Unit 2

Hist�ria i Cultura (History and Culture)

The Catalan Flag

The Catalan flag, known as the senyera, is one of the oldest flags in Europe. There is documentary evidence of it since the 13th century but it may have even existed even before then. According to legend, Guifre el Pel�s, the count of Barcelona, marches his army into France to help his uncle, Carles el Calb, defend France from the Norman invasions. Guifre miraculously drives the Normans out but is mortally wounded by an arrow to the chest. As he lays dying Carles dips four of his fingers in his nephew�s blood and runs them across his nephew�s golden shield, thus creating the symbol of Catalan nationality that is still used today.

In this second unit you will learn the basics of ordering breakfast in a local cafe. This conversation is between you (tu) and the waiter (el cambrer).

Di�leg (Dialog):

Catalan Dialog English Translation
Tu : Hola, bon dia. Hello, good morning.
El Cambrer: Bon dia. Qu� voldr�? Good morning. What will you want?
Tu: Jo voldr� una truita de patata i pa amb tom�quet. I will want a potato omelette and bread with tomatoe.
El Cambrer: I per beure? And to drink?
Tu: Un suc de taronja, si us plau. An orange juice, please.
El Cambrer: Molt b�. Very well.
Tu: Gr�cies Thank you
Audio of this dialogue Here

Vocabulari i Frases (Vocabulary and Phrases):

Catalan English
bon dia good morning
qu� what?
voldr� will (you) want
jo I
voldr� (I) will want
una a (f.)
truita omelet
de of
patata potato
pa bread
amb with
tom�quet tomato
per for
beure to drink
un a (m.)
suc juice
taronja orange
si us plau please
molt very
gr�cies thank you

Practica (Practice):

1. Translate: "You say potato, I say tomato. Tomato, potato."

2. Translate: " I will want to drink tomato juice (juice of tomato)"

3. Translate: "Thank you for the potato omelet."

Respostes (Answers):

1. "Tu dius patata, jo dic tom�quet. Tom�quet, patata."
2. "Jo voldr� beure suc de tom�quet"
3. "Gr�cies per la truita de patata"

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