about Lucky and BJ. They are my friends but that is something you don�t know anything about. You don�t have any friends,� Emily said her voice filled in anger.

�I have friends,� AJ said in his own defense.

�Where?� Emily challenged. �They don�t come over! You don�t call them? Oh, wait that�s right. Your friends get poured into glasses. Your friend names are scotch, whiskey and vodka!�

AJ�s blood boiled over and out of fit of rage. He slapped Emily right across the face. The blow knocked Emily to the ground. She laid there holding her bloody lip looking up at AJ in shock.

Reginald had seen all this. He stormed over put himself between AJ and Emily grabbing AJ by the shirt collar. �You ever lay an hand on her again and I�ll rip you a part!�

AJ tried to get free but Reginald refused to let go. �Reggie,� Emily begged grabbing the man�s leg. �Don�t!�

Reginald looked down at Emily and said, �Don�t defend him. He isn�t worth it!�

�I�m not. I just don�t want to hear any more fighting,� Emily pleaded.

Reginald looked at Emily then back at AJ. He shoved the younger man on the floor and said in a threatening town. �If you ever lay a finger on her again. I�ll make you pay for it. Understand!�

�Got it,� AJ said getting up and backing away.

Reginald turned to Emily helped her to her feet and slowly guided her to her room. �Let me clean you up,� He said in a loving voice. Emily didn�t say anything. She just walked beside Reginald with tears falling down her cheeks.

Chapter 14
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