/* Copyright (c) 1999, Gary Yihsiang Hsiao. All Rights Reserved. bugs report to: ghsiao@rbcds.com or ghsiao@netzero.net Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. This software is distributed on an 'as is' basis without warranty. Release: 1.0 10-Aug-1999 */ #include "Gbiostream.h" #include <typeinfo> Gbistream& operator>>(Gbistream& bistr, bit_vector& bv) { while(!bv.empty()) bv.clear(); size_t size; bistr >> size; if(size > 0) for(int i=0; i < size; i++) { bool b; bistr >> b; bv.push_back(b); } return bistr; } Gbostream& operator<<(Gbostream& bostr, const bit_vector& bv) { size_t size = bv.size(); bostr << size; if(size > 0) for(bit_vector::const_iterator i = bv.begin(); i < bv.end(); ++i) bostr << *i; return bostr; } Gbiostream::Gbiostream():_err(2) { _err[0] = _err[1] = false; _idx = 0; } Gbiostream::~Gbiostream() { clear(); } void Gbiostream::clear() { _err[0] = _err[1] = false; _idx = 0; _data.resize(0); } bool Gbiostream::isFail() { return (_err[0])? false : true; } bool Gbiostream::isGood() { return (_err[1])? true : false; } void Gbiostream::operator=(const Gbiostream& biostr) { _err = biostr._err; _idx = biostr._idx; _data = biostr._data; } Gbiostream::operator const string& () { return _data; } Gbiostream::operator string& () { return _data; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(bool& b) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(bool).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } sz = sizeof(bool); _data.copy((char*)(&b), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(char& c) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(char).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } sz = sizeof(char); _data.copy((char*)(&c), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(unsigned& u) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(unsigned).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } sz = sizeof(unsigned); _data.copy((char*)(&u), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(short& s) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(short).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } sz = sizeof(short); _data.copy((char*)(&s), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(int& i) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(int).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } sz = sizeof(int); _data.copy((char*)(&i), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(long& l) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(long).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } sz = sizeof(long); _data.copy((char*)(&l), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(double& d) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(double).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } sz = sizeof(double); _data.copy((char*)(&d), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(long long& ll) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(long long).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } sz = sizeof(long long); _data.copy((char*)(&ll), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::getString(string& str) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(string).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { str.assign(_data, _idx, size); _idx += size; } str.resize(size); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(char*& pch) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(char*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pch = new char[size]; _data.copy(pch, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(bool*& pb) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(bool*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pb = new bool[size/sizeof(bool)]; _data.copy((char*)pb, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(unsigned*& pu) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(unsigned*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pu = new unsigned[size/sizeof(unsigned)]; _data.copy((char*)pu, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(short*& ps) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(short*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { ps = new short[size/sizeof(short)]; _data.copy((char*)ps, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(int*& pi) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(int*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pi = new int[size/sizeof(int)]; _data.copy((char*)pi, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(long*& pl) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(long*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pl = new long[size/sizeof(long)]; _data.copy((char*)pl, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(double*& pd) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(double*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pd = new double[size/sizeof(double)]; _data.copy((char*)pd, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(long long*& pll) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(long long*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pll = new long long[size/sizeof(long long)]; _data.copy((char*)pll, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(const char*& pcch) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(const char*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pcch = new char[size]; char* pch = const_cast<char*>(pcch); _data.copy(pch, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(const bool*& pb) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(const bool*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pb = new bool[size/sizeof(bool)]; bool* vec = const_cast<bool*>(pb); _data.copy((char*)vec, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(const unsigned*& pu) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(const unsigned*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pu = new unsigned[size/sizeof(unsigned)]; unsigned* vec = const_cast<unsigned*>(pu); _data.copy((char*)vec, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(const short*& ps) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(const short*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { ps = new short[size/sizeof(short)]; short* vec = const_cast<short*>(ps); _data.copy((char*)vec, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(const int*& pi) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(const int*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pi = new int[size/sizeof(int)]; int* vec = const_cast<int*>(pi); _data.copy((char*)vec, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(const long*& pl) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(const long*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pl = new long[size/sizeof(long)]; long* vec = const_cast<long*>(pl); _data.copy((char*)vec, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(const double*& pd) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(const double*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pd = new double[size/sizeof(double)]; double* vec = const_cast<double*>(pd); _data.copy((char*)vec, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::get(const long long*& pll) { size_t bfsz, sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&bfsz), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; const size_t type_size = bfsz;; char bf[type_size]; _data.copy((char*)(&bf), bfsz, _idx); _idx += bfsz; if(strcmp(typeid(long long*).name(), bf)) { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; } int size; sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.copy((char*)(&size), sz, _idx); _idx += sz; if(size > 0) { pll = new long long[size/sizeof(long long)]; long long* vec = const_cast<long long*>(pll); _data.copy((char*)vec, size, _idx); _idx += size; } return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(bool& b) { get(b); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(char& c) { get(c); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(unsigned& u) { get(u); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(short& s) { get(s); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(int& i) { get(i); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(long& l) { get(l); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(double& d) { get(d); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(long long& ll) { get(ll); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(string& src) { getString(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(char*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(bool*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(unsigned*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(short*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(int*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(long*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(double*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(long long*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(const char*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(const bool*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(const unsigned*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(const short*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(const int*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(const long*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(const double*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::operator>>(const long long*& src) { get(src); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const bool b) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(bool).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(bool).name(), type_size); size_t sz = sizeof(bool); _data.append((char*)(&b), sz); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const char c) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(char).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(char).name(), type_size); size_t sz = sizeof(char); _data.append((char*)(&c), sz); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const unsigned u) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(unsigned).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(unsigned).name(), type_size); size_t sz = sizeof(unsigned); _data.append((char*)(&u), sz); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const short s) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(short).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(short).name(), type_size); size_t sz = sizeof(short); _data.append((char*)(&s), sz); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const int i) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(int).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(int).name(), type_size); size_t sz = sizeof(int); _data.append((char*)(&i), sz); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const long l) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(long).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(long).name(), type_size); size_t sz = sizeof(long); _data.append((char*)(&l), sz); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const double d) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(double).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(double).name(), type_size); size_t sz = sizeof(double); _data.append((char*)(&d), sz); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const long long ll) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(long long).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(ll).name(), type_size); size_t sz = sizeof(long long); _data.append((char*)(&ll), sz); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::putString(const string& str) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(string).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(string).name(), type_size); int size = str.size(); size_t sz = sizeof(size_t); _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); if(size > 0) { _data.append(str.data(), size); } return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const char* pch) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(const char*).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(const char*).name(), type_size); char ch='\0'; size_t size; size_t sz = sizeof(size_t); if(pch == NULL) { size = 0; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); } else if(*pch == '\0') { size = 1; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); _data.append(&ch, sizeof(char)); } else { size = strlen(pch)+1; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); _data.append(pch, size); } return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const bool* pb, size_t n) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(const bool*).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(const bool*).name(), type_size); size_t size; size_t sz = sizeof(size_t); if(pb == NULL || n == 0) { size = 0; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); } else { size = sizeof(bool)*n; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); _data.append((char*)pb, size); } return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const unsigned* pu, size_t n) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(const unsigned*).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(const unsigned*).name(), type_size); size_t size; size_t sz = sizeof(size_t); if(pu == NULL || n == 0) { size = 0; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); } else { size = sizeof(unsigned)*n; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); _data.append((char*)pu, size); } return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const short* ps, size_t n) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(const short*).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(const short*).name(), type_size); size_t size; size_t sz = sizeof(size_t); if(ps == NULL || n == 0) { size = 0; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); } else { size = sizeof(short)*n; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); _data.append((char*)ps, size); } return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const int* pi, size_t n) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(const int*).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(const int*).name(), type_size); size_t size; size_t sz = sizeof(size_t); if(pi == NULL || n == 0) { size = 0; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); } else { size = sizeof(int)*n; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); _data.append((char*)pi, size); } return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const long* pl, size_t n) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(const long*).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(const long*).name(), type_size); size_t size; size_t sz = sizeof(size_t); if(pl == NULL || n == 0) { size = 0; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); } else { size = sizeof(long)*n; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); _data.append((char*)pl, size); } return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const double* pd, size_t n) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(const double*).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(const double*).name(), type_size); size_t size; size_t sz = sizeof(size_t); if(pd == NULL || n == 0) { size = 0; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); } else { size = sizeof(double)*n; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); _data.append((char*)pd, size); } return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::put(const long long* pll, size_t n) { size_t type_size = strlen(typeid(const long long*).name())+1; _data.append((char*)(&type_size), sizeof(size_t)); _data.append(typeid(const long long*).name(), type_size); size_t size; size_t sz = sizeof(size_t); if(pll == NULL || n == 0) { size = 0; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); } else { size = sizeof(long long)*n; _data.append((char*)(&size), sz); _data.append((char*)pll, size); } return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const bool b) { put(b); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const char c) { put(c); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const unsigned u) { put(u); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const short s) { put(s); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const int i) { put(i); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const long l) { put(l); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const double d) { put(d); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const long long ll) { put(ll); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const string& src) { putString(src); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::operator<<(const char* src) { put(src); return *this; } Gbostream& Gbiostream::addStr(const char* bf, size_t size) { _data.append(bf, size); return *this; } Gbistream& Gbiostream::copyStr(char* pc, size_t size) { _data.copy(pc, size, _idx); _idx += size; return *this; } void Gbiostream::set_error() { _err[0] = true; _err[1] = true; }
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