Chapter 16

Luke and Roy showed up just moments after Robert did. Robert was talking to Laura about what happened out back. He wasn�t happy at all to know this mainly because he found on of his men with his head bashed in. Thankfully the guy lived!

�Laura, you ok?� Luke asked as he pushed past the crowed of people to his wife�s side.

�I�m fine now,� Laura said hugging Luke.

�What happened?� Luke asked looking from his wife to his friend.

�Damion showed up. He wants the key. He said if he didn�t get it we would never see Lucky again!� Laura said in pure panic.

Luke gripped her hand and said, �I�m not going to near him. I�ll take Damion down first.�

After Luke calmed Laura down, Roy, Robert and Luke moved off to talk. �What is so import about this key?� Luke asked holding it up. �First the FBI and now Damion!�

�FBI?� Robert asked puzzled. Luke smiled at his friend and told him about the meeting they had with Ford and Larken. Robert sneered and said, �They really want to end up working in Alaska don�t they?�

�It looks like it,� Roy said smiling at the idea of Larken way up north!

�I don�t care about them at this moment,� Luke said frustrated. �I care about Damion. This guy has already killed once. He is very willing to kill again and all because of this key. I think we better start finding out what it belongs to.�

�I agree,� Roy said.

�Well, while you two figure that out. I�m pulling my men closer. They will be staying here at the diner and take the kids to and from school,� Robert said.

�That�s good. Roy lets call the airport and get the first flight to Florida. I want to go to Virginia�s house maybe there is something there the boys missed,� Luke said.

Robert took the key and looked at it. �This could be a safe deposit key.�

�I thought of that,� Luke said. �Maybe Virginia had an account that we don�t know about. Either way we will never know standing here. The sooner we find out what this key belongs to the sooner we will find out why Damion is so willing to kill for it.�

�What happened with that Sonny character?� Roy asked.

�He said he was just having dinner with an old friend he had no idea Damion was wanted by the cops. I had to let him go. Besides, I don�t see Sonny helping Damion out. He is making a power play for Frank�s territory. Damion and Sonny aren�t the best of friends,� Robert said smiling.

�Who else is going after Frank�s turf?� Luke asked.

�Sonny, Moreno, and Sorrel name a few. All of Frank�s generals want a piece of the pie. If Damion did kill off his father, he messed up because doesn�t have the power Frank had,� Robert said.

�That might be it!� Roy said. �Damion needs something to help him gain control of his father�s territory. He could be betting that Virginia had it.�

�That could be it,� Luke said thinking. Frank power laid in one place and that was money. Could Virginia had access to Frank�s accounts and now old Damion wants them for himself?


Luke was packing and Laura sat on the bed watching him. She wasn�t happy that he was leaving. She would feel a lot better if Luke was staying in town. �Laura, you do know I have to do this?� Luke asked her.

�I know but I don�t have like it,� Laura replied.

�Taggert is staying in Roy�s room while we are gone. Robert said the guy is a good cop and I take his word for it. Zander is crashing on the floor in here with Lucky. I�m sure Damion isn�t going to come back this soon for key,� Luke said as he kissed her on the cheek.

�I don�t know. I�m scared Luke. Damion is desperate. He wants that key. What if takes Lucky? What if I don�t ever see him again?� Laura cried.

Luke sat down on the bed and held her. �Angel, Damion will through me to get our son. Taggert has orders to shot to kill of Damion shows up. Robert isn�t taking any chances. He is doing everything humanly possible to protect you and the kids. Now, Roy and I will be back soon and hopefully we will bring back what ever Virginia had hidden.� Laura nodded her head and leaned against Luke. She was hoping he was right but their was still a part of her that feared that every time Lucky left her sight it would be the last time she would ever see him again.


�Aren�t you scared?� Zander asked Lucky as he sat at the back booth doing his homework.

�Scared of what?� Lucky asked.

�Scared Damion might come after you?� Zander asked.

�Nope. Dad will protect me,� Lucky said sounding very sure of himself.

�I don�t understand. Why did he kill my mother and why is he trying to hurt Lucky?� Carly asked.

Lucky looked at Carly and said, �Damion is Frank Smith�s son. I guess he things Virginia has something that was import to Frank.�

�What would she have that a mob boss would want?� Carly asked puzzled.

�I don�t know, but I�m sure Dad will figure it out. He always does,� Lucky said.

Carly rolled her eyes and said, �You act like your father is Mr. Perfect!�

�He isn�t perfect but he is very good at beating people that come after his family. Dad protects the people he calms as family,� Lucky said smiling. Jason couldn�t help but smile at this. He knew now why Lucky talked so much about his father. You could see the bond between father and son. Jason wished secretly that he had a bond like that with his father, who ever he is.

�Lucky, you will find out that adults are nothing by liars even parents,� Carly said grabbing the last french fire and popping it into her mouth.

�My dad isn�t a liar. He never lies about anything,� Lucky snapped at her.

�Carly,� Jason said coldly.

Carly glared at him but finally backed down. �I�m sorry. You�re right about your father. I�m just upset with Virginia at this moment.�

�That�s ok,� Lucky said smiling. He knew Carly was upset with Virginia and he didn�t blame her. Lucky had to learn to love Virginia but the first few weeks he lived with them he hated her because she played a part in his kidnapping. He knew she wasn�t a saint but if it wasn�t for Virginia. Lucky knew that he wouldn�t be alive.

Chapter 17
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