Chapter 1

Stefan woke up early that morning. He got dressed and headed down stairs. �Morning, Mrs. Lansbury.�

�Morning, Mr. Cassadine,� Mrs. Lansbury said pouring Stefan his coffee.

�I bet you are glad to be home,� Stefan said smiling as he sat down at the table and picked up the morning paper.

�Yes sir. It was nice to get away for awhile but I would rather be here,� Mrs. Lansbury said with a smile on her face. Stefan had lightened up since the changes in the family have happened. He was more personable towards the help. He talks to them more and she kind of enjoyed the change. It made working for him such a joy!

�Well, I�m glad to be home as well. Are the kids up, yet?� Stefan asked.

�Not yet but Miss Quartermaine called. I gave her the report on Mr. Spencer condition and I told her that the young miss would call her as soon as she got up,� Mrs. Lansbury said as she went to get Stefan his breakfast.

Stefan opened the newspaper and wasn�t to shocked to see a story about the family on the front page. The press hasn�t left them alone in a long time. Stefan was hoping they are enjoying the Russian winter. It did grow cold during this time of year!

Lucas and BJ came down stairs a little while later. �Good morning,� the kids said giving their father a kiss.

�Good morning. Emily called. She wants you to call her back,� Stefan told BJ as she poured herself some juice.

�Thanks, oh and we going school shopping today. Do you want me to go pay for the books?� BJ asked.

�If you want but take your brother with you,� Stefan said smiling at Lucas.

�I was going to go over to Larry�s house,� Lucas complained.

Stefan noticed that BJ didn�t want him around either and he nodded his head. �Ok, go over at Larry�s house,� Stefan said with a smile on his face.

�Thanks,� Lucas said and he grabbed his food together and took off. BJ was relieved about this. She liked her brother. She just didn�t want him around all the time. After the long summer, she needed a brake from the family thing. She wanted to spend it with kids closer her own age.

Stefan had just finished when the phone rang. Stefan stood up and picked up the phone. �Cassadines. Yes, Emily just a minute.� Stefan said handing the phone over to his daughter. �I have to go.�

�Ok and call me on my cell if you hear from grandfather,� BJ said as she took the phone from Stefan.

�I will,� Stefan promised as he left to go to work.

BJ sat back down at the table and ate as she talked. �Em, what�s up?�

�Nothing much. You ready to go shopping?� Emily asked.

�Sure, if you want to come over and help me clear some room in my closet for some new clothes,� BJ said smiling.

�Of course, I�m on the way,� Emily said and she quickly hung up the phone and took off out the door.


Carly was taking a tour of the twins� private school this morning. �This is one of our class rooms,� The principal said as she showed Carly around the room.

�Very good. I like your set up. I�m sure my children will fit in nicely here,� Carly said as they walked out of the room.

�I�m sure they will. I know you have twins. Do you want them in separate rooms or together,� the woman asked.

�Separate,� Carly said knowing her kids it might not be a good idea to keep them together all the time. If they were, she would spend most of her day at the school because of this.

�That�s fine. We will get them sighed up and I�ll give you the list of supplies they need,� the principal said as they walked. Once Carly was done at the school she went to the hospital. She would send the nanny shopping for her later on this afternoon. At this moment though, Carly had to get to the hospital and get to work. She had a entire summer to of work to catch up on!


Stefan arrived at Alexis and Sonny�s penthouse apartment. �Morning,� Stefan said greeting his sister at the door.

�Good morning. Any word from Father about Luke?� Alexis asked as she let Stefan in.

�No, not yet,� Stefan said as he walked over where Tasha sat on the floor playing with her blocks and give the girl a kiss. �Good morning sweetheart.�

�Stuffy,� Tasha said reaching out for Stefan.

Stefan groaned at the nickname. He knew his name was hard to say for a kid but did she have to over hear Luke say that damn nickname. Sonny was laughing from behind his paper. �Morning, Sonny,� Stefan said ignoring Sonny�s laughter.

�Good morning, Stefan,� Sonny said smiling as he put down his paper. �You will promise not to let my wife work to hard?�

�Promise,� Stefan said as Alexis suddenly showed up dressed and ready to go.

�Stop worrying about me,� Alexis said kissing her husband.

�I can�t help it,� Sonny said kissing her bad. �You have a good day.�

�I will. Where are you going to be today?� Alexis asked looking around for her cell phone and found it in her daughter�s mouth.

As she bent down to take the phone from her daughter as Sonny said, �I�m working at the warehouse. You need anything call me.�

�I will,� Alexis said kissing Tasha and then leaving with Stefan.


Nikolas reached over in his sleep for Gia but she wasn�t bed. He sat up and called out. �Gia?� Nikolas only reply was this wrenching sound coming from bathroom. Nikolas climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom. �You ok?� he asked.

�No, this boat will not stop moving,� Gia groaned fighting the sick feeling she was getting again.

�You just have a bad case of morning sickness.� Nikolas said smiling.

Gia shot him a dirty look and said, �I have been sick all night. This damn boat is moving too much. Nikolas, if you don�t find us another place to stay. I�m moving back in with my brother on dry land!�

Nikolas knew from his conversations with Sonny and Jason that pregnant woman were grumpy. They avoided him when they requested something give it to them or they will spent nine mouths reminding the man that it was their fault that they were like this. Nikolas knew Gia would do it to him. So, he said smiling sweetly. �I have a meeting with my father this afternoon about the new acquiring of the new building. I�m sure the realtor could find us something,� Nikolas said.

�Please, Gia,� begged as she finally got her feet.

�I�ll do it,� Nikolas said and going to Gia and giving her a kiss. He didn�t care where they lived as long as they were together.


Stefan and Alexis met the realtor at what was going to be the new home of the Cassadine Enterprises. �Not bad,� Alexis said smiling as they exited the limo.

�Thanks, ever since father disassociated the family holdings from the crown. I been working hard finishing getting this set up,� Stefan said feeling proud of all his hard work.

Stefan and Alexis walked into the building to find the realtor waiting for them. �Good morning,� the young woman said feeling a little taken back by both Alexis and Stefan. They weren�t like she thought would be. They looked almost normal.

�Morning,� Stefan said in pour business like tone. �Are we ready to sign the papers?�

�Yes, I have them right for you,� the realtor said going to the information counter set up of to the side. Alexis was the one that looked the papers over and then she handed them to Stefan. Stefan signed them and then handed the cashiers check over to the realtor. �If there is anything else I can do for you. Please call me.�

�We will,� Stefan said smiling as he watched as the woman left.

�Yeah, call her. We gave her a check for a good 500 million dollars,� Alexis snapped.

�It would cost us more if I hadn�t found out that the people that owned it was close to bankruptcy,� Stefan said smiling.

�Shrewd,� Alexis said as they looked around the first floor of their new building.


Nikolas dropped Gia off at the Deception�s offices. She had managed to talk Laura into letting her run the company in her absence. Gia was doing this to prove to Laura that their was more to her then a pretty face. She wanted to show that she fit with this family.

Elton was having one of his fits when Gia arrived. �Finally,� Elton said in a tizzy.

�What�s wrong?� Gia asked smiling.

�Our order hasn�t arrived yet. We still need to find a new face and we still don�t have our next campaign laid out,� Elton told her.

Gia put her briefcase down on his desk and said, �This are my picks for the new face. I want to see them by the end of the week. I will talk to you this afternoon about our new campaign. Now, give me the number our distributor.�

Elton was shocked by how together she was. He handed the number over to Gia and said, �Here you go.�

�Thank you,� Gia said and she vanished into Laura�s office.


Emily sat on BJ�s bed watching as her friend walked in and out of her walk in closet. �BJ don�t you think you have enough clothes?� Emily asked.

�You have a lot of room to talk,� BJ snapped as she dropped a hand full of last year�s clothes on the bed.

�Those going to where?� Emily asked ignoring BJ�s last comment.

�There is a thrift shop that Lucky likes to donate things to. I thought I�d drop them off. I know they are still good but they are last years style,� BJ said going back for more clothes.

�Speaking of Lucky, how was he when you left?� Emily asked.

�He didn�t say much. He is to worried about his father at this moment to think or say to much,� BJ said sadly.

�I know and that is why I call him. I just wish I could be with him,� Emily said sadly.

�I wanted to stay myself but the everyone is right. There isn�t anything we can do for Lucky or Luke. All we can do is pray and try go on,� BJ said.

�Yeah, I know,� Emily said.


Nikolas arrived at the new building just about the same time as Zander and Victor. The three of them walked into the building to join Stefan and Alexis. Victor was the one critical of the place. �We will need to do a lot of updating on building security,� Victor said to his nephew.

�That is your job. I will argue with what you want,� Stefan said smiling.

�Good, I get the first and top floor,� Victor said.

�Fine with me,� Stefan said as he the group moved to the elevator. Stefan�s private secretary was there was well. She stood off to the side making notes at what was being said. �Stefan looked at Alexis and said, �I thought that we should put the secretarial pool on the first floor.�

�That�s sounds fine,� as they went up to the first floor.

The new building had fifteen floors and the new layout of the building was going to be like this. First floor would mainly be for security, the second floor would hold secretarial staff. The next two floors would hold research and the new computer system that would tie all the companies together. The new floor would be for the law offices and the next one would hold the law library.  The next six floors would hold offices for all the companies the family owned all over the world. Each continent would have their own floor, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, would each have their own floor. Russia companies would be the only one that had a floor on to itself. The next floor would be where the meeting rooms would be and lastly would be the offices of Stefan, Mikkos and Nikolas. Alexis had opted to have her office with the law department. This left of course the top floor for Victor to put the rest of his security department.

They were on the floor where the head offices would be located. �I like it but it does need a bit of work,� Nikolas said.

�Yes, it does. I hired a designer to spear head the setting up of the company. Kristina Harrison should be arriving this morning sometime. Nikolas, I am going to turn her over to you.�

�Me?� Nikolas said shocked.

�That�s right. It will be your job to make sure in two mouths we will be moved in,� Stefan said to his son.

�Ok,� Nikolas said realizing how much work that would include.

�What me?� Zander asked.

�You will help me,� Victor said smiling at Zander.

�Meaning, I will be your voice in the matter,� Zander said translating for Victor.

�Yes,� Victor said grinning.

Stefan smiled slightly and then looked at Alexis. �We will be working on getting everyone ready to move here. I want this done without taking up to much of our time running things.�

�Got it,� Alexis said wondering how they were going to do that. 

�Any questions or comments before we break this meeting up?� Stefan asked the group.

Alexis, Zander and Victor all shook their heads. Nikolas smiled and said, �It isn�t about this but could you call our realtor to see if she could find a place for me and Gia. It seems she gets a bit sea sick.�

Alexis laughed at this. Being pregnant before she knew how things like that happened. This and last pregnancies are the same. She smelled milk and bread turning before anyone else. A little fact that drove Sonny crazy sometimes because he would find them in the trash without moments notice.

�I will do that,� Stefan said smiling.

�Ah, can you add me to the list?� Zander asked.

�Moving out?� Victor asked.

�Yeah, I love you but bring a date to an island is a hard thing to do. Every girl things I will lock her up,� Zander said grinning.

�Meaning, Your mother and me kill your dating life,� Victor said laughing.

�Yeah,� Zander said smiling.

�I understand that and since the family company is moving. Alex and I have been thinking. I think we might be moving as well,� Victor said to Stefan.

�So do put up Spoon Island for sale?� Stefan asked.

�I would,� Victor said. �We really don�t need it any more.�

�I�ll make the calls,� Stefan�s private secretary said smiling.

�Please,� Stefan said.

�Right away,� the woman said and she walked off from the others to make the calls she needed to make.

Nikolas stood off to the side thinking. The family was changing. They weren�t the same any more but maybe this was the best thing for them. Maybe people would stop thinking about the past and start thinking what they could do in the future. 

Chapter 2
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