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Personal Scenarios

Here is your chance to show us what you have learnt from the website and the information provided. You will be presented with a number of scenarios and be presented with the question “...and you would?”

Scenario 1

You are travelling to a birthday party on a Sunday afternoon. The party is for someone in your class and will be at their house. Everyone in your class is going to be dropped off by their parents. It will take you 20 minutes by car.

…and you would?















If you were to travel by public transport, you would be reducing your carbon footprint because more people can travel together with only one vehicle. BUT, it is important to think about how much it would cost; do you have enough pocket money? Also, how would your parents feel about your travelling alone — have you done it before? Further to this, is there a direct bus/train route to your friend’s house and if not would you need to change or walk from the closest stop?

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A car share would work well if you have friends who live close-by. Since the whole class is going, it is likely that someone will be near you so this is a good option — if one parent is driving, 4 children can also travel; that is 3 cars being taken off the road! If you think about it, you are all going to the same place at the same time so why would you need to go in separate cars? BUT, there are some factors that need to be considered. Your mum or dad decide to car share they would have to travel to your other friends’ houses to pick them up, adding to journey time and increasing carbon emissions. Even if your friends were dropped at your house first, that is extra cars on the road, which defeats the point of a car share to reduce emissions. (Maybe your friends could walk/cycle to your house if it is close enough)

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Travelling alone would be very convenient for you as you can listen to your own music, talk to your parents and leave when you are ready. BUT, this seems an awful waste of space in your car (unless you have siblings and they are also being dropped by your parents). Also, how easy is it going to be to actually offset the emissions from travelling to and from the party? Is it practical and would you actually do it?

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Staying overnight at the house you have to be at is quite rude if you have not actually been invited round! The obvious advantage is that you do not need to travel anywhere to get there — but remember you do have to get back somehow! BUT, realistically the parents of the birthday child are likely to be very busy in preparing for the party and are unlikely to have invited you round unless maybe you are the best friend.

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Cycling is a great way of travelling with no carbon emissions. If you cycle regularly then this would be easy for you. BUT, there are some key problems here. The route to the party would include busy roads etc. so your parents may not be so keen. Even if you are allowed, the scenario says it will take 20 minutes by car. Since it is likely to take at least double this time you would have to leave earlier. Further to this, it may not be very practical as you would need somewhere to keep the bike safely at the party and be able to hold the present!

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Whilst there is no right or wrong answer for situations like this, there are certain “better” methods. Ultimately it would be up to you to decide the best way of travel and the ideal way for you as an individual to reduce your carbon footprint, but we have listed the “best” methods under two headings: practicality and best for carbon reducing.

Best for practicality:

Winner — Travel alone and offset carbon emissions.

Why? — it is most convenient for you and still helps the environment

Runner Up — Stay overnight at the birthday child’s house so you are already there

Best for carbon reducing:

Winner — Car-share

Why? — it takes more vehicles off the road so greatly reduced carbon footprint

Runner Up — Travel by public transport

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