Carnosine Research

The Russians probably used carnosine to boost athletic performance in the Olympics.

What is it?

Carnosine Boosters is a naturally-occurring dipeptide discovered in Russia in 1900. It is made up of amino acids Beta-Alanine and L-Histidine.

Where is it found?

Carnosine is found in skeletal muscle, heart, and brain.

What does it do?

Carnosine is recognized today for its remarkable potential as a highly effective anti-aging nutrient.

Detoxify muscles in the best place � fast twitch fibers

Antioxidant, buffering, free radical scavenging and even neurotransmitter properties are attributed to Carnosine. Carnosine is found primarily in type II muscle fibers. These "fast-twitch" fibers are important for explosive movements such as sprinting and weight training.

Train Harder and Longer

Increasing muscle Carnosine concentrations are important to athletes because it increases intramuscular hydrogen ion (H+) buffering capacity. And the production of H+ is the result of energy release, leading to a burning sensation, and muscle fatigue. Carnosine increases your ability to work harder by preventing your muscle from becoming too acidic during times of stress by picking up Hydrogen ions. More Carnosine in muscle means you can keep muscle acid in check and train harder and longer.

Prevent Muscle Injuries, speed recovery times

Carnosine is a natural substrate for the production of Nitric Oxide. In fact it is the true substrate for NOS (nitric oxide synthase) activity, which is the true enzyme that is responsible for generating Nitric Oxide.

High-intensity performance causes oxidative stress in the muscles and results in depleted Carnosine stores. The free radicals produced through high intensity muscular activity cause lipid peroxidation as well as carbonylation of proteins and phospholipids. This causes proteins to break up in a process known as proteolysis. Since protein carbonylation precedes the loss of membrane integrity, it may be associated with the toxic process leading to cell aging and fatality. Carnosine combats these reactions if available.

Reverse muscle loss and muscle tone due to aging

Carnosine has been found to increase skin firmness and it decreases in production with age. It is difficult to take as a supplement since it does not absorb well. When taken in an expensive supplement, it has been found to increase its own production.

A new nanotechnology patch using reflective light wave antennas that run off your body heat allows a boost in the production of carnosine.

Internet Links for Carnosine

Amino Acid:




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