To the Linux world: Shift your paradigm!

by: [email protected]


There is a problem in general with Linux. While as a whole it is far superior to windoze, there isn't a single distro that has that status. You may personally feel there is, but I have my reasons for saying this:

Feature M$ Linux note
Security LOL! yup -
Stability note- yup Catching up quick...
Hardware support LOL! yup -
Price $$$$$$ $0 -
Architecture ports ? LOL! 15? 30? Does this matter, really? (I applaud you though...)
UNIVERSAL installation format yup nope -
Ease of installation yup nope -
Central configuration yup nope -
Ease of use yup so-so -
Coherent development team yup nope (1 distro windoze, >25 Linux)
Support for closed source dev yup ???? -
Business/financial software LOADS ???? -
Easy to learn by just using yup LOL! -

The chart above is what all "don't know/care" users are thinking. Maybe not exactly, but somewhere in their thoughts of converting, this is it.

M$, as a corporation, is not worried about Linux. M$ knows that development efforts are SPREAD TOO THIN to be effective at creating a coherent product. At last count, I believe I found >25 distros. >25?!?!?! What the hell is the Linux community thinking, that they just want to make money? If this is supposed to be a "community", then why are there so many different *camps*? It is NOT necessary to make completely new distro just to do this or that.

The general population has elected not to be able to work on their own cars, radios, TV's, etc. Why should they consider their computer or OS to be any different? The general population does not know, or care of, the internal workings of the PC. Most people don't even know that windoze IS NOT THE PC! I became a computer tech by necessity because of M$, but they have (somewhat) good documentation. In my (NOT-SO) humble opinion, Linux documentation sucks! It seems like every time I look up a damn 'man page', it was written to a person with better knowledge of Linux than a newbie (which is the intended audience, right?). Are you all so wrapped up in your cubicle that you don't want anyone to learn this shit?

NEW LINUX STANDARD - You want to write a man page? If a complete newbie can't learn to use it without looking up less than 2 more pages, RE-WRITE THE DAMN THING!!!

I hear all these RAVE reviews, but they are all coming from people that have been using this shit so long, that they forgot that some of us still write BATCH files. (at least I still do...) Pull your head out of your collective asses, collaborate your damn work, THEN go off on your tangents!!!!

F*ck you to any distro that was created after the first few(and I mean FEW), because there is not a complete distro out there! Every one of them is just trying to reinvent the wheel. Yes, this offers diversity, BUT IT IS TOO DIVERSE. Is there really a reason to change so much between distros? Really people, shouldn't there be a "base OS" distro that includes only the kernel, shells, Xwindow, and a universal Linux installer, so that the distro is just an "extended" install? Then, at least no one could say "I can't install that package because it's only for (this or that) distro! I really think you CAN see the cavities in the back of your own teeth...

All these problems were predicted for the kernel (by the guy that made MINIX), but it is the OS that has this problem! Every one of you makes him look like a F'ING GENIUS! He (and Gates) look at you all and laugh! The Linux community may be a flock, but there is no shepherd! (Save for the kernel)

You have no chance for mass support, because YOU removed it... If there was ONE or TWO of everything, HELL YEAH, the corporate developers would jump on that! But there are so many programs that do the SAME DAMN THING, (just a different UI, or something important).

'Security, blahblahblahblahblah' you all sound like Charlie Brown's teacher! There is no order to the Linux world, like there is for the kernel. Out of the box, I can configure and compile a new kernel (kudos Linus), but I can't configure my system! That's not my fault... And if I could configure MY distro, that SURE AS HELL doesn't mean that I could configure a different one. Again, not MY fault. And F you, I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO BUY AN OS, otherwise I'd run win2k!

I have in my possession Redhat 9, and Slackware 10.1... Can I throw the software between them? I don't know, the documentation isn't good (SIMPLE) enough to direct me, or there isn't a converter for the packages... All the docs look like they are directed at people switching from Unix, not windoze! We (from-windoze-converts) can't read your F'ing minds! Or would you M$-wannabe asses feel insecure with your 'enterprise' (blatant F-U to home use) BS?

Did you all forget the rule K.I.S.S.? (KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID!)

Get your shit together, or quit posting your bullshit on web articles! You have no idea how stupid you make yourself look. "Linux has come a long way..." Yeah, sure, so has M$, but they have their ducks in a row. Let's see you do that...

Oh well, my words are destined to fall upon DEAF DAMN EARS! (Or a brain unwilling for open mindedness!)



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