

The “Listening Center” is a place where students are able to practice their listening, and reading skills as well as how to follow directions. Students are able to listen to stories and to follow along in the book. They are also able to listen to directions and follow them as they hear them.

Teachers need to model how to:

·        Use and store materials

·        Use a tape player

·        Follow along in the story

·        Fill out response sheets



·        Tape players

·        Tapes of stories

·        Tapes of teachers, principals, parents, etc. reading stories)

·        Paper

·        Response sheets



·        Listen to a story and follow along in the book


·        Write about the story that you listened to


·        Write/draw the characters, setting, problem, and solution to the story


·        Draw your favorite part


·        Write about your favorite part


·        Talk about your favorite part with a friend


·        Answer questions about the story that you read


·        Follow directions as you listen to them. Example- “Draw a box. Draw a circle in the box.”


·        Retell the story to your group



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