Chapter 12

Lucky and the other teens were at the dance. �How did you hurt your hand?� Josh asked pointing to Lucky�s new cast.

�I put my hand under my father�s wheel chair wheel,� Lucky laughed.

�Ouch,� BJ said wincing at the thought how it hurt.

�Yeah, but it is cool. Dad is just learning using that chair. I remember how many doors and tables I took out learning to drive my chair,� Lucky laughed.

�And feet,� BJ giggled. Lucky nodded his head and they went on with the evening.


Lucky wasn�t the only member of the family having fun. Zander was enjoying his date with Kristina. He did kind of feel a little bad that the date was a fake. He was more on a hunt for information then going out with her.

Kristina and Zander walked into Luke�s about nine that evening. �It looks exactly the way I though it would,� Kristina said smiling.

�I think you would smile on Luke�s face for saying that. This is his pride and joy. He hovers around this club,� Zander said smiling.

�He here tonight?� Kristina asked.

�No, Luke is the one that had the tumor,� Zander said sadly as they found a table and sat down. They ordered drinks and started to enjoy the music. Zander had talked about himself all during dinner. He looked at Kristina and said, �Now, I told you about myself and my family. Tell me about you?�

Kristina smiled and said, �Well, where do I start?�

�How about your parents? What they like?� Zander asked.

Kristina looked sad all of sudden and then said, �I don�t see them. Unlike you Zander I couldn�t understand about being lied to. You see I was adopted. Oh, I knew I was but I found out the hard way that they bought me on the black-market. I couldn�t and I wouldn�t forgive them!�

�Sorry and I really do understand how you feel.  I still haven�t forgiven my birthmother for lying to me. I love my mother very much. I don�t know my father that well but I don�t blame him because he never knew about me,� Zander said taking a drink of his beer.

�Sucks don�t it?� Kristina asked Zander.

�Yeah, did you ever find out who belonged to?� Zander asked.

�I found out that my birthmother was murdered and found her grave. I even found my real birth certificate but it didn�t have the name of my father on it. She had left it blank,� Kristina said sadly.

�What was her name?� Zander asked.

�Her first name was Crystal,� Kristina said smiling.

�Pretty name,� Zander said and they went on to enjoy the evening.


Carly and Jason went to dinner and the home. They were going to go to a movie but people kept on looking at Carly�s face. It got to hard on both of them to stay out. �Carly?� Jason said as he drove home.

�No, Jason. I�m not getting the surgery not until he is caught,� Carly said coldly.

�Then we have to learn to put up with this because I�m tried of running home,� he told her.

�I know,� Carly said sadly. It bothered her that peopled looked at her. She would love to get all scars removed but she couldn�t until he was caught. She could go on with her life until the monster that did this paid for what he done to her. Jason sighed and kept on driving. He understood why she felt this way or was trying to. Part him just wished the guy was caught and this nightmare was behind them.


Lucky and Emily were on their way home from the dance. Emily hadn�t said too much to Lucky all evening. Lucky didn�t understand why. He did think he had done anything wrong but then again you never know. �Ah, Emily are you mad at me?� Lucky asked finally.

�I�m not mad at you. I just don� t get you any more,� Emily admitted. She wasn�t going to say something but Lucky had chance. He was more formal and controlled and she had no idea how to take him.

�What do you mean get me?� Lucky asked puzzled this was one of those times that he knew his father was right when he said �Women! You can�t understand them and you can�t guess them!�

�Well for starts look what you have on?� Emily said pointing at Lucky. He wore a brown smoking jacket with a tan turtleneck and with dark brown pants.

�What about it?� Lucky asked not getting what she was saying.

�Lucky, you look like Stefan! You dress like a Cassadine. Where is the Lucky I know I loved?� Emily snapped.

Lucky shook his head and said, �You don�t have a camera shoved all the time. I do. I have think about that before go out.�

�Well, the Lucky I knew would have told the press off,� Emily said coldly.

�I�m sorry. I didn�t know Lucky should act a certain way,� Lucky snapped and he pulled his car into his parking space. �Good night,� He said and then he got out and went towards the elevator. Emily went up on different elevator with tears running down her cheeks. She didn�t want to hurt him. She knew she did. She could see it in his face. All she wanted to do was find the person that she fell in love with.

Stefan and Bobbie were coming home from a dinner party at the Mayor�s mansion. �Our new DA is a real ass,� Stefan said.

Bobbie laughed and said, �You don�t have to tell Luke that because he would agree with you 100%.�

�Why do you say that?� Stefan asked puzzled at his wife�s remark.

�Scott Baldwin is Laura�s ex-husband. Luke hates Scott just as much and maybe even more then he hated Stavors,� Bobbie said laughing.

�Wait that is the Scott Baldwin!� Stefan said trying to see what Laura saw in the guy in the first place. People called him stuck up but Scott topped him ten times over.

�That is the Scott Baldwin. I don�t think Luke is going to be to happy when he finds out that he is back into town,� Bobbie said laughing.

Stefan nodded his head and then something hit him. �Wait a minute! Didn�t you tell me one time that you tried to get Scott for yourself?� Stefan asked his wife.

�Ah, yes my younger days,� Bobbie said smiling. �Don�t worry Stefan, I�m very happy with my life and I wouldn�t change a thing.� Bobbie leaned over and kissed Stefan passionately. �Neither would I,� Stefan said smiling as he leaned into Bobbie and they fell back in the back seat of the limo.


Lucky woke up early and went for a run. He was hoping running would clear his mind but it didn�t. He was still worked up over the conversation he had with Emily the night before. Lucky so happened ended up down by the new building and realized that Nikolas was working. Lucky decided to go up and have a talk with is brother maybe Nikolas could help him figure this mess out.

It took Lucky a bit to get past Victor�s new security guards. He made a mental note to have Victor tell these guys who he was and then he road up in the elevator to the 15th floor where Nikolas was working in his office. �Not bad,� Lucky thought as he stepped off the elevator.

�Hey, little brother finally decided to come and check the place out?� Nikolas asked.

�Yeah, but what I really came for is to talk. I have a problem,� Lucky said sadly.

�Family, girls or school?� Nikolas asked.

�Emily,� Lucky said.

�Come on in my office and we can talk,� Nikolas said and the two boys walked into Nikolas office and sat down in the seating area to talk. Nikolas handed Lucky a bottle of water and then asked, �What�s going on?�

Lucky leaned forward holding his bottle of water in his hands. �Have I changed?�

�What do you mean changed?� Nikolas asked puzzled.

�Emily thinks I have changed. I don�t see what changed,� Lucky said sadly.

Nikolas laughed and said, �A lot has changed but I think for the better. Back when I first met you, you were angry and you hated the world. You know look at things with brighter possible outlook. So, if she sees anything different in you that is it.�

�You don�t think I dressed funny?� Lucky asked.

Nikolas laughed and said, �So you picked up a few things from this family. Lucky, you are going up that is the changes she sees. Emily will taste will change as well. Your are just a little bit a head of her.�

�I guess that is it,� Lucky said sadly.

�What happened?� Nikolas asked. Lucky sighed and told Nikolas about his fight with Emily. Nikolas smiled and said, �You know I remember all the fights I had with Gia during the changes that happened as we went from high school to collage. Like you, I was a bit ahead of her and she had trouble with the difference. We worked things out and I�m sure you will work things out with Emily.�

�Thanks and thanks for hearing me out,� Lucky said.

�You want a tour of the place before you go?� Nikolas asked him.

�Sure, why not,� Lucky said and they got up and Nikolas gave Lucky a tour of the new building.


Gia sat on the couch at Nikolas and her suite looking over baby and bridal magazines. Suddenly there was knock at the door, Gia sighed and pulled herself off the couch. She was getting big. The doctor swore that she only had one kid but to Gia it felt like more.

Gia opened the door and was surprised to see her brother standing there. �Hi,� Taggert said leaning in kissing her on the cheek.

�I thought you were upset with me?� Gia said as she stepped aside and let her brother into the room.

�I might be upset with you for your taste in men but you are still my sister. I couldn�t walk out on you especially with the new life that you have growing in you. How is the baby by the way?� Taggert asked as he walked into the room.

�The doctor said me and the baby are fine,� Gia said walking back to the couch and sitting back down on the couch. Taggert helped her and then sat down in the chair near by.

�Where is Nikolas?� Taggert asked.

�Working! The big opening is Monday. He has a lot to do before it happens,� Gia said smiling.

�He should be with you,� Taggert snapped.

Gia shook her head sadly and said, �I don�t need Nikolas to be with me twenty four seven. We both work and we both have companies to run,� Gia said calmly.

�With all this working, when are you planning on getting married?� Taggert asked.

�There it is. There is the reason you are here. You are worried that Nikolas will not marry me. You don�t have to worry about it. Laura is taking care of Luke and Nikolas is charge of the operations of the company. We both have enough on your plate worry about getting married. We will do it in our own time,� Gia said calmly but she wasn�t calm. She had had it with her brother. He had been giving her grief ever since she got back into town.

�I didn�t come to fight with you. I�m just worried about you,� Taggert said.

�Don�t worry about me. I�m fine. Nikolas takes very good care of the baby and me. So, just enjoy being in my life,� Gia begged him.

�Ok, I�ll be good,� Taggert said getting up and giving a hug. He didn�t like the idea of Gia with Nikolas but there was nothing he could do about it.

�Thank you,� Gia said and they talked about the upcoming baby and what Gia planned so far.


Lu needed a few things for school. So, Laura asked Amy to come stay with Luke and she was going to take Lu to the store. They were looking at dressed with Laura heard a voice she hadn�t heard in a long time. �How about this one?� Scott Baldwin said to his daughter Serena.

Laura looked up and saw Scott standing near a rack with a little girl. �Scotty,� Laura said shocked to see him.

�Laura, what are you doing here?� Scott asked her brightening up a bit at the sight of his ex wife.

�Shopping just like you,� Laura said her face lightening up just a bit.

Lu looked from her mother to this strange man and then asked, �Who is he?�

Laura smiled at her daughter and said, �This is Scott Baldwin, I knew him a long time ago.�

�Hi,� Scott said.

�Hi,� Lu said a bit taken back by this new comer.

Scott smiled and then looked at Serena. �This is my daughter, Serena.�

�Nice to meet you Serena,� Laura said giving Lu a quick shove.

�Yeah, hi,� Lu said.

The two girls walked way looking at clothes leaving the adults alone. Scott looked at Laura and said, �I heard about Luke. I�m sorry for you.�

�Thank you but he will be fine,� Laura said smiling.

�Well, I must be hard on you but maybe not to much specially with Luke�s new family,� Scotty said.

Laura�s jaw tightened up. She heard the sarcasm in Scott�s voice and she wasn�t happy about it. �Scott, what are you getting at?� she asked him.

Scott acted like she heard him but suggesting anything. �I was just trying to make conversation,� Scott said to Laura.

�Scotty, I�m not a fool. I�m in love with Luke. I know you think he destroyed my life but he hasn�t. He gave me to beautiful kids and I�m happy,� Laura said to Scott.

�Spite everything he had done to you,� Scott snapped.

Laura shook her head and called out to Lu. �Come on honey, let�s go somewhere else,� Laura said. �Nice seeing you Scott.�

Lu showed up and Laura and her started to leave. Scott stood there watching as she left. He couldn�t understand why Laura put up with Luke to mystery that was never going to be solved.

Chapter 13
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