October 2005 Newsletter

October Themes:

Oct 3 – 7: Thanksgiving

Crafts: Hand Turkey, Colouring Pages

Songs: Turkey Walk, Three Turkey Gobblers

Books: Cliffords Thanksgiving

Oct 10 – 14: Apples and Pumpkins

Crafts: Apple Painting

Songs: 10 Little Pumpkins, Pumpkin Head

Books: 10 Apples Up On Top, Take One Home Free

Oct 17 - 21: Fall

Activities: Leaf Hunt

Books: Picture Purfect, Fall is For Friends, Tigger Bounces into Fall

Crafts: Leaf Rubbings, Leaf Art

Songs: Little Leaves, Fall Leaves, Raking Leaves, Scarecrow

Oct 24 – 28: Halloween

Crafts: Spider, Colouring Pages

Songs: Jack-O Lantern, 5 Little Goblins, Halloween Time

Books: Care Bear Trick or Treat, Spooky Fun House

Activities: Dressing up in Costumes, Halloween Fun


Special Events:

Halloween Party: Oct 25

Bring childs costume

What Does your Child Learn At Little Leapers?

Fine Motor Development: Small muscle control and eye /hand coordination are developed through the following activities:

finger play, self-feeding, dressing, bead stringing, puzzles, shape sorter, cutting with scissors, colouring, painting and drawing, printing

Gross Motor Development: Large muscle control is developed through the following activities:

running, climbing stairs, ride-ons, dancing, circle games, crawling through tunnels, playground equipment, playing ball

Cognitive: Understanding concepts, thinking, reasoning and problem solving are encouraged through the following activities:

puzzles, story telling and reading, songs and games, cause and effect (Discovery toys boat and ball, filling and dumping), blocks, shape sorter, play dough, colour and shape games, matching games, peek-a-boo, hide and find games

Creative and Sensory: Imagination and self-expression are developed through the following activities:

sand and water play, play dough, crafts, painting and colouring, pretend play (Fisher Price little people toys, play kitchen, dress-up), music and instruments, songs and stories that encourage input from the children, dancing, cooking and baking

Social, Emotionial and Language: A childs ability to express and manage their feelings and to communicate and get along with others are developed through the following activities:

circle games, songs, stories, picture books, taking turns, encouraging self-help skills, offering choices, labelling and pre-reading activities, outings to Early Years Centre, demonstrating manners and respect, sharing, playing coorperative games, pretend play (dress-up, play kitchen, play cleaning)





Ideas and input from parents about themes and activities are always welcome!






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