// saved from url // http://www-cs.canisius.edu/PL_TUTORIALS/C++/EXAMPLES/MRD/SRC/command.c --> //-------------------------------- command.c ------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "expressions.h" #include "relation.h" extern parseline parms; /* SELECT select oldrelation newrelation field1 > value1 or field2 = field2 ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 */ void select_command () { char oldrelation[100]; speclist comps; relation *oldr, *newr; strcpy (oldrelation, parms.word(1)); oldr = new relation; oldr->load (oldrelation); comps.addspec (' ', parms.word(3), parms.word(4), parms.word(5)); int wordsleft = parms.size() - 6; int k = 6; while (wordsleft > 0) { comps.addspec ((parms.word(k))[0], parms.word(k+1), parms.word(k+2), parms.word(k+3)); k += 4; wordsleft -= 4; } newr = oldr->select (comps); newr->save (parms.word(2)); delete oldr; delete newr; } /* CROSS cross relation1 relation2 newrelation 0 1 2 3 */ void cross_command () { char rel1name[100], rel2name[100]; relation *rel1, *rel2, *newrel; strcpy (rel1name, parms.word(1)); rel1 = new relation; rel1->load (rel1name); strcpy (rel2name, parms.word(2)); rel2 = new relation; rel2->load (rel2name); newrel = rel1->cross(rel2); newrel->save (parms.word(3)); delete rel1; delete rel2; delete newrel; } /* JOIN join relation1 field1 relation2 field2 newrelation 0 1 2 3 4 5 */ void join_command () { char rel1name[100], rel2name[100]; relation *rel1, *rel2, *newrel; char field1[50], field2[50]; strcpy (rel1name, parms.word(1)); rel1 = new relation; rel1->load (rel1name); strcpy (field1, parms.word(2)); strcpy (rel2name, parms.word(3)); rel2 = new relation; rel2->load (rel2name); strcpy (field2, parms.word(4)); newrel = rel1->ejoin(rel2, field1, field2); newrel->save (parms.word(5)); delete rel1; delete rel2; delete newrel; } /* DIFF diff relation1 field1 relation2 field2 newrelation 0 1 2 3 4 5 */ void diff_command () { relation old1, old2, *newone; old1.load (parms.word(1)); old2.load (parms.word(3)); newone = old1.difference (parms.word(2), &old2, parms.word(4)); newone->save (parms.word(5)); delete newone; } /* PROJECT project relation1 newrelation field1 field2 field3 ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 */ void project_command () { char fieldnames[1000]; relation *oldr, *newr; oldr = new relation; oldr->load (parms.word(1)); int wordsleft = parms.size() - 3; int i = 3; strcpy (fieldnames, ""); while (wordsleft > 0) { strcat (fieldnames, parms.word(i)); strcat (fieldnames, " "); i++; wordsleft--; } newr = oldr->project (fieldnames); newr->save (parms.word(2)); delete newr; delete oldr; } /* APPEND append relation1 relation2 newrelation 0 1 2 3 */ void append_command () { char rel1name[100], rel2name[100]; relation *rel1, *rel2; strcpy (rel1name, parms.word(1)); rel1 = new relation; rel1->load (rel1name); strcpy (rel2name, parms.word(2)); rel2 = new relation; rel2->load (rel2name); rel1->append(rel2); rel1->save (parms.word(3)); delete rel1; delete rel2; } /* PRINT print relation1 0 1 */ void print_command () { relation *oldr; oldr = new relation; oldr->load (parms.word(1)); printf ("\n\n"); oldr->printheader (stdout); oldr->print(); printf ("\n\n"); delete oldr; } /* INFO info relation1 0 1 */ void info_command () { relation *oldr; oldr = new relation; oldr->load (parms.word(1)); oldr->info(); delete oldr; } /* SORT sort oldrelation newrelation aord field1 0 1 2 3 4 aord=a or d (for ascending or descending order) */ void sort_command () { char oldrelation[100]; char whichfield[50]; relation *oldr; strcpy (oldrelation, parms.word(1)); oldr = new relation; oldr->load (oldrelation); strcpy (whichfield, parms.word(4)); oldr->sort(whichfield, (parms.word(3))[0] == 'a'); oldr->save(parms.word(2)); delete oldr; } /* STATS stats oldrelation newrelation field1 0 1 2 3 */ void stats_command () { char oldrelation[100]; char whichfield[50]; relation *oldr, *newr; strcpy (oldrelation, parms.word(1)); oldr = new relation; oldr->load (oldrelation); strcpy (whichfield, parms.word(3)); newr = oldr->summarystats(whichfield); newr->save(parms.word(2)); delete oldr; delete newr; } /* NUMBER number oldrelation newrelation 0 1 2 */ void number_command () { relation *oldr, *newr; oldr = new relation; oldr->load (parms.word(1)); newr = oldr->addseqnums(); newr->save(parms.word(2)); delete oldr; delete newr; } /* UNIQUE unique oldrelation newrelation 0 1 2 */ void unique_command () { relation *oldr, *newr; oldr = new relation; oldr->load (parms.word(1)); newr = oldr->copy(); newr->unique(); newr->save(parms.word(2)); delete oldr; delete newr; } /* ADDRECORD addrecord relation 0 1 */ static void add_command () { relation current; current.load (parms.word(1)); current.addrecord(); current.save (parms.word(1)); } /* CHANGEVALUE changevalue relation recnum fieldname newvalue 0 1 2 3 4 */ static void change_command () { relation current; current.load (parms.word(1)); int recnum = atoi(parms.word(2)); if (recnum >= current.numrecords) { printf ("Not that many records!\n"); return; } current.setcurrent(recnum); current.setvalue (parms.word(3), parms.word(4)); current.save (parms.word(1)); } /* RENAMEFIELD renamefield relation fieldname newname 0 1 2 3 */ void rename_field_command () { relation current; current.load (parms.word(1)); if (current.findfield(parms.word(2)) == -1) { printf ("No such field!\n"); return; } if (current.findfield(parms.word(3)) != -1) { printf ("There is already a field with this name!\n"); return; } current.changefieldname (parms.word(2), parms.word(3)); current.save (parms.word(1)); } /* CHANGEWIDTH changewidth relation fieldname newwidth 0 1 2 3 */ void change_printwidth_command() { relation current; char fieldname[50]; current.load (parms.word(1)); strcpy (fieldname, parms.word(2)); if (current.findfield(fieldname) == -1) { printf ("No such field!\n"); return; } current.changefieldwidth(fieldname, atoi(parms.word(3))); current.save (parms.word(1)); } /* DELETERECORD deleterecord relation recnum 0 1 2 */ static void del_command () { relation current; current.load(parms.word(1)); current.delrecord (atoi(parms.word(2))); current.save(parms.word(1)); } /* ADDFIELD addfield relation fieldname datatype printwidth defaultvalue 0 1 2 3 4 5 */ static void addfield_command () { relation current; current.load (parms.word(1)); char fieldname[50], datatype; strcpy (fieldname, parms.word(2)); int width = atoi(parms.word(4)); datatype = (parms.word(3))[0]; current.addfield (fieldname, current.numfields, datatype, width); char defaultvalue[100]; strcpy (defaultvalue, parms.word(5)); for (int i=0; i<current.numrecords; i++) current.addfieldvalue (parms.word(2), i, defaultvalue); current.save (parms.word(1)); } // The following is very tricky. The parseline class allows a lookup // function to be passed in as a parameter, but it can only have a // single parameter, a character string, so we cannot also have a relation // parameter. Thus, this HAS to be a global variable. relation *xcurrent; static double mylookup (char *fieldname) { if (xcurrent->findfield (fieldname) == -1) { printf ("No such field: %s\n", fieldname); return 0.0; } return xcurrent->getvalueD (fieldname); } /* CALCFIELD calcfield oldrelation fieldname "arithmetic expression" 0 1 2 3 */ static void calcfield_command () { xcurrent = new relation; xcurrent->load (parms.word(1)); char fieldname[100]; strcpy (fieldname, parms.word(2)); if (xcurrent->findfield(fieldname) == -1) { printf ("No such field.\n"); return; } char expression[2000]; strcpy (expression, parms.word(3)); arithparser ap; /* Now go through the relation and change each field */ xcurrent->setcurrent (0); /* rewind */ while (1) { double newvalue = ap.parse (expression, mylookup); xcurrent->setvalue (fieldname, newvalue); if (xcurrent->atend()) break; xcurrent->advance(); } xcurrent->save (parms.word(1)); delete xcurrent; } /* RETYPE retype oldrelation field1 field2 0 1 2 3 */ static void retype_field_command () { relation current; current.load (parms.word(1)); char field1[100], field2[100]; strcpy (field1, parms.word(2)); strcpy (field2, parms.word(3)); if (current.findfield(field1) == -1) { printf ("No such field as %s\n", field1); return; } if (current.findfield(field2) == -1) { printf ("No such field as %s\n", field2); return; } char type1 = current.getfieldtype(field1); char type2 = current.getfieldtype(field2); if (type1 == type2) { printf ("These are the same type. No conversion necessary.\n"); return; } /* Now go through the relation and put into field2 the value of field1 converted to the new type */ current.setcurrent (0); /* rewind */ if (type1 == 'c' && type2 == 'd') { while (1) { double newvalue = atof (current.getvalueC(field1)); current.setvalue (field2, newvalue); if (current.atend()) break; current.advance(); } } else if (type1 == 'c' && type2 == 'i') { while (1) { int newvalue = atoi (current.getvalueC(field1)); current.setvalue (field2, newvalue); if (current.atend()) break; current.advance(); } } else if (type1 == 'd' && type2 == 'i') { while (1) { int newvalue = int(current.getvalueD(field1)); current.setvalue (field2, newvalue); if (current.atend()) break; current.advance(); } } else if (type1 == 'd' && type2 == 'c') { while (1) { char newvalue[100]; sprintf (newvalue, "%15.6f", current.getvalueD(field1)); current.setvalue (field2, newvalue); if (current.atend()) break; current.advance(); } } else if (type1 == 'i' && type2 == 'd') { while (1) { double newvalue = double (current.getvalueI(field1)); current.setvalue (field2, newvalue); if (current.atend()) break; current.advance(); } } else if (type1 == 'i' && type2 == 'c') { while (1) { char newvalue[100]; sprintf (newvalue, "%d", current.getvalueI(field1)); current.setvalue (field2, newvalue); if (current.atend()) break; current.advance(); } } current.save (parms.word(1)); } void mrdcommand (char *line) { parms.set(line); if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "select") == 0) select_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "project") == 0) project_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "cross") == 0) cross_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "join") == 0) join_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "diff") == 0) diff_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "append") == 0) append_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "print") == 0) print_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "sort") == 0) sort_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "stats") == 0) stats_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "number") == 0) number_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "unique") == 0) unique_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "addrecord") == 0) add_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "changevalue") == 0) change_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "renamefield") == 0) rename_field_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "changewidth") == 0) change_printwidth_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "deleterecord") == 0) del_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "addfield") == 0) addfield_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "calcfield") == 0) calcfield_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "retype") == 0) retype_field_command (); else if (strcmp (parms.word(0), "info") == 0) info_command (); else printf ("Unrecognized command!\n"); }
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