
Here's How It All Began!

Dr. Sam Beckett Wasn't always a Leaper. And Admiral Al Calavicci wasn't always a holographic image. In 1993, at Stallion's Gate, New Mexico, Sam and Al were ordinary men with extraordinary ambitions...

Project Quantum Leap was only a dream.

What was the secret that made Ziggy much more than a machine? Why did Sam really want to travel in time? Where was Al that fateful winter night? And who almost destroyed the dream before it began?

The answers are just a Leap away...



My Two Cents...

This novel takes off right from where "Too Close For Comfort" left us. Readers who haven't read "Too Close For Comfort" before reading this one would probably be a bit confused from the first chapters, but it won't damage the rest of the reading.

So this novel tells "the untold story of how it all began"; but you have to keep in mind that it's probably only one of the ways that it all began, and definitely not the first one.

Confused? Let me explain myself…

As I've said in the beginning, this novel takes off from the end of another novel. That means that the history that's told in this novel happens after Sam already changed history at least once - which means that it's not really "how it all began"…not it in the first time anyway.

But don't let that fact turn you away from this book. For start, it's probably 90% the same way as it was the first time, and even if it wasn't, this book is wonderful in understanding all that happened before that fatal first leap. It tells us everything that we always waned to know about the project - the reason that pushed Sam to time travel, the reason that Ziggy is what "she" is, the reason that Al is the only one that can contact Sam in the past…and the reason that Sam took that fatal step into the accelerator even though he knew that it wasn't ready. It leaves you with the feeling that now you really do know everything there is to know about the history of Sam, Al and Project Quantum Leap.

An interesting novel that every Quantum Leap lover must read.



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