<BGSOUND SRC="long-live-the-pope.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Lisa's Home Page
Habemus papem , Benedict XVI!
My Info:
[email protected]
My Favorite Links:
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Knights of the Immaculata
I started this page about 4 years ago to share my Catholic faith here and make new friends. I became a full member of the Catholic Church in 1991, and I thought this site would be a great way to thank God for the gift of faith. About 2 years ago, I had the great joy of being my Mom's sponsor when she became Catholic!
    I have a few hobbies: I garden, read; play keyboard,  wooden spoons, Yahoo groups and chat.
    My apostolate is selling rosaries and books on eBay  and books on half.com and amazon.com. I also make albums for Webshots that include sample rosaries. My latest creations honor Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict XVI. Drop by and take a look!
    I was a member of a fantastic parish that has many vocations to the religious life and the priesthood due to our devotion to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
     I am also a member of the Knights of the Immaculata, who want to win all to Jesus through Mary, using all media. Luke Films  is a fine example of what a talanted Knight can do for Mary, as is CatholiCity.
Two of my favorite saints are St Fancis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal.
                 God bless you for stopping by!
My eBay auctions
JMJ products
Luke Films
My half.com items
Amazon.com listings
More Catholic resouces:
My Webshots Albums
The Vatican website
Zenit, news from Rome
Catholic Culture
New Advent
Institute on Religious Life
Catholic prayers and devotions
Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary
official site, cause of Pope John Paul II
Prayer for beatification of Pope John Paul II
thoughts of St. Francis de Sales
thoughts of St. Jane de Chantal
Text for "Long live the Pope", the song playing now:
Long live the Pope! His praises sound again and yet again;
His rule is over space and time; his throne the hearts of men:
All hail! the Shepherd King of Rome, the theme of loving song;
Let all the earth his glory sing, and heav'n the strain prolong,
Let all the earth his glory sing, and heav'n the strain prolong.

Beleaguered by the foes of earth, beset by hosts of hell,
He guards the loyal flock of Christ, a watchful sentinel:
And, yet amid the din and strife, the clash of mace and sword,
He bears alone the shepherd staff, this champion of the Lord,
He bears alone the shepherd staff, this champion of the Lord.

His signet is the Fisherman's, no sceptre does he bear;
In meek and lowly majesty, he rules from Peter's Chair;
And yet from every tribe and tongue, from every clime and zone,
Nine hundred million voices sing the glory of his throne,
Nine hundred million voices sing the glory of his throne.

St. Therese
St. Maximilian Kolbe
the newest Doctor of the Church
founder of the Knights of the Immaculata
Then raise the chant, with heart and voice, in church and school and home,
"Long live the Shepherd of the Flock, Long live the Pope of Rome!"
Almighty Father, bless his work, protect him in his ways,
Recieve his prayers, fulfill his hopes, and grant him "length of days",
Recieve his prayers, fulfill his hopes, and grant him "length of days".
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sacred Heart of Jesus
have mercy on us!
pray for us
O Mary, concieved without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you, and for all who do not have recourse to you, especially the enemies of the Church and those recommended to you.
Here are more pages, with a consecration of America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, enjoy and God bless America!
St Therese
Popes, Doctors My Star Trek page
USA consecration
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