
A Leap For An Unknown Soldier

Maryland, 1975. Sam has Leaped into a psychiatrist at Bethesda Naval Hospital. A newly released POW just off the plane from Vietnam - a Lieutenant Jhon Doe - has been admitted for psychiatric evaluation.

But when Sam walks into Doe's room for the first time, he realizes this soldier has a name to go with his face: Lieutenant Al Calavicci.

Now Sam must think fast, because some unhappy Pentagon officials have questions for Al. Questions about his imprisonment. His captors. And his reportes treason against United States of America...



My Two Cents...

If I could, I would have filled the above line with a thousand stars.

Once again a novel that reaches deep into the soul of Al, and does a wonderful job in exploring all the hurt that he has left from his captive in 'Nam.

This is without any doubt my favorite Quantum Leap novel of all times, one that measures to the episodes "The Leap Home 1-2" and "Shock Theater" in the excellence of the story and the emotions that it rises in the reader.

Any more words that I will say about this book won't do it any justice…a work of art in the Quantum Leap universe.



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