Chapter 4

�You sure this is the right address?� Alan asked as they walked up a long dark hallway.

�It is the one Jason gave me,� Monica said realizing now why Jason warned her about going here alone.

Monica and Alan found the apartment number they were looking for and Alan knocked. He then gripped Monica�s hand and kissed it. �It will be ok.�

�I hope,� Monica said.

The door opened and there was AJ. Monica was pleaded that he looked healthy in fact he looked sober. �Mother? Father? How?� AJ asked then realized that Jason had to have given them his address. �Come in.�

�Thank you,� Monica said and she got a shock as she walked into the apartment. It was clean and very homey. �How you doing?� Monica asked AJ.

�I�m ok. Would you like to sit down?� AJ asked pointing to two chairs.

Courtney walked into the room right then drying her hands with a towel. �AJ, who is it?�

�Courtney it is my parents. Mom. Dad this is Courtney my wife.�

�Hi, sorry drop in on you like this but Jason had your address but not your phone number,� Monica said as she sat down on the couch next to Alan. 

�We don�t have a phone at least not yet,� AJ said trying hard not to shake. He had seen his parents in a long time. He had no idea what to say to them or how to act.

Courtney solved all that. She smiled and said, �Let me get the coffee and fresh cake I made then we can talk.�

�Ok,� Monica said shocked that girl could cook. It was something she couldn�t do that was on reason�s they had a live in maid.

Courtney came back room carrying the cake and the coffee. She put the platter down on the table and passed things out. Afterwards she said, �AJ told me a lot you. I�m glad to finally meet you.�

�Thank you but I�m curious how did you meet?� Monica asked.

AJ bit his lip and then said, �Her father was a councilor at the half way house I was put into. He introduced us.�

�Half way house?� Alan asked.

�Yes, you might as well find out the truth now. I went on a binge after I left here. I drank everything away even the money that I got for my stock. I got so low that I started breaking into bars trying to get a drink. I wasn�t good at it and I got arrested. I did call home and thankfully Grandmother was home. She pulled some strings and I got time in a halfway house. It was there that I was forced to deal with myself for time in my life,� AJ said sadly.

�Mother knew?� Alan asked.

�Yes, she wrote me everyday. She told me what was going on in everyone lives. She had complete faith in me that I could make it. Even when I didn�t have it in myself,� AJ said sadly.

�That is something Lila would do,� Monica said reaching out for her son�s hand. �I wish you would have called us. We would have helped.�

�I�m glad you didn�t. I needed to do this on my own. I need to find AJ. I thought at first that drying out was bad but dealing with my actions was the worst. I blamed you and dad my failures. It was easier then blaming myself. I even went as far as to hurt my own sister mentally and physically. I can�t take any of it back. All I can do is try and show you that I�m changed that is if you�re willing to give me a chance,� AJ said pleading with his parents.

�We are always willing to do that and besides we weren�t the best parent. I should have moved us out of that house a long time ago. I could have saved you and Jason lot heartache. I�m sorry I didn�t,� Alan said holding out his hand towards AJ.

�You are human just as I am. I learned during this time that people are flawed they mess up and they let you down. When I started getting let down I went into a bottle. I gave up. Courtney here gave me hope.� AJ said kissing his wife�s hand. �She showed me that I�m not as worthless as I thought I was. I was worth loving.�

�I tried to tell you that but you never believed me,� Monica said as she got up and went to her son.

AJ stood up and hugged her. �I know. I should have listened.� He was crying. He couldn�t help it. He hurt her so badly. He wanted to take it all back but he couldn�t. All he could now was take it one day at a time and try to stay sober.


Stefan walked into BJ�s room to find her looking in her closet. �I hope you aren�t planning on going on another shopping spree?� he asked from doorway.

�No, I�m trying to plan what I�m going to ware to school. What can do for you?� BJ asked.

�Your mother called me. She reminded me that you and Emily wanted to work at the hospital this school year. I called Carly and she will set things up for you,� Stefan said.

�Oh, I forgot. Thank you. I need to know if I have what it takes to be doctor before going to collage,� BJ said.

�I think you can do what ever you put your mind to,� Stefan said and he started to walk away.

�Dad?� BJ called out.

�Yes,� Stefan said stopping.

�How is Uncle Luke?�

�No change. It will be awhile before he gets well enough to even fly home,� Stefan said sadly.

�Is there a change that this will happen to you?� BJ asked.

�There is a chance. I get tested once a year. Luke kept on putting his tests with Alex off and I guess he is paying for it now,� Stefan said sadly.

�It is still sucks,� BJ said and she went back to looking at her clothes trying to find the right thing to ware.


Victor was at home working when the phone rang. �Alex?� he said cheerfully.

�No, hate to disappoint you but is Tracy,� Tracy voice came over the line.

�Tracy hi. How are you doing?� Victor asked.

�Oh, I was driving by and realized that you were alone on that island. I am by the docks. If you send out a boat for me, I can come visit,� Tracy said smiling.

�Sure, why not,� Victor said and part of him telling that he was crazy but the other part one out. �Come on out!�


Nikolas was surrounded with stacks of pictures of desks, chairs and workstations. �Now I know why he did this to me!� Nikolas cursed.

�Troubles?� Gia asked smiling.

�Yes, my father is a cop out as Lucky would say,� Nikolas groaned.

�You want help?� Gia asked.

�Sure tell me what do you like better the short chair or the high back?� Nikolas asked.

�Depends on who it is for?� Gia asked.

�The secretaries,� Nikolas said.

�Short back but make sure it can be adjusted,� Gia said and she joined Nikolas on the couch.

The worked for a bit more and then got board, �I�ll do this later. How about we talk about our child?�

�Why not?� Gia said and she leaned against Nikolas.

�What did the doctor say?� Nikolas asked.

�The baby is fine and it is a girl,� Gia said grinning.

�A girl! Well, Lasha,� Nikolas said patting Gia�s stomach. Gia liked Lasha or Laura in Russian. So, they had agreed to name their child that if it was a girl.

�You not disappointed that it isn�t a boy?� Gia asked.

�No. I love this baby either way,� Nikolas said and he kissed Gia warmly on the lips.

Chapter 5
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