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So, you know what climate change is all about (if not click here), and you want to do something about it. Well that's great as a starting point, because climate change is a very important issue in today's society and it is young people today who will be affected in the future.

Here are some initial ideas on what you can do to reduce your own carbon footprint:

1. When feeling cold – wrap up not turn up

It’s that time of year again; the clocks have gone back, the mornings are colder, evenings are darker and our central heating is turned on! After British Summer Time ends, people have a tendency to suddenly turn on their central heating systems. This may well be necessary, because of the lower temperatures, but there is no real need to keep the thermostat at about 25°C just to feel warm and snug whilst you wonder around in your t-shirt and shorts. By turning your thermostat down by even 1°C, you could not only reduce carbon emissions but also save on your fuel bills by up to 10%! Instead of simply turning the heating up when it gets cold, simply put on an extra layer to help keep you warm – an effortless way to reduce your carbon output.

2. Make your house green

It’s easy to waste electricity in our modern lifestyles, but we can ensure that all our equipment is efficient enough so that we save energy. Light Bulbs are a perfect example. A normal light bulb is very inefficient and uses lots of electricity. Comparatively, an energy-efficient light bulb uses less power, but also lasts longer! One energy-saving light bulb could save you £7 and 26kg of carbon each year, so think about the benefits when you switch all the light bulbs in your house!

3. Walk more, drive less

It’s all too easy to get in the car even when travelling for short distances, but this adds to global warming by increasing carbon dioxide emmisions and trapping more heat in the atmosphere. So, why not try and walk to the local shops or even cycle to your school, place of work, or local services such as the library. When travelling to and from school, why not operate car sharing schemes to reduce pollution. It may also help your parents as well! Any change, however small it may seem will reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide going in the atmosphere.

4. Food Miles Matter

When purchasing food from your local supermarket, think about where it has come from. For example, Pink Lady Apples may taste very nice, but most travel from New Zealand (over 11,000 miles away)and add a massive 4,000kg of carbon to the atmosphere. The issue of food miles is important to consider because food now accounts for almost 30% of goods that are transported by road. This travel adds significantly to the growth of carbon dioxide levels that are contributing to climate change. You can reduce your carbon footprint by purchasing fruit and vegetables from your local market, or even by just sticking to the UK grown foods in your supermarket.

5. Turn it off!

All of us seem to leave our electrical items on whether it be the television, computer, hi-fi or games console. Even leaving the computer on standby or not turning the television off from the screen all uses up electricity that was produced by burning fossil fuels that then caused carbon to be sent into the atmosphere. Electricity is actually one of the biggest producers of carbon emissions, so that means whenever you make a hot drink or turn the television on you are adding to the growing problem of global warming. The cost to your household is also great. Leaving the computer on standby for 2 hours a day will cost you about £20 a year - that is money that could be spent on a meal out or even a new game!

Try some of the ideas if you can. Most of them will not require much effort, but you will need to get used to the change. REMEMBER...every little bit YOU do will greatly help the environment.

For more ideas, and to calculate your current carbon footprint, visit the 'Act on CO2' website here

Check out the list of website links on climate change here




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"your future...your climate...take action now "


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