AJ's Revenge

    This epic fanfic takes place in Port Charles 1 year after the trial and
subsequent conviction of Sonny Corinthos for crimes too many to count.  Carly has been remanded to Fern Cliff for an indefinite period of time after suffering a mental breakdown upon learning that Sonny would receive the death penalty and custody of Michael was given solely to his father AJ Quartermaine.

    I feel I must warn all readers -- if you're not 18 please stop reading
now.  This fanfic has more twists and turns than a roller coaster so take a Dramamine, buckle up, hold on tight and without further ado...

    AJ was sitting at his desk at the ELQ offices thinking of all the
wonderful things that have happened to him in the last year.  He has his son back and their bonding beautifully, he's been reinstated as CEO of ELQ, Skye & Jax are married and are equal partners with him in ELQ, Emily has made a full recovery and she & Zander are living in Milan where she's a model for the company that Zander's part owner of, Ned & Alexis have reconciled and are planning to marry, and the most wonderful thing of all is Kristina, the woman in AJ's life.  They've been married for 3 months and just the thought of her puts a smile on his face.

    AJ's thoughts were interrupted when the phone rang.  It was Alexis
calling from GH to tell him that Kristina had passed out and needed him
immediately.  AJ tore out of the office and sped to GH frantic that something awful had happened.  As he arrived, out of breath, and not even sure how he got there, Ned approached him and told him that the doctors were in with her now.  Ned was actually nice for once, which made AJ have to think that this must really be awful.  His parents & grandparents told him that no matter what was wrong he wouldn't be alone.  About this time Skye & Jax arrived and were filled in on the events and Skye promised him that she & Jax would stand
by him no matter what.  The doctor appeared and AJ dreaded his words.  He didn't want to know that anything could be wrong with Kristina, aside of Michael she was his only reason for living.  He never knew he could love anyone as much as he loves her.  He never thought he could love anyone after Carly... until Kristina.  Alan asked the doctor what was wrong with Kristina and the doctor said that she wanted to see her husband.  AJ took a deep breath and prepared for the worst.  As he entered her room he saw that she'd had blood work done.  He knew that she'd been getting sick lately but they both passed it off as the flew.  Had they passed it off too easily?  Then he
saw that she was smiling...almost beaming.  He asked her how she could smile when something was obviously wrong.  She pulled the picture from the table next to her and gave it to him.  He recognized it all too well.  A smile of overwhelming joy came across his face and he swept her in his arms pulling her from the table, thankful that it was joyous news.  AJ asked her how far along she was and she told him she was approximately 3 months.  As they left the room to tell their family the halls were filled with echoes of joy.

    Back at home they were greeted by Michael who wanted to know what his daddy had brought him.  AJ & Kristina looked at each other as if they got the same idea at the same time.  They sat Michael down and told him that Kristina was going to have a baby and that he was going to be a big brother to a little brother or sister, which made him rather happy.  Then he suddenly got a sad look on his face and asked AJ where his mommy was and why he couldn't see her.  AJ wanted to tell his young son about his mother -- how she'd tried on several occasions to kill AJ, how she'd bounced around from man to man
giving Michael 4 fathers before he was even 5 and he wanted to tell his son how his mother had kept them apart for years for no good reason.  Yes, he wanted to tell his son all of this, but then he'd be no better than Carly and he wouldn't do that to his son.  He'd let him grow up and make his own
opinion of his mother

    AJ told his son that his mommy was very sick and that she was in a
hospital getting well and that he'd see her soon.  He lied, he knew it, but he couldn't bring himself to tell his young son that his mother may never get well and that he may never see her outside of an institution.

    This seemed to appease Michael who quickly asked when his new baby brother or sister would be here.  Kristina told him that it would be in about 6 months, just in time for his birthday, which seemed to put the smile back on his face.

    Four months have passed since that fateful day n GH in which time Ned & Alexis have married and are blissfully happy which has an added effect of making Ned a nice person which is fine with AJ because he'd rather work with Ned than to be at odds with him.

    The weather has turned cold.  It's snowed on and off for a week. 
Kristina's now 7 months pregnant and AJ rarely lets her out of his sight, which she hardly minds at all.  She loves knowing that he's so interested in how she feels and what's going on with her and the baby.  He's made a point to be at every doctor appointment.  He missed so much with Michael and he's determined not to miss a thing with this baby.

    As they sat down for breakfast with the rest of the family Kristina
started to feel twinges of pain but passed it off as nerves from being a
first time mother.  If only she knew how wrong she was.  As they finished breakfast Kristina got up and decided to go lay down.  As she got halfway up the stairs she doubled over in pain and screamed for AJ who was by her side in no time.  She told him she thought her water broke.  He knew it was too soon, she still had 2 more months at least but he wasn't taking chances with her or the baby.  He rushed her to the car.  The family wanted to come with them but he told them to stay with Michael and he'd call if there was any news.

    As they drove through the snow his thoughts brought him back to what Monica had told him of the events leading to his own birth and now driving through the snow he feared history was repeating itself.  Kristina was in excruciating pain which brought his mind back to the present ... back to Kristina.

    As they reached GH and he rushed his wife to the maternity ward, he was reminded of Michael and how he was lied to from the start and robbed of being a father to his child.  The doctors took Kristina -- AJ wanted to be with her but they told him he had to wait in the waiting room.  As AJ watched the doctors take Kristina and disappear through the double doors he wondered if this would be the last time he'd see his wife or his child.  As he sat alone with his thoughts once more his old demons emerged again.  He wanted a drink more at that moment than he'd ever wanted one before.  As if they knew just when AJ needed them most, his family arrived to rally around him.  He asked
Monica where Michael was and she said that he was home with Reginald.  Alan interjected by adding that it was time he & Monica acted like parents and that their son needed them more right now than their grandson did, so the choice of where to be was all too clear.  As comforting a thought as it was to have his family around him, it didn't calm his growing need for a drink and AJ voiced this fear to Skye who now sat beside him.  Skye & Alan offered to go to a meeting with him in the hospital, but he said he needed to go
somewhere else and left his family to wonder what he meant and worry not only for his mental status, but also his sobriety.

    As AJ wandered the halls of GH, he found his way to the chapel.  He went in and upon reaching the altar he dropped to his knees with tears streaming down his face and every part of his body and soul shaking with fear and uncertainty.  AJ began talking to GOD and telling HIM that he didn't know why he didn't come to HIM when everything was going great.  He didn't even know why he came to HIM now, he just knew that GOD was the only one who could fix things now.  AJ thanked GOD for all HE had given him and he didn't want to seem ungrateful and as he spoke in a trembling voice AJ begged GOD for just one more blessing, to let his wife and child be all right, to let his child grow up and to know both of the parents who loved this child even before it ever made its appearance in the world.  AJ thanked GOD for listening and as he left the chapel he felt more at ease, more in control of his life, and he no longer felt the need for a drink.

    While returning to the waiting room AJ ran into Emily who was in Pine Valley on a modeling shoot when she got the message that Skye left for her.  They walked back together and AJ asked why she'd just drop her job just to be there with him.  She knew his comment came from the anger and hurt he felt toward her because of how she'd helped Jason, Carly, & Sonny keep Michael from him for no good reason whatsoever.  She told him that what she did was a mistake and it was one that she'd have to live with for the rest of her life.  She then stopped walking and turned to AJ and said that she didn't care if
she ever had another photo shoot again, not if it meant not being with any member of her family when they needed her and right now her brother was more important than any job.  AJ apologized for snapping at her and they continued to walk back to the waiting room.

    They walked back into the waiting room just in time to hear the doctor say that they had to take the baby and that although Kristina was going to be all right, their concern was for the child.  She was not only underweight but she also had a problem with her heart.  AJ felt his own heart sink in his chest.  He asked the doctor to see his wife and the doctor agreed to let him but only for a while because she needed to rest.  As he made his way to Kristina's room he thought to himself that what was happening was his fault.  It was hereditary and he was the one who did this to his baby girl, and if anything happened to her he didn't know if he could ever forgive himself.  He reached Kristina's room and as their eyes met she knew something was horribly wrong.  AJ sat on the edge of her bed and as he held her in his arms they cried together and shared the pain they both felt so deeply.  Through her tears Kristina said that it was times like this that she wished her mother were here because a mother always knows how to ease the pain of a broken heart.  AJ said that for him that person was his grandmother, and the same as they did the day they told Michael he was going to be a big brother, they looked at each other and this time they knew they had the same idea at the same time.  Kristina asked him to help her into a wheelchair and even though she wasn't supposed to be out of bed let alone be out of her room they made their way to where their daughter was.  Their family was already gathered there and as AJ & Kristina made their way to the window and looked upon this ever so small child who was so sick, their hands met and they held onto each other with a tighter bond of love than they ever had before and announced this precious child's name... Kristin Lila Quartermaine.

    One week later, as they prepared to leave GH without their daughter, the silence was deafening, but they didn't need words to know what the other one felt.  When they arrived home Michael was the first to greet them at the door and immediately asked where his little sister was.  Kristina couldn't bare to face this and she went upstairs so as not to let Michael see her cry.  AJ knelt down to Michael's level and told him that his little sister was sick and she'd have to stay in the hospital for a little while longer but that she'd be home soon.  Michael immediately started to cry because that's whathis daddy had said about his mommy.  AJ held his son close and explained that his mommy and his little sister were both sick, but in different ways and he assured his son that his sister would be home soon.  He just hoped it was a promise he was able to keep.

    AJ went upstairs to find Kristina crying hysterically and as he held her he knew he'd never felt this close to anyone before in his life.  When she calmed down, she looked him in the eyes and said that as insufferable as he could be at times that it was times like this and how sensitive he'd been toward her, not only during her pregnancy, but before it as well, and how he was with his son that made her proud to share her life with him.  She told him that she couldn't, nor did she ever even want to try to imagine her life without him.  He lifted her face toward his and gently kissed her.

    During the 2 months that followed Jax & Skye ran ELQ as AJ's heart just wasn't in it.  Kristin Lila continued not only to gain weight, but it seemed every time her parents saw her, one more tube was removed making her that much closer to going home.

    And then it happened...

    AJ & Kristina finally had their beloved daughter home, whole and healthy. Alan & Monica greatly enjoyed being grandparents almost as much as Edward & Lila enjoyed being great grandparents.  Ned & Alexis warned that she'd probably be the most spoiled child on the block if they had anything to say about it.  Skye & Jax jokingly said that they'd be right there to pick up where Ned & Alexis left off and Emily said that what her little niece didn't get with all of them, she'd be right there making sure she gave her everything else her little niece wanted.  Kristina looked at AJ, and with a smile in her eyes, said that they should really make every attempt to keep their daughter away from these crazy people before they turned her into a monster before she was even a year old.  AJ looked around the room at his family and in the same joking manner, promptly agreed.  AJ hadn't realized
just how late it was and said that it was time for Michael to be in bed.  They said goodnight to their family and AJ & Kristina ascended the staircase with AJ holding his daughter, his wife by his side, and Michael close behind them.  Michael asked his daddy to read him a bedtime story and even though AJ was very tired, having not slept well in weeks, he agreed.  He gave Kristin Lila to her mother who headed for their bedroom as AJ walked, holding his son's hand to his room.  After AJ read him a bedtime story and tucked Michael in he returned to his own room to find his wife and daughter sleeping peacefully.  As AJ prepared for bed, he looked in on his daughter who had her mother's face, and everything else of her father's, and as he gently touched her face, he once again thanked GOD for giving him this precious gift.

    AJ slipped into bed and wrapped his arms around his wife and as he looked outside, he could see that the blanket of winter was lifting to give way to the new beginnings of spring.  AJ thought of all he'd been through the last few years -- the lies, deceptions, kidnappings, repeated murder attempts, intimidation's, all of the events that led him to this one moment.

    With a smile of defiance on his face he thought of how he'd been given the short end of the stick at every turn and he'd still triumphed.  As he drifted off to sleep he had this one final thought ... he'd lived life to its fullest, been happy and loved hard -- and in doing so, he'd exacted ... the perfect revenge.

And so ends this epic fanfic, but then again, is it ever REALLY ... over?

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