Chapter 5

BJ and Emily dropped Josh off at work after school and then headed to the hospital. �To bad, Josh can�t work with us,� BJ said sadly.

�Yeah, but we don�t get paid doing this and he needs to save up his money for next year. Besides, I think the guys need Josh�s help in running the diner. I don�t see Sonny, Jason or Robert spending all their time there,� Emily said laughing.

�I don�t know. I heard Sonny was a really good cook,� BJ said smiling. Emily nodded her head at this and kept on driving on towards the hospital. BJ was holding up her work shoes with a scowl on her face. �Why do they have be so ugly!�

�They might be ugly but mom says they are very comfortable,� Emily said smiling.

�I don�t care how comfortable they are. They are ugly,� BJ snapped. Oh, well she wanted to be a doctor. Who said scrubs where stylish? Emily just laughed at her friend and they drove on towards the hospital.

Because of traffic the girls were ten minutes late. They found their boss a Ms. Whelp near the second floor nurse station. �Where have you girls been?� Ms. Whelp demanded as BJ and Emily walked up to her.

�Sorry, it took us longer to get across town then we planned on,� Emily said smiling.

�Don�t do it again. Your father might be the acting Chief of Staff but that doesn�t give you the right to come and go as you please,� Ms. Whelp snapped.

�Yes, ma�am,� Emily and BJ said at the same time.

�Come with me. I�ll show you your duties,� the older woman said as she quickly turned on her heels and started to walk.

�What a witch!� BJ muttered under her breath to Emily.

�Shh, she will hear you,� Emily said and the two girls quickly ran to catch up with the young woman.


Nikolas and Stefan were taking a tour of the new building. They were just working on getting the structure changes done that were planned but Nikolas was trying to layout the details of the place as best he could for his father. At this moment, they were in the law library. �This is going to be one of the largest private law libraries in the world. It has to be this big because since we are not putting all the companies under one roof we will need to cover the laws all over the world.�

�I understand. When will it be done?� Stefan asked.

�At the end of the week, Alexis plans on start moving the books t hen. The house staff is already packing up the law books at the house at this moment. I have ordered all the books to be on sight no less then Tuesday. I left up it to Alexis on how many people she will need to set things up,� Nikolas said.

�Good idea. I want the library as functional as it can be for Alexis,� Stefan said as they walked towards the elevator. �I�m impressed on how much you got done. In fact, I�m so impressed that I thought I would put you in charge of moving everyone into place and hiring the extra staff needed,� Stefan said smiling.

Nikolas didn�t mind the work but what bothered him was that it felt like Stefan was dumping a lot of this work on him. �Ah father, is there a reason you are sticking me with all of this?� Nikolas asked.

Stefan smiled and said, �Nikolas, I enjoy changing things but I didn�t realized how many people that I was going to have to deal with on a day to day bases. I don�t do well around people. I deal better with facts and figures. I don�t do people that well. As Luke said, I have a dry personality. I know people like you a bit better. So, I thought I�d put in charge of daily operations of the building,�

�Thanks for telling me that is what you plan on doing. This way I can get more settled in on what you want me to do,� Nikolas said smiling at his father.

�Sorry, I didn�t know how you would take it. I need you in this job at least until I get more settled in on changes,� Stefan said.

�Father, don�t worry. You will be fine,� Nikolas said patting his father on the back and going on with their tour.


Jason hadn�t told the partners about AJ or Mike. He was avoiding it. Things came to head that afternoon. The partners had a meeting at the warehouse and they met AJ and Mike. The problem was it wasn�t AJ presents that caused the problem.

Sonny and Robert were walking towards the office when they heard AJ say, �Mike help me with this?�

�Sure,� Mike said and they started to lift a hug bag of coffee beans.

Sonny stopped dead in his tracks. He was five the saw his father Mike. He never thought he would see him again but there he was loading a bag of coffee beans. The rage inside Sonny grew and it came one big explosion. �You sure in hell have a lot of nerve showing up here?� Sonny snapped as he walked towards his father.

Mike let go the bag and Lucky for AJ he didn�t pull out his back. �Michael?� Mike said shocked just as much as Sonny was that there was his son.

�Oh, remember my name. I�m surprised. It his has been a long time father!� Sonny snapped.

�Father?� Robert said his jaw open wide. Sonny and Mike didn�t look too much a like. It was hard for him to believe that they were actually father and son.

�He is more the like the sperm donor,� Sonny snapped.

�Michael that isn�t fair,� Mike said.

�Fair? I�ll tell you what is fair. You have five minutes to get your butt of my property or I�m going to bury you six feet under,� Sonny yelled.

�Sonny, what is going on?� Jason asked running out of the office about that time.

�Jason why is he here?� Sonny yelled pointing at Mike.

Jason had no idea why so made at seeing Mike. So, he just went out said it, �Mike is AJ�s father in law. I gave both jobs a few days ago. If you want to talk about this lets go into the office.�

�Father in law?� Sonny said shocked realizing he had a sister.

�You have another family?� Sonny said feeling more hurt then had before.

�Michael, I know this is hard but there reason I never came around. Please give me a chance to explain,� Mike begged.

�No, I don�t want to hear it,� Sonny said and he turned around took off. Demons from his past were after him and not even Jason or Robert could bring him back.

�What did I miss?� Jason asked Robert.

�I�m as lost as you are,� Robert said and he looked at Mike. He saw that look. A look helpless father that had let down a child and Robert couldn't help but wonder what the story was behind that look.


Robert had called Alexis and she went looking for her husband. Alexis found sonny in their penthouse looking down at their sleeping daughter. �Hi,� she said walking in a kissing him on the cheek.

�Hi,� Sonny said sadly.

�You want to talk?� Alexis asked.

�I�m to mad to talk,� Sonny said and he turned and walked out of the room.

Alexis went with him and they stood on their balcony looking out into the city. �I heard about you meeting Mike.�

�Alexis, I don�t care about Mike,� Sonny said lying to her and himself.

Alexis smiled and said; �You care as much about Mike as I did about Mikkos.�

�Mikkos didn�t walk out on you,� Sonny snapped.

�No, he stood around watched when she should have done something. Sonny, I know you are upset. You every right to be. All I want is you to talk to me. I�m your wife. You helped me deal with my father return. Let me do the same thing for you,� Alexis begged. Sonny bowed his head and Alexis knew he was crying. She put her arms around him and held him. �It is ok,� she said and they stood their for a long time letting the hurt and angry flow out of him.


Later Mike and AJ were walking home for work. So far Mike still had a job but neither knew how long that was going to last. �Mike, I didn�t know Sonny was your son.�

�I didn�t know that your Sonny Corinthos was my Michael. It was mother�s maiden name but I had no idea that he took it up,� Mike said as they walked.

�I know there is a story here but if you don�t want to tell me. You don�t have to,� AJ replied.

�There isn�t much to tell. I guess Michael thinks I never came back for but I did. His mother told me that Michael was fine and that he was happy with his new stepfather. She said having me around would only hurt him. She asked me to leave. I did,� Mike said.

�I don�t thin she told Sonny any of that,� AJ said reading a lot into Sonny�s reaction to Mike.

�No, it looks like she didn�t. AJ, I should have stuck around but his stepfather was a cop. She said they were happy. I hurt them once. I didn�t want hurt them again. I thought I was doing the right thing by leaving,� Mike said sadly.

�You can�t go back and fix the wrongs you have done. You taught me that. All you can do is be here and wait for Sonny to come to you. There is always hope Mike. A hope for a new start,� AJ said smiling.

�You been hanging around my daughter to long,� Mike said smiling.

�Hey, Courtney is right most of the time,� AJ said smiling.

�Yeah, I hope she and you are right this time. I always wanted to know what happen to my son. I always wanted to see what type of man he turned out to be,� Mike said and they walked on down the road to the apartment.


Carly was running late. She had to pick up the twins from their piano and violin lessons. She was walking into the parking garage when suddenly someone walked up behind her put their hand over her mouth and pulled into the darkness.

Chapter 6
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