Surgery Timeline

25 Nov 2001 - Emailed Menard's clinic for information regarding a female to male mastectomy surgery.

27 Nov 2001 - Received a packet of information regarding eligibility and criteria for surgery with Menard via email.

30 Nov 2001 - Wrote to Menard to request a surgery date, also stated that photos and letters from my therapist and endocrinologist would be sent in the near future.

30 Nov 2001 - Emailed shrink for letter. Sent letter to endo requesting medical information be sent to Menard.

10 Dec 2001 - Photos of chest sent to Menard.

14 Dec 2001 - Letter from my shrink sent to Menard.

20 Dec 2001 - Date of April 23, 2002 is set for surgery.

24 Dec 2001 - Received letter from Menard's office confirming surgery date, however, price for surgery quoted in letter was $400 more than first quote given by email. Emailed Menard's office to clear this up before deposit will be sent.

08 Jan 2002 - $2000 deposit paid to Menard. 

08 Jan 2002 - Made flight arrangements through

16 Mar 2002 - Pre-op testing done.

23 Mar 2002 - Ordered post-op binder (Dale #410).

26 Mar 2002 - Received pre-op test results that clears me for surgery.

30 Mar 2002 - Paid remaining $2300 balance.

20 Apr 2002 - Arrived in Montreal - stayed in the city..

21 Apr 2002 - Explored Montreal.

22 Apr 2002 - Arrived at the convalescence house. 

23 Apr 2002 - Awaken early in the morning, and was taken to the hospital by Dr. Brassad. Surgery done around noon. No complications.

24 Apr 2002 - Taken back to the convalescence house around 4:30 pm.

26 Apr 2002 - Drains were removed.

27 Apr 2002 - Left Montreal.

10 May 2002 - Saw my GP to have my right nipple looked at after having some wound separation.

My surgery experience

How I picked my surgeon


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Updated May 16, 2002

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