The Letter

     Hey. How are you doing? Well I guess you can't answer that because, well, you aren't here to answer me... right... geez, look at me, I'm babbling. I must really be nervous. Do you ever get nervous when your about to tell your best friend something that may change your relationship completely? Probably not, I mean your Harry right. Okay, enough babbling Tom, okay, here goes. Ummm.... Harry, I love you. I know you probably don't feel the same about me, but well I don't know when it started. I think it was the first time I saw the fear on your cute face when that ferengi triedto sell you those jewels. Or maybe it was when we were tooken prisioners in that chute thing. How you helped me and how hot you looked with those cuts and bruises and with all that sweat running down your face. I really don't know. All I know is that I love you. You know how hard it is to not kiss you whenever we're together. Espeically when we're playing pool in Sandrines. I have no clue how you're going to respond, hell, I don't even know if I'm going to send this. But, well I guess I'll stop babbling and I hope I send it. Well, goodbye for now, please respond and I understand if you don't feel the same.


     Tom sat at his message console and stared at what he had wrote.
Should I send it or not? Before his mind knew what was happening his finger reached up and touched the "send" button. Finished. Tom was about to get up when his console beeped. It said he had an incoming message. He couldn't of read it that fast. It was from Harry, but it wasn't a response, it was a letter. Tom touched the "open" button on the screen and started to read:

     Hey, how are you doing? Well I guess you can't answer that because, hey, you aren't here. God, look at me, I'm babbling. I do that when I'm nervous. Do you ever get nervous when your about to tell your best friend something that........

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