Chapter 17

The next day, Luke and Roy arrived at Virginia Benson�s old home. At the first sight of the house, Luke didn�t know if he was relieved or bothered about the fact that house looked homey. No wonder Lucky talked highly of Virginia, Luke thought as he walked into the house.

�Where to first?� Roy asked.

�Where would a woman like Virginia put her important stuff?� Luke asked looking around the living room. Spite the fact that there was a taped outline of her body in the middle of the living room the room looked nice.

Roy thought about this for a moment then said, �Well, the boys looked in the normal places. Why don�t we try the abnormal places.�

Luke nodded. It bugged him that their wasn�t a will or anything found in the place not even tax documents. Virginia had to have a safe somewhere but where was it?

Luke and Roy went through the entire house but found nothing. They were sitting in the living room thinking of what to do next. Luke had his feet up on the furniture. �I wonder if Virginia would hate this?� Luke asked.

�She might that is an old piece of furniture,� Roy commented.

Then it hit Luke. It was old! In fact it was the only old piece in the house. �Why is this here? The rest of the house doesn�t have antiques! Why this piece?� Luke asked Roy.

�You don�t think?� Roy said and the two men went to the floor and started to look the piece over more carefully.

At first, it looked like a normal antique coffee table but a closer looked at it showed that the top was hinged. Luke found the latch and the top came up suddenly on him. �Well, she wasn�t dump after all.�

�No, she wasn�t,� Roy said when he took a look inside. Not only were all Virginia�s papers inside but so were pictures and other keepsakes.

�She kept everything,� Luke said handing Roy Virginia and Frank�s marriage license.

�Nice of her,� Roy laughed as the two men went through the safe.

Luke and Roy spent two hours going over everything and by the time they were done. They knew enough about Virginia then anyone else. They knew everything but what the key went to.

Luke sat on the floor holding the key. �Roy, does this look like a safe-deposit key to you?�

�No,� Roy said.

�Do you think this woman trusted banks?� Luke asked.

�It didn�t seem to look like it. She didn�t even have a checking account. It looks like she did all her transactions on credit, cash or money order,� Roy said.

�Right, so what is it? How did she get her money?� Luke asked.

Roy and Luke sat there thinking about it. Then Roy spotted it. An old plane ticket! Roy picked it up and said, �You�re not going to believe this!�

�What?� Luke asked looking at what Roy had.

�Well, I�ll be,� Luke said smiling as he looked at the key. �Where in New York would a key like this go to?�

�A airport locker!� Roy said smiling.

�Yeah, she would fly to New York. Go to the locker and get out what she wanted or needed,� Luke said.

�You want to take a trip to the Big Apple?� Roy asked smiling at Luke.

�Why not,� Luke said and the two men got up and left the house.


Damion sat watched from his hiding place watching as the Spencer family moved around inside Kelly�s dinner. Damion knew the cops on the outside would be easy to take care off but Taggert? He was another story. How was he going to get rid of him? Damion sat, watched and thought. Then he spotted an opening. Little Caroline had left her window open. Lucky for him that window in reaching distance from the roof of the other building. Damion knew it wouldn�t take him to long to get from that roof to the window. Inside he would wait for Ruby to close up and everyone to head for bed. Then he would strike!


�Thank you, detective,� Ruby said as they got ready to lock up.

�Your welcome,� Taggert smiled helping the kids finish cleaning up. He didn�t know how a man like Luke ended up with a woman like Ruby. She was the most warm and friendly person he has met in a long time.

�I wonder what is keeping Lucky,� Laura said looking up at the stairs. Lucky had gone upstairs a little bit ago to get his spelling book. He wanted Laura to quiz him before he went to bed. The trouble was Lucky hadn�t come done yet.

�Want me to go check?� Jason asked throwing the towel on the counter.

Laura was about to reply to this when suddenly two figures appeared on the stairs. Damion stood behind Lucky holding a knife right at the kid�s throat. �Everyone back,� Taggert ordered stepping forward as he aimed his gun right at Damion.

�Go for it!� Damion threatened as he pulled the knife closer to Lucky�s throat. Lucky made a choking sound as the knife was held closer to his skin. �That is if you want to shorten this kids life.�

�NO!� Laura cried trying to run to Lucky but Taggert held her back with one arm. While he was still holding his gun on Damion. �Someone hold her!� Taggert asked. Jason quickly pulled Laura back and stood off to the side confronting her while he stood helpless as this creep threatened Lucky.

�Put the knife down and step away from Lucky,� Taggert ordered Damion.

�I don�t think so,� Damion said smiling an evil smile at Taggert. �I think you will put your gun down and back up or I�m going to kill this kid!�

�Lucky,� Laura cried out at this.

Taggert tried to think off a way out of this but at the moment there was none. None that wouldn�t get Lucky killed. So, spite what the cop in him wanted to do. Taggert put his gun down on the counter and backed away. �Ok, you win but lower the knife,� Taggert asked as he moved back.

�Deal,� Damion said lowering the knife just a bit. Once Damion was sure that Taggert was seated he looked at Jason and Zander. �You two lock the front and back doors and no tricks. Remember little Lucky�s life depends on it.� Zander and Jason did what they were told both thinking the same thing. It was time for this ass hole to get his. When they were done and seated at the same table where Ruby, Carly and Laura had got seated. Damion and Lucky walked down the stairs. �Ok, now I want that key?� Damion said looking at Laura.

�Luke has it,� Laura said.

�Where is your husband?� Damion asked.

�Florida.� Laura said not taking her eyes off her son or the knife.

�Well, call him. I think it is about time we had a little chat,� Damion said pointing to the phone. Laura nodded her head as she got up to call Luke. She was shaking so bad that she had trouble dialing the number. All she could think about is upsetting Damion and having him take his rage out on Lucky. She spent too much time waiting for him to come back. She didn�t want to think about loosing him now. She couldn�t live through it!

Chapter 18
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