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Level 2 - diploma for IT practioners:

Lesson Number:
Topics Covered:
Introduction to C/C++ Compilers
Input, Output and Libraries
Using Different Data Types
Initializing Variables and Arithmetic Operators
Declaring Constants and Preprocessor Directives
Comments, Errors, clrscr(), writing good readable programs
One Dimensional Arrays and Strings
Relational Operators, the switch statement and use of indentation
for loops
while and do ...while Loops
Functions, Local and Global Variables
using atoi(), atof(), strcpy(), toupper(), stdlib.h, ctype.h, string.h header files
syllabus of material above

Go here if you find the tutorials above a little bit too difficult to grasp. Go here for the 'beginner' tutorials.

Message Board
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Exam Papers - Assigments
Finished the tutorials above? - if so, try these exam papers. They have been written so that they cover alot of what is being taught in the tutorials above.

Multiple Choice Questions
Alternatively, if you can't bother doing the assigments, you can try to answer these multiple choice questions and test your C skills as they grow.

reference - every keyword, library, function

submit tutorial
if you want to submit your tutorial, send it by clicking the e-mail link above. In exchange for submitting your tutorial, a link to your web site, or e-mail link, or anything you want, will be found at the bottom of the tutorial. It will look something like - this tutorial was written by ........, click here to visit the author.

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