Chapter 19

It was late and Carly decided it was time to go home. She would call her father there and run her ideas past him about setting self-defense classes for the women at the hospital. She was gathering her things together when Scott Baldwin knocked on her door and walked on inside.  �Mrs. Morgan?� Scott said as he walked into the room.

�Yes, who are you?� Carly asked backing up a bit. She did that with strangers. It was a gut reaction after the attack.

�I�m DA Scott Baldwin. I would like to talk to you about the attack that happened on Sept. 15th,� Scott said taking out a tape recorder and placing it on Carly�s desk.

Carly nodded her head and sat down at her desk. �What do you want to know?� Carly asked.

�I just want you to go through the events that evening for me,� Scott said calmly as he sat down.

Carly sighed and started to talk. �I was going to pick up my kids when this guy grabbed me from behind.�

�Did you see him before?� Scott asked.

�No, I never seen him before in my life,� Carly said calmly.

�Ok, go on,� Scott said.

Carly nodded and said, �He pulled me into dark parts parking garage. He shoved me to the ground used his knife to cut open my top. He told me that I was going to enjoy this.�

�Did you?� Scott asked.

�Go to hell,� Carly snapped as she jumped from her chair and glared at the DA.

�I am just asking what good defense attorney would ask,� Scott said his voice sounding flat and lifeless.

�Well, you don�t have my attacker. So, you didn�t need to treat me like that,� Carly, snapped standing glaring at Scott.

Scotty smiled slightly and said, �Maybe your attacker is already dead. I mean your father is Mikkos Cassadines big gun. He is very good at taking care of people that hurt your family.�

Carly gasp at Scott and said, �My father is my Uncle�s brother. It is job to protect the family. He is not a killer.�

Scott laughed at this and said, �Dream on, sweet heart. Your father is a cold blooded killer.�

�Get out!� Carly yelled.

�Fine,� Scott said and he picked up his tape recorder and walked out of the room.

�Bastard!� Carly said as she stood in the middle of her office fuming.  She couldn�t believe that Scott was the DA. She realized sadly that she and the other women weren�t going to get any justice in this city especially with men like Scott in charge.


Sonny and Alexis were having Courtney, AJ and Mike over for dinner. This was Alexis' idea. How she managed to talk Sonny into inviting Mike over for dinner he will never understand. Sonny didn�t want Mike part of his life. He didn�t want anything to do with him.

Sonny was in the kitchen making dinner with Tasha in her boaster seat eating a breadstick. �Sweet heart, your mother is in the wrong line of work. She should sale used cars,� Sonny said as he checked out his chicken.

�Used Cars?� the two year old said puzzled.

�Daddy is being funny,� Alexis said as she walked into the kitchen. Sonny didn�t say anything he just kept on working. �Having second thoughts?� Alexis asked him.

�I didn�t have any thoughts about this. I got talked into this,� Sonny snapped.

�Sonny, you want Courtney in your life. It might not hurt showing that you are at least willing to put up with your father and her husband,� Alexis said kissing Sonny on the cheek.

�Alexis, Courtney and I already agreed to leave them out of this, why can�t you?� Sonny snapped at her.

Alexis shook her head and said, �Sonny, I know how you are feeling. My father did a lot of damage to me by not defending me growing up. I understand why you have reservations on having him in your life. But! If you don�t try to find a way to deal with them you will only loose out in the end because there is no way Courtney will ever begin trusting you.�

Sonny sighed and nodded his head. �Ok, I give up. I�ll deal with Mike but that doesn�t mean I want him part of my life!� Sonny snapped.

�Fine with me,� Alexis said and she took Tasha to get her ready for dinner to night. Sonny gave his wife a look that said, �Why didn�t he believe that it was his choice!�


Mikkos and Ruby heard about what happened with Luke and decided to come over for dinner. Lucky was sitting on the couch playing a video game with his sister. Lucky and Luke haven�t talked much about all the past events. Luke knew his son was mad at him. He could tell by just the short remarks he got from Lucky.

The doorbell rang and Laura got it. �Welcome,� Laura said as she stepped aside letting her father in-law and mother in-law into the room. 

�Grandpa! Grandma!� Lu cried waving from the floor near the TV.

�Winning?� Mikkos asked.

�Yep,� Lu said smiling.

�Not by much,� Lucky said taking the lead from Lu.

Luke sat there waiting for the lecture to come. He was feeling like a little kid that did something wrong and was about to get it from his parents. He tried to fight this feeling but at this moment he was loosing this fight. �Hi,� He said to both Mikkos and Ruby.

�Hi,� Ruby said giving Luke a kiss.

�Glad to see you up and moving around,� Mikkos said with a knowing grin on his face.

Laura looked at the kids and said, �You to pause your game and go up to get ready for dinner.�

�Ok,� Lucky said and he put the game on pause and took his sister upstairs.

�Here it comes,� Luke thought as he watched the kids go upstairs.

Ruby and Laura sat there talking about Nikolas up coming wedding. Mikkos moved near Luke and asked, �How did your work out with Victor go?�

�He is a Satanist,� Luke said growling.

Mikkos laughed and said, �I know how you feel. He enjoyed making me do those dumb exercises of Alex in prison.� Luke looked at Mikkos in shock. Mikkos smiled at his son and said, �What do you think you are the only one that acted like an ass. I was in your shoes a few years back remember! The difference was I was in prison.�

�I would hate to be there like this,� Luke said trying not to think about his time behind bars.

�Yeah, It wasn�t fun. If it wasn�t for Victor I might not have survived my time there. He was my protector more then ever,� Mikkos said.

Luke started to relax. He didn�t know what it was but talking to Mikkos about how he was feeling about all of this. It also felt good talking to someone and not being reminded how much of an ass he has been acting. �So, how bad was your stroke?� Luke asked.

�Just like yours but I couldn�t move my left side. It took a lot of fight back but I finally managed. What helped was Victor never once let me feel sorry for myself. He just kept on pushing me,� Mikkos said smiling.

�Did you ever feel like knocking that smile off his face?� Luke asked coldly.

�I did,� Mikkos said grinning. Luke looked at Mikkos puzzled. Mikkos smiled and said, �When I was finally able to move around again. Victor and I were sparing and I reminded him that I was still the prince!�

Luke laughed and said, �I might not claim I�m the prince but I will enjoy knocking out some of Victor�s pearly whites.�

�Be my guest,� Mikkos said smiling.


Alexis was setting table when the doorbell rang. �Sonny will you get it?� She asked looking over where her husband was kneeling playing with their daughter.

�Sure,� Sonny said still sounding unhappy about this. Alexis just smiled at him as he walked to the door with Tasha in his arms to get the door. Sonny opened the door to find Courtney, AJ and Mike standing there. �Hi, come on in.�

�Glad you invited us,� Courtney said smiling at Sonny.

�Yes, I�m happy to be here,� Mike said smiling at Tasha. �Who is this sweet thing?�

Tasha smiled at Mike. Sonny bit back his remark and said, �This is Anastasia but we call her Tasha.�

�Hi,� Mike said playing with Tasha�s cheek.

�Come on in,� Alexis said coming to the group and pulling Sonny out of the way to let the others into the room.

�Thanks, mmm, dinner smells good,� AJ said.

�Anything Sonny makes is good,� Alexis said taking everyone�s coats.

�You cook?� Courtney said shocked.

�Yes, I woman from my neighborhood back in New York taught me,� Sonny said placing Tasha back on the floor so she could play with her blocks.

Mike sat down hear Tasha not with the approval of her father. �When is your baby due?�

�January,� Alexis said smiling.

�Do you know what it is?� AJ asked.

�No, we don�t want to know but Sonny is betting it is a boy,� Alexis said smiling.

�Any names picked out?� Courtney asked.

�Nikita if it is a boy and Clarita if it is a girl,� Alexis said smiling as she stood near the bar and asked. �Anyone want something to drink?�

�Soda,� Courtney said smiling.

�Same here,� AJ replied.

�Beer,� Mike said then asked, �Why Nikita?�

�It is a family name,� Alexis said as she handed the beer to Mike.

�Oh,� Mike said trying not to sound hurt. He didn�t know why but it felt like Alexis family won out over naming the children or that is how it sounded to him.

�I�ll be back in a bit. I need to check on dinner,� Sonny said and he left the room.

�So, do you cook?� AJ asked Alexis.

�No, like you AJ I grew up no knowing where the kitchen was,� Alexis said jokingly.

AJ laughed as well. �Well, I did learn a few things thanks to Courtney,� AJ said hugging his wife.

�Sonny is very over protective of his kitchen,� Alexis said smiling. For some reason Mike wasn�t buying this story, he just thought that Alexis ran Sonny�s life and he let him.

After a bit Mike went to the kitchen to talk to Sonny letting Courtney and AJ talk. �Need help?� Mike asked as he walked into the room.

�No,� Sonny said coldly.

�Ok, do you mind if I watch?� Mike asked.

Sonny turned to look at Mike then turned back to the stove. �Do what you want,� Sonny said in a tight sounding voice.

Mike watched as Sonny finished things up. �Do you enjoy being the cook in the house?� Mike asked.

�I like cooking besides Alexis isn�t that good at it,� Sonny said trying to lighten up just a bit. He did want to get to know his sister and that meant he had to deal with Mike.

�She told us. She has been pampered a lot hasn�t she?� Mike asked.

Sonny turned to look at Mike and said, �Alexis works very hard. She is top notch lawyer and I�m proud of her.�

�I�m not saying about thing about her skills as a lawyer. I�m just saying she has had a lot of things handed to her,� Mike said.

Sonny looked at his father and said, �Don�t think because my wife is a Cassadine, you can pick up your gambling and I�ll bail you out because that will not happen!�

�I wasn�t thinking about gambling,� Mike said coldly not liking Sonny�s tone of voice.

�Yeah, right. You haven�t changed a bit. Don�t play the father of the year act with me,� Sonny said as slapped the stove shut.

Mike looked at Sonny and said, �Michael, like I told you a while back, I don�t know what your mother told you but I did try to be in your life. You were the one that decided your step father made a better father then me.�

Sonny lost right then. He picked up the try with the cooked chicken on it and threw it across the room. Mike stood there to stunned to move. He had no idea what he had just said that angered Sonny like this. �You bastard! Get the hell out of my house now!�

�Sonny,� Alexis called out as she burst into the room.
�Get them out! I�m not listening to his lies. GET HIM OUT!� Sonny yelled. Deep down Sonny knew it was Deke�s doing that caused all of this but hearing Mike put the blame on his mother shoved Sonny to the edge! He just wasn�t going to put up with it!

Alexis grabbed Mike by the arm and pulled him out of the kitchen. �I think you better go.�

Courtney looked at Alexis and her father when they came back into the room and asked, �What is going on?�

�I don�t know. I just told him the truth. I said that it was his decision to have Deke as a father over me,� Mike said wondering why Sonny was so upset.

�Oh, God!� Alexis said turning around to see if Sonny was behind her. Lucky he wasn�t!

�What?� Courtney asked.

Alexis wondered if she should tell Mike and Courtney the truth. She knew Sonny was very protective of that truth. So, she decided against it. �I can�t tell you but think you should leave,� Alexis said and she went to get there coats.

�No, tell me,� Mike ordered not brothering to move a muscle.

Alexis looked up to see the kitchen door open. She was looking at Sonny. You could see the rage in Sonny�s face as he walked to the front door. �Tell him what you want. I�m out of here,� Sonny said and he left.

Alexis shook her head and then said, �Let me put Tasha down and call Robert to go after Sonny then we can talk.�

Everyone sat down and Alexis took her daughter to her room to leave her with the Nanny. She made her call then went back into the living room to find the others sitting there waiting for her. �Well?� Mike asked.

Alexis sighed and sat down. �Sonny didn�t pick Deke over you. In fact, he would have loved to have Deke out of him and his mother�s life. You see Deke beat her and Sonny.�

�What?� Mike said shocked to hear this.

�Yes, so when said that he picked Deke over you it was like hitting him all over again,� Alexis said sadly.

�Deke was in the room when I was told that Sonny didn�t need me,� Mike said.

�He could have forced her to say it even if she didn�t want to. She was scared of him. They both were,� Alexis said sadly.

�That bastard,� Mike said and he got up to pace the floor.

�That is why Sonny has trouble with father?� Courtney asked.

�Yes, he needs someone to blame for all this. He can�t blame his mother and Deke is gone. Mike is here!� Alexis said sadly.


Carly arrived home and found that Mikkos was at Luke�s. She went up to the Spencers penthouse and knocked on the door. Laura opened the door and smiled at Carly. �Hi,� Laura said warmly.

�Stick the cheeriness,� Carly snapped as she stormed into the room where everyone had sat down for dinner.

�Carly, what is wrong?� Mikkos asked.

�What is wrong? I had a visit from the towns new DA. He acted like I asked to get attacked!� Carly yelled.

�He what?� Mikkos yelled.

�It gets worse. He thinks my father already killed the man. I think Mr. Scott Baldwin is out for Cassadine blood!� Carly snapped.

Laura groaned and started to turn around. �Angel!� Luke said looking towards his wife his voice flat with rage.

�I was going to tell you,� Laura said smiling as she turned around.

�When?� Luke demanded.

�When you were better,� Laura said grinning.

�You act like you know this guy!� Carly said looking at Luke.

�I do. Laura was married to the creep!� Luke snapped.

�You married that ass?� Carly asked looking at shock at Laura.

�He wasn�t a creep then,� Laura said calmly.

�That is a matter of opinion,� Luke said. �What else have I been missing that deals with old Scotty boy?� Mikkos smiled at his son and told him of the conversation that Bobbie and BJ over heard. �That sounds like him,� Luke said getting away from the table and going to Carly. �I�m sorry sweetheart that he talked to you like that. It isn�t you or you father he wants it is me!�

�You?� Carly said puzzled.

�Me. I guess Scott hasn�t gotten over what happened between Laura and him,� Luke said coldly.

�Luke that was a long time ago. He couldn�t be still angry about this?� Laura asked.

�Then give me another reason why he is going after this family with such avenges?� Luke asked.

�Mom, I hate to say this but that sounds right. Scott talked to Nikolas and myself at the party and he really had a lot of hate in his voice when he talked about dad,� Lucky said.

�What did he say?� Luke asked looking at his son intently. Lucky grimaced a bit then told his father what Scott said, �That creep!� Luke growled.

�Luke, watch your temper,� Laura said.

�Oh, I�ll watch it!� Luke said thinking that Scott had just done one thing and that was getting him motivated to get moving again because no way was he going to stay down with that creep walking around town. Scott was out for a war and Luke was going to give him one!

Chapter 20
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