Chapter 11

The next morning while everyone was having breakfast, Luke walked into the kitchen carrying Lucky�s teddy bear. Lucky looked up at his father with a concerned look on his face and asked, �Dad, what are you doing?�

Luke put the bear in front of his son and asked, �Do you want to tell me what is hidden inside of him?�

Luke smiled and said, �You can open it.� Then added quickly. �As long as he gets put back together.�

�I�ll get the sowing kit,� Anna said getting up from the table as Luke pulled the scissors out and started snipping at the back of the bear where it had been stitched before.

Carly shook her head, as Lucky moved closer to watch over is friend. �Lucky, don�t think you are a bit to old to hold on to that bear?�

�No, but thanks for suggesting it pot,� Lucky said smiling. Carly glared at him but didn�t say another word. She knew what Lucky was getting at but wasn�t up to talking about it. Jason smiled and tried to laugh too much. Lucky and Carly got a long very nice in short amount of time but you getting them together to long and then you were in for it because sooner or later, they would soon start fighting each other.

Luke ignored their bickering. He just kept on snipping at the stitches. He finally got the opening big enough to see what secrets the bear had hidden. Lucky grabbed for the envelope and handed it to Carly. �It�s Virginia,� Lucky said.

�How?� Carly said not understanding how or why Lucky knew the letter was for her.

Lucky smiled and said, �A few days after Damion left me with your mother what I thought was the last time. She opened the bear and added this letter, a key and the tape. She told me to give you the letter of Damion ever came back.�

Carly looked at the letter wondering what was inside. Anna smiled at the girl and said, �You can go into the other room to read it.�

�That is a good idea,� Carly said and she got up to leave.

Jason looked at her and asked, �Do you want me to go with you?�

�Please,� Carly said and they left together holding hands.

Robin watched them leave and then said, �Don�t they do anything a part?�

�Robin, don�t you have school to go to?� Her mother asked her.

�Yes,� Robin said and she finished her breakfast then left for school.

Luke held up the tape and asked, �What�s on it?�

Lucky looked down and said, �Damion�s threat.�

Luke was puzzled and he tossed the tape to Robert. �Play it,� Luke asked. Robert did and everyone stood around listening to the same words Lucky had three years ago.


In the living Carly was sitting on the couch next to Jason reading the letter her mother wrote her:


I�m writing you this because I don�t know what is going to happen because of actions because of Lucky. Damion Smith brought the boy that I plan on raising as your brother to me a few days ago. I had no choice but to keep him. I couldn�t let Damion take Lucky because I knew my heart he would kill him. Damion Smith is the son of Frank Smith. My husband! I would say he is your half brother but that would be a lie. Damion is more your uncle then a brother. Frank and I had a daughter, Jennifer. She came to me pregnant and scared. She was worried on what her father was going to say about it. So, I took her to Florida where we hide. It wasn�t until later that Frank found you and me. Jennifer had long since died. She died putting you on this planet. I told Frank who she said was your father. I don�t think he believed me because I didn�t believe her. There is a letter hidden written by her to you. I never read it and I don�t want to read it. It is for you and you only. It will you tell you who your father is.

As for Lucky, I want you to look after him. Care for him like you would your own family. He was a tool that your grandfather used to hurt his parents. Frank isn�t and never will be a loving man. I hope that understand when I say don�t go near him or Damion. They are dangerous and will do Lucky and you harm.

The key that is hidden inside this bear will give you the tools you need to survive them. Be carefully, and know that spit all my lies about who you are. I never once lied how I felt. You are what was the best of my daughter. She wasn�t perfect but she was flesh and blood. I did this for her and you. I hope one day you will understand that to love sometimes means to lie.


Carly sat on the couch reading and rereading the letter over and over again. �She lied to me,� Carly said finally looked at Jason with tears her eyes.

�She loved you,� Jason said giving Carly a big hug. �That is what is important.�

�Love?� Carly said laughing coldly. �She loved you and Lucky  more then me. I was never good enough. Now I know why,� Carly said and she got up to run out of the room.

Jason grabbed her pulled to him and said, �Carly, you are talking dumb. Virginia loved you and you loved her. Do you know how lucky you really are to have her to take you in? God, I would loved to have someone to care about me. No, I had Foster parents that could careless about me. So, don�t let me hear you say she didn�t love. Got me?� 

Carly nodded. She heard Jason�s horror stories. She compared her life to his and hers was a dream. So, Virginia lied to her. So, she didn�t know who her real father was. At least she had a safe house and warm bed. Jason didn�t get that sometimes. �I�m sorry,� Carly said sadly. �I�m just upset.�

�I understand. You have the right to be,� Jason said giving her a hug,

They went back into the kitchen together to find Laura stitching up the bear. While Luke was looking at the key, �I wonder what is this for?� Luke asked out loud.

�Mother said, the key will protect us from my grandfather and uncle. It looks like my mother was married to Frank Smith,� Carly said coldly.

�Oh, now we now why Lucky put with her,� Roy said wondering how interesting this plot could get.

�Yeah, well. It gets worse. It looks like Virginia wasn�t my mother but my grandmother. It seems her daughter Jennifer died giving birth to me,� Carly said sadly.

Luke choked. He couldn�t help it. �Jennifer Smith?� Luke asked his eyes growing a bit wide.

�Yeah, why?� Carly asked puzzled at his reaction.

�No reason, I knew her at one time,� Luke said and he went back looking at the key. Laura looked at him but didn�t say anything right then. She didn�t like Luke�s reaction but she had nothing to worry about. Luke didn�t sleep with Jennifer. Did he?

Chapter 12
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