Society Of Leatherists
Welcome to the leatherists society, for all leather clad and leather loving people. I formed this society because as a leather lover, I noticed that leather was not given the same status in the fetish community as rubber,  + rubberists have loads of rescources, but leatherists have none. Rubberists have loads of facilties to help them meet + date, leatherists up until now have not.  I hope  you all decide to join me,  in my quest to build a leatherists society, just as rubberists already have a rubberist society. Please give as much feedback about this society as you can via the  message board in the top right hand corner of this site. Thanks, Mark.
Leatherists Society Yahoo! Group
Leather Clothing + Links
Upcoming Leatherist Parties + Events
Dating Section:

Members of the leatherist society can post thier pictures + profiles + any other details they like to the leatherists society e-mail address, + I will post your details in the dating section. Send a pic of yourself, in your best/sexiest leather outfit, + some txt about yourself, + it will be posted in the relavent section, + then users can browse the ads.
Males: She-males:
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