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Welcome! This site has been created because there are a lot of people with access to the internet who want to practice this incredible Brazilian art but cannot find a teacher. Besides, in recent years (perhaps due to its increasing presence in movies, music videos and commercials) many small but eager groups have formed without an experienced teacher.

Of course, if you are lucky enough to be able to practice with an established group, that is definitely the best way to practice and improve. If you are not so fortunate, you are in a frustrating situation- you can practice on your own or with a group of friends.  For guidance you can use books, videos, and so on.  Now it is also possible for you to get a long-distance instructor. You have come to the right place for this.

If you decide to subscribe to the online lessons, you will be given instruction by a genuine Brazilian teacher. Your teacher will instruct you in appropriate exercises to advance and improve your skills. You will be able to ask questions and have them answered and send pictures or video clips of yourself performing and have them analyzed by an expert.

It is the eventual goal of this project to have more than one instructor. We also intend to add more video clips and pictures of exercises and movements, as well as rodas (actual games).

Here follows a testimonial by our first online student:

I have been training online here for a while now.  The lessons were geared to my level of experience and physical fitness, and suited me very well.  As I had no instructor living here, it was very nice to meet this group.  I had a choice of �do without� or �do it online with them�.  I�m glad I chose to do it with them.  NOW I�m doing things correctly even though there are no local schools.  A capoeirista from another city came to visit me and said my moves looked as good as the people he trained with, so I am glad I got started.

Another nice thing is that I can schedule my workouts around my teaching schedule at the college where I teach.  Some of my friends drive from 30 minutes to an hour one-way to train at their martial arts school.  In the same time that they are driving, I can get in a solid workout, and then get on with other activities.  The instructors have been easy to work with and have answered my questions thoroughly.

Maybe some day I will have a nearby school to train with, but until then I don�t have to delay learning and practicing my basics.

R.L.- Oklahoma

Interested?  Follow the rest of the links to make sure you know what's going on and then get in touch with us using the email address on the left of the page. If you would like to join the mailing list or discussion group, please enter your email address below.  

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This instrument is an integral part of the capoeira game


Au Batido







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