
Here are postcards that other people have sent me, I only collect postcards that have actually been sent to me, not just brought back, although I like those too! hehe....I don't have a whole lot as of now, but who knows where some people are going to go to!


Ohio -from my brother Jared (july 2002) Colorado -from my cousin Taylor (August 2002) Oklahoma -from my grandma (march 1997) Nebraska -from my friend Jamie (june 2000) Pennsylvania -from my brother Jared (july 2002) Florida -from my cousin Taylor (november 1997) Connecticut -from Bob (February 2003) Massachusetts/Rhode Island -from Ali (August 2003) Maryland -from Ali (August 2003) New Jersey -from Ali (August 2003) Virginia -from Ali (August 2003) Arizona -from Ali (August 2003) Washington DC -from Jamie (June 2003) Indiana -from Ali (August 2003) Iowa -from Ali (August 2003) Kansas -from Ali (August 2003) Delaware -from Ali (August 2003) Michigan -from Ali (August 2003)

Other Countries

Jamaica -from my aunt's bf Bob (january 2002) The Cayman Islands -from my aunt's bf Bob (january 2002) Spain -from Ashley (April 2003)

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