Chapter 28

The news about Dorman attacking Carly and her going to the hospital and Victor�s arrest traveled down the line of limos to the Luke and Laura. They kept the news from the kids. The look on Lucky and Lu�s faces told them they weren�t ready any more trouble. At the penthouse, Laura took Lu to bed to spend time a lone with her and Lucky dropped down on the couch pulling a pillow over his head. Luke watched him and decided to leave him a lone for while. He figured Lucky needed time to himself.

Luke went to his make shift bedroom and lay down on the bed in there. He had been meaning to get ride of it and turn the room back to Laura�s office but at this moment. He was just happy to be somewhere where no one was at this moment.

Luke lay there thinking about the last time he saw Amy alive. They fought like normal. Luke couldn�t help but wonder if she ever realized that he cared about her. Ok, the girl got under his skin but so the rest of the people in his life this didn�t mean he didn�t love them.

Luke ended up almost drifting off to sleep when he heard this blood-curding scream. He jumped out off the bed grabbed for his cane and rushed towards the stairs. Lucky and Luke both ended up in the hall way at the same time and ran into the main bed room. Where they found Laura standing in the middle of the room holding Lu. Who at this moment was screaming her head off. �What�s going on?� Luke asked.

�She had a night mare,� Laura said sounding tired. She knew her kids needed her but she wanted find a quit place and break down and cry. Her sister was dead and she wasn�t going to come back. They were going to grow old together.

Luke took Lu from her mother and held her tight. �It is ok,� Luke said softly as he walked the floor with his daughter. �Your safe.� It took a while but Lu finally did calm down. She was cling to Luke tightly sobbing. �You want to tell me about it?� Luke asked after a while.

�The bad man came in here and killed everybody,� Lu said in a small voice.

Luke smiled lifted his daughter head and said, �The bad guy is gone. Victor got him.�

�He did?� Lu asked.

�Yeah, you call your grandfather and ask him. He told me in the car that was what that phone call was about,� Luke said as he sat down on the bed and placed Lu on his lap. Lu leaned against him and Luke patted her on the back and said, �Besides, he has to get through me. I�m not going to let anyone hurt you, your mother or your brother.�

�Why did he hurt Aunt Amy? She did do anything?� Lu said sadly.

Luke sighed and said, �Honey, I would tell you that this world is perfect but it isn�t. There will always be people out there willing to hurt you but the entire family looking after you. We will not let anyone harm you.�

�Remember the talk we had about strangers?� Laura asked Lu.

�Yeah, you said if that sometimes strangers look nice but there aren�t,� Lu said in a small voice.

�That�s right. The guy your aunt she worked with him. She thought he was ok but he showed his true colors to her later. Sometimes honey, strangers are people we know. We don�t know them until it is to late.�

�How will I know they are good or bad?� Lu asked.

Luke smiled and said, �If we don�t trust them then you don�t. Don�t ever go with anyone without them saying our safe word.�

�Yes sir,� Lu said and she leaned against her father.

Luke looked at Laura and said, �Why don�t you go take a bath. I�ll take care of these two.�

�You sure?� Laura asked him.

�Yeah,� Luke said smiling.

�We are cool,� Lucky said trying to smile for his mother. Laura kissed both her kids then went into the bathroom and broke down and cried.


News travels fast in a city like Port Charles. Everyone was talking about the murder that happened just a few blocks from the shelter. Emily and BJ were serving up the meal and ignoring the talk. They knew enough of the facts not to be interested. They worked with very sad looks on their faces. Cameron Lewis walked up behind them and both girls jumped. �Sorry,� he said smiling with this mischievous look on his face.  �I was just going to tell you to smile.�

Emily smiled slightly and said, �We aren�t in the mood to smile.

�You know girls. You come here with Lucky a lot over the years. I know you enough to realize something is wrong. So, what did Lucky do this time. He crash his car?� Carmon asked.

�No, he didn�t do anything. You know that girl that was murdered?� BJ asked sadly.

�What about her?�

�That was Lucky�s aunt. Lucky and his sister were the ones that found the body,� Emily said sadly.

�Isn�t Lu only nine?�

�Yeah, she didn�t take this to well and I don�t Lucky is doing good either. They both were in shock when last saw them,� BJ said.

Cameron Lewis shook his head sadly and said, �Well, I�m sure their parents are taking care of them.�

�They are,� the girls said together and they went back to work.


Jason paced the floor in front of the OR doors. It felt like hours since Carly been taken into surgery but it was only a matter of minutes. Bobbie, Stefan and Ruby showed up. They walked up to Jason and Bobbie asked, �Any word?�

�No, they said it wasn�t that deep but there was a lot of blood,� Jason said looking down at his shirt to show it was covered with Carly�s blood.

�Where was she stabbed?� Stefan asked.

Jason put his hand on the lower part of his stomach and said, �Right here.�
Bobbie gasped. The only major organ of a woman�s body that was that low was her uterus. Bobbie knew if it was damaged to bad then they would have to remove it. �What?� Jason asked wondering why Bobbie was acting the way she was.

Bobbie looked at Jason sadly and said, Nothing. I�m just having trouble believing that my daughter was hurt a man that worked along side off.�

Jason smiled at her and went to her and gave her a hug. �I will be ok,� he said.

�I know,� Bobbie, said shoving the idea that Carly could never have another child again out of her mind.


When BJ and Lucas got home, BJ ran up the stairs to her room. At the shelter Emily got a visit from her monthly. She asked BJ is she had a pad. This small little question got BJ into a panic. She always started before Emily did but she hadn�t yet. BJ ran to her desk and looked at her calendar and started to count. �No, I�m two weeks late!� BJ muttered to herself thinking about being sick in the morning and her clothes not fitting right. �I can�t be. No,� BJ said paced. �This can�t be happening. I was only off the pill for two mouths. I couldn�t get an appointment until last mouth. I didn�t have time. Why now?� BJ said as he paced back and forth. She thought about calling Josh but what was she going to say. I might be? No, she had to know. She had to make sure before getting Josh involved in this. BJ grabbed her keys and went for the door. �Lucas, I�m going out!�

�Fine,� Lucas called from his room. BJ ran out said and rushed to find a store that was open.


Victor was holding cell waiting for Alexis to show up. He was pacing trying not to think about his daughter but that was all he could think about. He was about to loose it when he saw his brother walked into the room. �I thought I told you to watch after Carly,� Victor snapped.

�Ruby, Bobbie and Stefan are looking after Carly and Jason. I�m sure they can handle things. I figured I would come check on you. How you doing?� Mikkos asked.

�Ready to kill Baldwin,� Victor snapped.

�Don�t kill him. I think I can come up with something else for Mr. Baldwin. What I�m worried about at this moment is you. What happened?� Mikkos asked. Victor sighed and told his bother what had happened. Mikkos thought about this and said, �So, you lost control. I understand that. Carly is your only child. I would be hard seeing a murder like Dorman stab her. I bet you didn�t even realize the others were in the room.

Victor looked at his brother for a moment like he was crazy. He knew the others were in the room. He heard Taggert and Carly but then it hit him. Victor smiled and said, �No, I didn�t hear anyone say anything to me. In fact, I don�t even know how many stabbed the guy.�

�That is understandable. I�m sure a judge could understand that you were acting out of impulse,� Mikkos said.

�I hope so,� Victor replied. The two of them didn�t need to say anything else. Victor knew that his brother would make sure this wouldn�t go to trail. He would make sure that he would be at Carly�s side in time.

Mikkos smiled at his brother and said, �I will go talk to Alexis and see if we can get you out on bail.�

�Thanks,� Victor said and Mikkos walked away.


Sonny always thought Taggert was a jerk but Scott Baldwin managed to make Taggert look good this evening. Sonny watched as Alexis fought with Scott about the charges against Victor. �Man 1? Mr. Baldwin where did you get your law degree out of crackerjack box?� Alexis snapped at him.

�Mrs. Corinthos, your uncle is a killer. He should have stayed in prison where he belonged,� Scott said coldly.

Alexis glared at Scott and said, �Mr. Baldwin, I would watch what you say or the next could get a you a law suit. My uncle and father have done there time. Now, you don�t like what was by a court of law take up with them. As for these chargers, we a let a judge decided what should be done. Now, if don�t mind I would talk to my client before I allow you to question him.�

Scott turned to one of Taggert�s men and said, �Go get the prisoner.�

�Yes sir,� the officer said and he walked away.

Scott walked away then leaving Alexis and Sonny to talk a bit. �This guy is an ass,� Sonny said to his wife as h e walked up to her.

�Tell me about and he wants to be mayor? God, help us!� Alexis said as she rubbed her stomach.

�The baby ok?� Sonny asked sounding a bit worried.

�Just kicking. I don�t think he likes Scott either,� Alexis said smiling.

�Yeah, I bet he doesn�t,� Sonny said smiling as he patted her belly. �This gets to much for you. Tell your father, I�m sure can find one lawyer that works for this company to take care of Victor.�

�And let them have the fun at taking on Mr. Scott Baldwin. No thank you. I am going to enjoy this,� Alexis said smiling. Sonny smiled and let his wife get back to work. Alexis loved the law. She loved the thrill it gave her taking on men like Scott Baldwin and Sonny watching her enjoy her job.


Laura was still upstairs. Luke had checked on her a bit before but she wasn�t ready to talk yet. She still needed time to morn her sister. Lu was coloring on the floor and Lucky was working on some class work. Neither one of them said much since they all left Laura alone in the bedroom and Luke had no idea how to get them to talk. So, Luke just sat there watching them work and trying to look like he was working on some paper work for the club.

The doorbell ran about then and Mrs. Carlson got the door. �Yes?� She said giving the man with the ragged coat and ruff looking bared a strange look.

�I am returning your platters,� Cameron Lewis said as he held out the patters towards the cook.

�Oh, thank you,� Mrs. Carlson said puzzled on how this man got them.

Lucky had heard the man�s name and went to the door. �Hi, Mr. Lewis.�

�Hi, Lucky. I wanted to stop by and say thanks for your generosity again this year. It helped take care a lot of people,� Cameron Lewis said.

�No problem,� Lucky said and he waved the door on inside. �Come on in. I�ll introduce you to my father.�

The doctor nodded his head and followed the young man on inside. Cameron could see the pain and grief on Lucky�s face. It bothered him to see such a look on such a young face. �Dad?� Lucky said. �This is Cameron Lewis, he helps Father Mitch run the local homeless shelter.�

Cameron smiled and said, �I just offer my time. I also work at General Hospital. In fact, I am covering for Doctor Collins while he is out of town for a vacation. I heard what happened and I thought I�d stop by and see if anyone wanted to talk.�

�I�m fine. Thanks for stopping by,� Lucky said and he went up the stairs without saying a word.

�Sorry,� Luke said apologizing for his son�s rudeness.

�It is ok,� Cameron said and he bent down across from Lu and looked at one of her drawings. �What are you drawing?� he asked the little girl.

�Nothing,� Lu said and she to got up and walked up the stairs.

Cameron stood up and handed the drawing to Luke. �I think you should see this.�

Luke looked at the picture and winced. Lu had only used black and red. There was an outline of a body on the floor drawn in black and red was scribbled all over the place. Luke sighed and said, �I can�t get them to talk.�

Cameron nodded and said, �Mr. Spencer, Gail, Kevin and I have started a group to help families of the murdered women. The husbands, mothers, fathers, and children come to the secessions to help deal with their loss. I think it would help the kids and anyone that just needs to talk to deal with all of this. We meet on Thursdays nights at the hospital.� Cameron handed Luke a card as he talked.

�What does the group talk about?� Laura asked as she came down the stairs.

Luke turned to see his wife coming towards him. �Angel?� He asked.

�I�m ok,� Laura, said as she walked to her husband and let him put his arms around her. She looked at Cameron and waited for him to answer her questions.

�They talk about how they feel. How the loss has affect their lives. I think it would help,� Cameron said smiling sadly at Laura. He could see that the loss hasn�t just affected the kids but her as well.

�I think we will come,� Laura said smiling.

�Leave me out of it,� Luke said smiling at his wife.

Laura couldn�t help but laugh and said, �Don�t worry, only a fool would force you into any group therapy secessions.� Luke laughed and winked at his wife. They said good night to Cameron and then they went up stairs to check on the children.

Chapter 29
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